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Synchronous Reluctance Motor Basics

  • July 2020
  • Number of views: 9632
  • Article rating: 2.0

Advancement in power electronics over the last few decades has made it possible to utilize a variety of rotating electric machines that would otherwise not be feasible. One such class of machines is called reluctance machines because of the way they produce an electromagnetic torque. A reluctance machine is an electric machine in which torque is produced by the tendency of its movable part to move to a position where the inductance of the excited winding is maximized.

Fundamentos de los Motores Sincrónicos

  • July 2020
  • Number of views: 6641
  • Article rating: 1.3

Los avances en la electrónica de potencia en las últimas décadas han permitido el uso de una variedad de máquinas eléctricas rotativas que de otro modo no sería factible. Una de ellas se denomina máquina de reluctancia debido a la forma en la que dichas máquinas producen un torque electromagnético. Una máquina de reluctancia es una máquina eléctrica en la cual el torque se produce por la tendencia de su parte móvil a moverse a una posición donde se maximiza la inductancia del devanado excitado.

Getting to Know Reluctance Machines

  • June 2020
  • Number of views: 7144
  • Article rating: 5.0
FREE for Members of EASA
Convention presentation

This recording explores features of synchronous and switched reluctance machines.

Switched Reluctance Motor Basics

  • March 2020
  • Number of views: 7871
  • Article rating: No rating

Service centers are seeing an increase in the number of SRMs received for repair, and some of the technicians encountering them are unfamiliar with how they work. As with any other rotating machine, a basic understanding of operating principles can be useful in troubleshooting and repair. One of the most critical things for service center personnel to understand upfront is that these machines cannot be operated without a special drive, which typically would need to be supplied by the end-user or the manufacturer.

Fundamentos de los Motores de Reluctancia Conmutada

  • March 2020
  • Number of views: 7243
  • Article rating: No rating

Los centros de servicio están notando un incremento en el número de SRMs que reciben para reparar y algunos de los técnicos no están familiarizados con su funcionamiento. Como cualquier otra máquina rotativa, un conocimiento básico de los principios de funcionamiento puede ayudar a detectar problemas y durante la reparación. Uno de los puntos más críticos para el personal del centro de servicios es entender de antemano que estas máquinas no pueden ser operadas sin un drive especial, el cual normalmente necesita ser suministrado por el usuario final o el fabricante.

Principles of Medium & Large AC Motors, 1st Edition - IEC

  • February 2020
  • Number of views: 57911
  • Article rating: 3.9

This manual covers horizontal and vertical squirrel-cage induction motors in the 300 to 5,000 horsepower range, low- and medium-voltage. Most of the principles covered apply to other sizes as well. This manual focuses primarily on IEC motors and standards.

Familiarizandose con los bobinados fraccionarios concentrados-FSCW

  • March 2019
  • Number of views: 7562
  • Article rating: 5.0

Los bobinados fraccionarios concentrados, en inglés Fractional-Slot Concentrated Windings (FSCW), han sido empleados durante décadas, principalmente en máquinas pequeñas. Sin embargo, el avance continuo en la electrónica de potencia junto con la necesidad de tener máquinas más eficientes y con mayor densidad de potencia está aumentando el uso de este tipo de bobinados en máquinas de diferentes tipos y tamaños.

Getting to know fractional-slot concentrated windings (FSCW)

  • March 2019
  • Number of views: 13280
  • Article rating: No rating

Fractional-slot concentrated windings (FSCW) have been used for decades, primarily in small machines. But continued technological advancement in power electronics along with the need for more efficient and power-dense machines is increasing use of FSCW in a variety of machine types and sizes.

Trends & Solutions: Induction, Synchronous, DC and Wound Rotor Motors

  • July 2013
  • Number of views: 9433
  • Article rating: No rating
Convention presentation

Is the induction motor the preferred answer in industrial drive applications? What is happening to the synchronous, DC and wound rotor motor (WRM) in those applications?

Synchronous motor testing tips, procedures and background

  • January 2005
  • Number of views: 17331
  • Article rating: 4.6

Proper testing of a synchronous motor is crucial for validating repair, reconditioning or remanufacture. There are several types of synchronous motors and a brief description of each will be given prior to discussing testing.

Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors

Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors - coverThis 40-page booklet provides great advice for obtaining the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors.

This booklet covers topics such as:

  • Installation, startup and baseline information
  • Operational monitoring and maintenance
  • Motor and baseline installation data
  • How to read a motor nameplate
  • Motor storage recommendations



EASA/AEMT Rewind Study

EASA Rewind Study cover

The Effect of Repair/Rewinding on Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors
Tests prove Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors can be rewound without degrading efficiency.


ANSI/EASA AR100-2020

ANSI/EASA AR100-2015 cover

Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus
This is a must-have guide to the repair of rotating electrical machines. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.



EASA Technical Manual

EASA Technical Manual cover

Revised May 2024
The EASA Technical Manual is the association's definitive and most complete publication. It's available FREE to members in an online format. Members can also download PDFs of the entire manual or individual sections.