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Consider holding an open house as a great way to market your business

  • May 2008
  • Number of views: 3615
  • Article rating: 3.5

Andy Butz
Electric Motor Technologies
Cincinnati, Ohio
Marketing & Industry Awareness Committee Member

Looking for a good way to market your business? A great idea is to hold an Open House. An Open House is de­fined in the dictionary as a social event in which hospitality is extended to all. It is meant to be a fun-filled event. And it can be a great way to market your business to existing customers as well as new prospects. 

In the EASA Marketing Manual, there are step-by-step instructions on how to prepare and host an Open House. Our company followed these steps when we hosted a very successful one last fall. 

Start with a theme
We started with a very simple “fall” seasonal theme. We used a fall design element on all invitations and signs. We held the Open House from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and treated our guests to lunch that featured a catered pig roast.

When guests arrived, our inside sales staff greeted them and gave them a nam­etag. Business cards were collected for a door prize. 

The guests were then in­vited to tour the facilities or eat lunch first and then take a tour. We tried to limit each service center tour to five or six so that there would be enough time for any questions. Guests also were asked if there was anything additional that they wanted to see.

We held a door prize drawing every hour for a $50 gift certificate. And, before guests left, we gave them a souvenir. We did this as a way to remind them of their visit as well as a way of thanking them for taking time out of their busy schedule to spend some time with us.

Ours was a great success!
We had more than 200 customers/guests at our Open House. Many told us how impressed they were with our facility as well as the services they weren’t aware we offered. I highly recommend an Open House as an ef­fective way to market your business.

As noted above, the EASA Market­ing Manual has very useful information on holding an Open House. If you don’t have a copy, you can order one using the enclosed form. 

Categories: Technical topics
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