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Interpoles and Compensating Windings in DC Machines – What Do They Do?

  • December 2023
  • Number of views: 4249
  • Article rating: 4.8

Unlike their AC counterparts, DC machines do not have rotating magnetic fields. Rather, there are fixed magnetic field axes for the field (direct axis) and armature (quadrature axis). Even though the armature is rotating, the magnetic field axis in the armature is fixed thanks to commutation, which allows the direction of current in an armature conductor to change as it passes from the region under one main field pole to the next.

Interpolos y Devanados de Compensación - ¿Qué es lo que hacen?

  • December 2023
  • Number of views: 2415
  • Article rating: No rating

A diferencia de sus homólogos de CA, las máquinas de CC no tienen campos magnéticos rotativos. Más bien, existen ejes de campo magnético fijos para el campo (eje directo) y la armadura (eje en cuadratura). Aunque la armadura esté girando, el eje del campo magnético de la armadura está fijo gracias a la conmutación, lo que permite que la dirección de la corriente en un conductor de la armadura cambie a medida que pasa debajo de un polo de campo principal al siguiente.

Rewind 2022

Recordings and Handouts from the 2022 EASA Convention - St. Louis, MO

  • July 2022
  • Number of views: 3475
  • Article rating: No rating
Convention presentation

Revisit EASA's 2022 Convention & Solutions Expo by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website! These recordings provide almost 44 hours of training. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!

DC Machine Data Sheet

  • December 2020
  • Number of views: 14837
  • Article rating: 4.4

EASA's DC Machine Data Sheet provides all the fields necessary on a simple one-page form to accurately record all the details about the machine being repaired.

Carbon Brushes, Current Density and Performance

  • June 2019
  • Number of views: 12532
  • Article rating: No rating
Webinar recording

The lowly brush is underrated and misunderstood. The brush grade, brush pressure and spring tension, as well as the effect of load and humidity are each important to brush performance in DC machines, wound rotor motors, and synchronous machines.

Low-resistance fields in DC motors; application and testing

  • September 2018
  • Number of views: 10961
  • Article rating: 5.0

Ground faults, short circuits and bad connections in interpole coils, series coils and compensating windings cause performance problems in DC machines, including brush sparking, flashover, stalling and catastrophic failure. Shunt coils have many turns of relatively small wire and are usually excited by a DC source independent of the armature. Series, interpole and compensating coils in the armature circuit usually are wound with a few turns of heavy wire as these coils carry armature current. For accurate test results, make sure windings are clean and dry. Verify connections of low resistance fields by visual inspection. Apply DC voltage to an assembled field frame and perform a thermography scan to detect problems including uneven heating and loose or corroded connections. Verify that the terminal lead markings are correct. Lead marking should conform to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) nameplate, NEMA MG1 or IEC 60034-8, whichever is applicable.

Bobinados de campo de baja resistencia en motores de CC-Aplicación y pruebas

  • September 2018
  • Number of views: 5065
  • Article rating: 4.0

Los fallos a tierra, cortocircuitos y malas conexiones en las bobinas de los interpolos, campos serie y devanados de compensación de las máquinas de CC pueden causar problemas de funcionamiento que incluyen: Chisporroteo, flameo (flashover), frenado y fallos catastróficos. Algunas bobinas de campo shunt están bobinadas con muchas espiras y un alambre relativamente delgado y generalmente son excitadas con una fuente de CC independiente a la de la armadura. Por lo general, los campos serie, interpolos y devanados de compensación del circuito de armadura están bobinados con pocas espiras y alambre grueso, ya que por ellos circula la corriente de armadura. Para obtener resultados de prueba precisos asegúrese que los bobinados están limpios y secos y verifique visualmente las conexiones de los campos de baja resistencia. Para detectar problemas de calentamiento irregular o conexiones flojas o corroídas aplique voltaje CC a las bobinas de un estator de CC y realice una inspección termográfica. Compruebe que las marcas de los cables de salida sean las correctas. Estas deben coincidir con los datos de placa del fabricante original (OEM) o con las normas NEMA MG1 o IEC 60034-8, lo que aplique.

DC motor applications: Types of fields and benefits of each

  • April 2018
  • Number of views: 9389
  • Article rating: 5.0

For the wide variety of DC motor applications, there are those where a straight shunt motor is preferred and others which seem to require the greater starting torque of a series field. Why are there different field designs and are they interchangeable? What about the nameplates marked “stab shunt” or “str shunt?” The purpose of this article is to clear up lingering confusion about the types of fields as well as the benefits of each.

Aplicaciones de motores de CC: Tipos de campos y beneficios de cada uno

  • April 2018
  • Number of views: 5408
  • Article rating: 1.0

Para la amplia variedad de aplicaciones de motores de CC, existen aquellas en las que se prefiere un motor shunt directo (straight shunt) y otras que parece que necesitan el mayor torque de arranque de un campo serie. ¿Por qué existen diferentes diseños de campo y son intercambiables? ¿Qué sucede con las placas de datos marcadas como “stab shunt” o “str shunt?” El propósito de este artículo es aclarar la confusión permanente sobre los tipos de campos, como también los beneficios de cada uno.

Electrical machine enclosures: Degree of protection (IP) codes

  • December 2017
  • Number of views: 17776
  • Article rating: 3.3

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard 60529 “Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)” addresses the degrees of protection for electrical machines (motors and generators). The “IP” acronym means “International Protection,” but is sometimes referred to as “Ingress Protection.” The IP code is commonly displayed on metric machine nameplates, which are manufactured to IEC standards.

The NEMA MG1 Motors and Generators standards have adopted the IEC standards for the IP designations. Although not prevalent on NEMA machine nameplates, the inclusion of the IP marking is becoming more common. The purpose of this article is to describe the IP code designations and provide examples of the IP codes for common electrical machine enclosures.

Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors

Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors - coverThis 40-page booklet provides great advice for obtaining the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors.

This booklet covers topics such as:

  • Installation, startup and baseline information
  • Operational monitoring and maintenance
  • Motor and baseline installation data
  • How to read a motor nameplate
  • Motor storage recommendations



EASA/AEMT Rewind Study

EASA Rewind Study cover

The Effect of Repair/Rewinding on Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors
Tests prove Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors can be rewound without degrading efficiency.


ANSI/EASA AR100-2020

ANSI/EASA AR100-2015 cover

Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus
This is a must-have guide to the repair of rotating electrical machines. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.



EASA Technical Manual

EASA Technical Manual cover

Revised May 2024
The EASA Technical Manual is the association's definitive and most complete publication. It's available FREE to members in an online format. Members can also download PDFs of the entire manual or individual sections.