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Cómo efectuar una "prueba de impacto" para resonancia

  • July 2024
  • Number of views: 1664
  • Article rating: No rating

Cuando la resonancia causa una vibración excesiva, es importante identificar la frecuencia natural y la forma modal de la vibración. Una simple prueba de impacto (bump test), realizada a máquina parada, es un buen primer paso para identificar la frecuencia natural.

How to Conduct a “Bump Test” for Resonance

  • July 2024
  • Number of views: 2067
  • Article rating: No rating

When resonance does cause excessive vibration, it is important to identify the natural frequency and the mode shape of the vibration. A simple bump test, conducted with the machine not running, is a good first step in identifying the natural frequency.

Converting Vibration Units: Process and Solutions

  • March 2024
  • Number of views: 1657
  • Article rating: No rating

As we communicate internationally, language barriers persist. In the technical fields, the metric-imperial units clash is slowly diminishing. Many vibration analysts are “bilingual” in that respect and are comfortable using either system. But for more casual users who may only encounter vibration data in regard to meeting specs, unfamiliar vibration amplitude units can be a challenge. 

Convirtiendo Unidades de Vibración: Proceso y Soluciones

  • March 2024
  • Number of views: 1356
  • Article rating: No rating

A medida que nos comunicamos internacionalmente, persisten las barreras del idioma y en el campo técnico, el choque entre unidades métricas y en pulgadas está disminuyendo lentamente. Muchos analistas de vibraciones son “bilingües” y se sienten cómodos utilizando cualquiera de los sistemas. Pero para los usuarios ocasionales que tal vez solo encuentren datos de vibración con respecto al cumplimiento de las especificaciones, las unidades de amplitud de vibración desconocidas pueden ser un reto.

The Shape of What’s Shaking

Identify and visualize natural frequencies that cause resonance

  • May 2022
  • Number of views: 3981
  • Article rating: .8
Trade press article — Plant Engineering

This webcast will focus on identifying resonance and then move to methods that help visualize the vibratory motion, helping to identify solutions.

Vibration Spectrum Analysis Tips

  • December 2021
  • Number of views: 8825
  • Article rating: 3.0

The most basic tool a vibration analyst uses is the vibration spectrum. The spectrum is a graphic illustration of the frequencies present in a vibration signal and their relative amplitudes. This article provides a basic overview, examines settings and provides tips.

Consejos para Analizar los Espectros de Vibración

  • December 2021
  • Number of views: 6323
  • Article rating: No rating
La herramienta más básica que utiliza un analista de vibraciones es el espectro de vibraciones. El espectro es una ilustración gráfica de las frecuencias presentes en una señal de vibración y sus amplitudes relativas. Este artículo proporciona una descripción general básica, examina la configuración y ofrece sugerencias.

Mechanical Reference Handbook

  • June 2021
  • Number of views: 7651
  • Article rating: 5.0

This 94-page handbook (3.5" x 6", 9cm x 15cm) contains carefully selected materials designed to assist repair firms in their everyday work. Just as important, your customers and potential customers can use this pocket handbook as a handy reference for mechanical data for motors and driven equipment.

Natural Frequency Testing – Bump Tests and Modal Analysis

  • October 2020
  • Number of views: 14904
  • Article rating: 4.7
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

Anyone dealing with installed machinery, or even test running motors in the service center, will encounter instances where structural resonance is amplifying machine vibration. The machine may meet stringent specifications in one instance but exceed acceptable vibration levels in another. A good understanding of natural frequencies and the tests necessary to identify them will help solve these vexing situations.

Vibration and Alignment

  • April 2020
  • Number of views: 13990
  • Article rating: No rating
Webinar recording bundle

A special discounted collection of 9 webinar recordings focusing on a wide variety of vibration, balancing and alignment topics.

Just $45 for EASA members!

Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors

Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors - coverThis 40-page booklet provides great advice for obtaining the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors.

This booklet covers topics such as:

  • Installation, startup and baseline information
  • Operational monitoring and maintenance
  • Motor and baseline installation data
  • How to read a motor nameplate
  • Motor storage recommendations



EASA/AEMT Rewind Study

EASA Rewind Study cover

The Effect of Repair/Rewinding on Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors
Tests prove Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors can be rewound without degrading efficiency.


ANSI/EASA AR100-2020

ANSI/EASA AR100-2015 cover

Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus
This is a must-have guide to the repair of rotating electrical machines. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.



EASA Technical Manual

EASA Technical Manual cover

Revised May 2024
The EASA Technical Manual is the association's definitive and most complete publication. It's available FREE to members in an online format. Members can also download PDFs of the entire manual or individual sections.