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Management Pulse survey results: Employee drug testing policies in the workplace

  • May 2017
  • Number of views: 4147
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Tom Barnes
Compliance Specialists, Inc.

Can you remember the day when running an EASA business was about just repairing and selling motors, pumps, and other similar types of electromechanical equipment? 

Those were the times when you didn’t have to worry about being sued by a herd of lawyers trying to take a chunk of your business. Well, times have changed.

Each and every one of us knows how a drug or alcohol impaired employee will not only be a danger to themselves and others, but how they can affect quality, production, and a host of other issues. 

Several years ago, owners and managers found that a solution to help minimize this from occurring was to have a fair drug testing policy. This testing could include pre-employment, post-accident, for cause, random testing, or a combination of all or some of these. These drug testing policies were put in place to deter on-the-job drug and alcohol use and from this writer’s perspective, it works.


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