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Articles in Industry Publications

Industry Insights: Executive Perspectives on Market Trends and Conditions

  • July 2024
  • Number of views: 247
Convention presentation

Hear major manufacturers and suppliers share their perspectives on the issues challenging the electric motor industry. 

Rewind 2024

  • July 2024
  • Number of views: 831
Convention presentation

Revisit EASA's 2024 Convention & Solutions Expo by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website! These recordings provide just over 32 hours of training. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!

Considerations When Introducing and Utilizing Artificial Intelligence

Management Tip

  • July 2024
  • Number of views: 248

Artifital Intelligence (AI) can have legal and customer impacts that may be unexpected if not taken into consideration early in its usage with your business.

Powering Business Success: The EASA Accreditation Program’s Transformative Benefit

  • July 2024
  • Number of views: 234

As companies strive to optimize their operations and minimize costs, the significance of energy-efficient practices becomes increasingly apparent. Enter the Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA) Accreditation Program.

Strengthen and Train Your Workforce

  • June 2024
  • Number of views: 567

I was searching for management and leadership training for our company’s leaders. After an exhaustive Google search, I asked that question in the Women of EASA Facebook group. Within minutes, my question was answered.

View Performance Evaluations as a Process vs. an Event

  • June 2024
  • Number of views: 620

Everyone hates performance evaluations ... especially writing them. But there’s a tip that helps me when the time comes to write/format them.

How to Successfully Capture Video Content: Use your Smartphone!

  • May 2024
  • Number of views: 1234

We all have them in our pockets – powerful, high-quality video recording capabilities and tools within our smartphones! Here are a few tips on how to successfully capture content to assist us in the creation of business-related videos. 

Roving Chief Executive Program Promotes Peer Relationship Building

  • April 2024
  • Number of views: 3967

There are few places where you can share the ups and downs of your business with friends who instantly identify with your issues. The Roving Chief Executive (RCE) Program can provide that to you.

Converting Vibration Units: Process and Solutions

  • March 2024
  • Number of views: 1342

As we communicate internationally, language barriers persist. In the technical fields, the metric-imperial units clash is slowly diminishing. Many vibration analysts are “bilingual” in that respect and are comfortable using either system. But for more casual users who may only encounter vibration data in regard to meeting specs, unfamiliar vibration amplitude units can be a challenge. 

Convirtiendo Unidades de Vibración: Proceso y Soluciones

  • March 2024
  • Number of views: 1063

A medida que nos comunicamos internacionalmente, persisten las barreras del idioma y en el campo técnico, el choque entre unidades métricas y en pulgadas está disminuyendo lentamente. Muchos analistas de vibraciones son “bilingües” y se sienten cómodos utilizando cualquiera de los sistemas. Pero para los usuarios ocasionales que tal vez solo encuentren datos de vibración con respecto al cumplimiento de las especificaciones, las unidades de amplitud de vibración desconocidas pueden ser un reto.

Management Pulse Survey: Don’t Disregard Outside Assessments When Selecting New Team Members

  • March 2024
  • Number of views: 1138

See how 158 members responded to the Management Services Committee’s Pre-hire Assessment survey.

The Value of Industry Representation

Why It Matters to EASA and (Importantly!) You

  • March 2024
  • Number of views: 721

As a benefit of membership in EASA, we get (literally) an army of people every day to represent our interests in industry and government regulations. And they often provide us with valuable insight and positive change to “the way we’ve always done it.”

Financial Fraud is Alive and Well

  • January 2024
  • Number of views: 706

Check fraud can be particularly debilitating to a business in terms of the emotional and financial impact as well as reputational damage. Read about one company's experience with this problem.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Educating Your End Users with EASA’s Resources

  • January 2024
  • Number of views: 881

For those of us who have stumbled into the unique niche of the electromechanical repair industry, we troubleshoot and diagnose issues with AC and DC electric motors all the time. Yet, almost daily we run into everyday decision makers who simply don’t understand that every motor is not the same.

Use the Member Logo to Build Your Business and Elevate Your Brand and EASA's

  • December 2023
  • Number of views: 1155

The EASA member logo is a powerful tool that can help EASA members grow their businesses. Why is this image so powerful? Because the EASA member logo means something to our employees, customers and vendors. Included are a few illustrations of how EASA members can capitalize on the symbolism of the EASA member logo.

EASA Repair Facilities: Decades of Industrial Recycling and Sustainability

  • December 2023
  • Number of views: 1230

Here’s an important fact we should all be promoting from both a marketing and an industry awareness perspective: EASA members’ decades-long positive impact to the environment and our industry’s responsible industrial waste management.

Industry Training: A Huge Challenge, Advantage for Companies That Commit to the Process

  • November 2023
  • Number of views: 1055

The Management Services Committee knew training was a hot issue, but the response to the 2023 EASA Handling Training Needs Pulse Survey was incredible!

Building a Training Budget for Your Electromechanical Business

  • November 2023
  • Number of views: 1076

It’s always important to spend time creating a training budget because it outlines the resources that a company allocates for its training programs. Studies show that training spending per employee per year often falls in the range of 1% - 3% of the employee’s annual salary.

Create a Path to Success for Your Employees

  • October 2023
  • Number of views: 1199

Creating a path employees can follow to their own success is one of our most important roles as leaders. Making sure all have the opportunity to be successful can have benefits for your company.

EASA Winding Database and Verification and Redesign Program: An Easy-to-Use Solution When Faced with Bare Core Winding Challenges

  • July 2023
  • Number of views: 2266

Occasions arise where original winding data is not available. It may have been recorded incorrectly or a different service center may have stripped the core but not completed the repair. In those cases, the service center must come up with a new “bare core” winding design. EASA's redesign software has some specific features to address this need.

Una solución fácil cuando se enfrente al reto de un rediseño sin datos previos

  • July 2023
  • Number of views: 4317
Surgen ocasiones en las que los datos de bobinado originales no están disponibles. Es posible que se haya registrado incorrectamente o que un centro de servicio diferente haya quitado el núcleo pero no haya completado la reparación. En esos casos, el centro de servicio debe presentar un nuevo diseño de bobinado de "núcleo desnudo". El software de rediseño de EASA tiene algunas características específicas para abordar esta necesidad.

Five Ways easa.com Can Help Your Business!

  • July 2023
  • Number of views: 1258

Training, technical support, marketing content, speciality help and vendors are just a few of the tools available through easa.com.

Management Tip: Eight Cybersecurity Reminders

  • July 2023
  • Number of views: 1491

In today’s world of electronic communication and banking, it’s always good to review cybersecurity reminders. Here are eight tips to keep in mind.

Industry Research: New Insights from Plant Maintenance Customers

  • June 2023
  • Number of views: 1306
Convention presentation

Findings from the from the fifth EASA research study conducted of end-user customers.

Rewind 2023

Recordings and Handouts from the 2023 EASA Convention - National Harbor,MD

  • June 2023
  • Number of views: 2136
Convention presentation

Revisit EASA's 2023 Convention & Solutions Expo by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website! These recordings provide just over 32 hours of training. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!

Management Pulse Survey: Results Confirm It’s Becoming More Challenging for Some to Get Employees to Work Overtime

  • June 2023
  • Number of views: 1201

Thi ssurvey answers the question whether or not it is getting more difficult to get employees to work overtime in a post-Covid world.

Rowing in the Same Direction!

  • June 2023
  • Number of views: 1205

How can we as employers get the maximum that each team member has to offer? How do we make sure they are all working toward the same goal?

How to Collaborate with Other Shops to Solve a Customer’s Problem

  • May 2023
  • Number of views: 1017

Collaboration with other companies can be a powerful tool for solving problems, reaching a new market, developing new products or services and so much more. It can take many forms, such as strategic alliances, innovative networks or partner ecosystems. These types of systems all have several processes to ensure success, and most require a lot of challenging work from all parties involved. For the purposes of this article, the focus will be on competitive collaborations.

People As an Important Marketing Factor

What Role Does It Play in Small and Medium-Size Enterprise Marketing?

  • April 2023
  • Number of views: 1156

People and brand are inextricably linked to each other, especially in smaller companies that cannot operate with big marketing budgets. Valuable brand effects can be created through a personal brand involvement of your employees and colleagues. But how does personal branding work in B2B small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs)?

How Much Should be in My Marketing Budget?

  • March 2023
  • Number of views: 2053

Before you establish your marketing budget, there are a few questions your organization needs to consider to ensure expectations are clear and your budget will cover your plans for the year.