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Considerations for measuring & test equipment (M&TE) resolution

  • November 2018
  • Number of views: 8261
  • Article rating: No rating

Accuracy and precision of measuring & test equipment (M&TE) have been topics of previous Currents articles (November and December 2014). A related topic that was not covered in the previous articles is resolution. The Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology document JCGM 200:2012 defines resolution as “the smallest change in a quantity being measured that causes a perceptible change in the corresponding indication.” Simplified, it’s the smallest difference that can be measured by the subject equipment. The accuracy of the M&TE must be greater than (less accurate) or equal to the resolution. That is, the M&TE must be able to indicate the value that is compared to the standard during calibration.

Let's briefly revisit the importance of accuracy and precision.

Consideraciones para la resolución de los equipos de prueba & medida (M&TE)

  • November 2018
  • Number of views: 8619
  • Article rating: 5.0
FREE for Members of EASA

La precisión y exactitud de los equipos de prueba & medida (M&TE) han sido tratadas en artículos previos de Currents (noviembre y diciembre de 2014). Un tema relacionado que no fue cubierto en dichos artículos es la resolución. Este artículo cubrirá ese tema.

A closer look at accuracy of measuring and test equipment

  • November 2014
  • Number of views: 4727
  • Article rating: No rating

Inspection and testing are two of the most important activities performed by service centers. The service center should be focused on minimizing measurement error such that the measurement values are as close to actual values as needed to properly evaluate the measured item.

The importance of calibration in the service center

  • March 2014
  • Number of views: 3940
  • Article rating: No rating

Motor repair businesses rely upon the quality of their company’s employees and equipment. Documentation is required more often by customers to satisfy their reliability engineers. Supplying erroneous data, even if it is unintentional, can be very disappointing to a customer.

Instrumentation that is not providing correct information can result in inaccurate diagnosis. This could mean returning a motor that still needs work, or putting unnecessary labor into a customer’s product. Neither of these is desirable and could result in customer dissatisfaction. With more of today’s equipment designed to run at full current and many times into the service factor, the margin for error is drastically reduced.

Improving the Repair Process for Optimum Productivity

  • June 2005
  • Number of views: 4173
  • Article rating: No rating
Convention presentation

We all know that seemingly small time savings can significantly improve the bottom line. For a service center with a 12% return on investment (ROI), shaving a few minutes off each job is the equivalent of adding 2 manmonths of billing per productive employee. This paper, from the 2005 EASA Convention, provides many tips for increaseing productivity.

Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors

Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors - coverThis 40-page booklet provides great advice for obtaining the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors.

This booklet covers topics such as:

  • Installation, startup and baseline information
  • Operational monitoring and maintenance
  • Motor and baseline installation data
  • How to read a motor nameplate
  • Motor storage recommendations



EASA/AEMT Rewind Study

EASA Rewind Study cover

The Effect of Repair/Rewinding on Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors
Tests prove Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors can be rewound without degrading efficiency.


ANSI/EASA AR100-2020

ANSI/EASA AR100-2015 cover

Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus
This is a must-have guide to the repair of rotating electrical machines. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.



EASA Technical Manual

EASA Technical Manual cover

Revised May 2024
The EASA Technical Manual is the association's definitive and most complete publication. It's available FREE to members in an online format. Members can also download PDFs of the entire manual or individual sections.