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To schedule private education for your group, contact:

Dale Shuter, CMP
Meetings & Expositions Manager

+1 314 993 2220, ext. 3335

1 hour of training

$300 for EASA Chapters/Regions
$400 for member companies
$800 for non-members

How a webinar works

All EASA private webinars are live events in which the audio and video are streamed to your computer over the Internet. Prior to the program, you will receive a web link to join the meeting. 

The presentation portion of the webinar will last about 45 minutes, followed by about 15 minutes of questions and answers.


  • Internet connection
  • Computer with audio input (microphone) and audio output (speakers) appropriate for your size group
  • TV or projector/screen

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Private Webinars

EASA's private webinars are an inexpensive way to bring an EASA engineer into your service center, place of business or group meeting without incurring travel expenses or lost production time.

¿En una fuente de poder de C.C. cuánto rizado es demasiado?

¿En una fuente de poder de C.C. cuánto rizado es demasiado?

Chuck Yung
Especialista Sénior de Soporte Técnico de EASA

Hace mucho tiempo, los motores de corriente continua funcionaban con baterías o con grupos motor-generador. Durante los últimos 50 años, la mayoría de los motores de corriente continua han funcionando con fuentes de poder de estado sólido - rectificando la corriente alterna en corriente continua. Cuando los motores comenzaron a funcionar con corriente rectificada, uno de los problemas detectados fue la presencia del "rizado" en los cables que se suponía tenían que entregar la corriente continua a la máquina. En ausencia de una norma específica, una pregunta muy frecuente es: "¿Cuánto rizado es demasiado?" Antes de tratar de sugerir una respuesta a esa pregunta, vamos a hablar de lo que es el rizado y de explicar por qué no es conveniente.

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¿Reemplazar un motor con un motor eléctrico? ¿Los caballos de potencia son caballos de potencia - o que son?

¿Reemplazar un motor con un motor eléctrico? ¿Los caballos de potencia son caballos de potencia - o que son?

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

Cuando un cliente llama y quiere reemplazar su motor diesel o de gasolina por un motor eléctrico para impulsar una pieza de maquinaria, es fácil asumir que “los caballos de potencia son caballos de potencia”. ¡No tan rápido! Resulta que existen muchas formas diferentes para medir la potencia. El término caballo de potencia fue adoptado por James Watt a finales de 1700 para comparar la potencia de salida de las máquinas de vapor con la potencia de los caballos de tiro. Aparte de Norte América, la mayor parte del mundo utiliza el vatio para describir la potencia de salida, la cual es la unidad del Sistema Internacional de Unidades (SI). Desde 1700, tenemos hp mecánico, kW, hp métrico, hp eléctrico, hp hidráulico, hp de barra de tracción, hp de frenado, hp de eje e incluso variantes de hp fiscal. Dejando a los gobiernos que quieran sacar partido de ello. 

El propósito de este artículo es aumentar la conciencia sobre la cantidad de factores que se deben considerar al hacer este cambio aparentemente simple.

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Achieving proper alignment by detecting and correcting soft foot

Achieving proper alignment by detecting and correcting soft foot

Gene Vogel
EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist

Proper alignment of direct-coupled machinery is an essential element in reliability of a new or repaired machine (motor, pump, gear case, etc.). One common impediment to achieving proper alignment and smooth opera­tion is a “soft foot” condition. 

A soft foot occurs when all the feet of a machine case do not sit flat on the supporting base so that tightening the foot bolts causes distortion of the ma­chine case. The source of the soft foot could be a baseplate which is not flat or machine feet which are distorted. Not only does this make it difficult to align the machine, but the casing distortion may add additional load to the bearings and create internal mis­alignment between the rotating and stationary elements of the machine resulting in poor performance and increased vibration.

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Adjusting Brush Neutral

Adjusting Brush Neutral

The webinar covers:

  • How to set brush neutral in DC machines.
  • Several methods of setting brush neutral along with the benefits and drawbacks of each.
  • Tips for permanent magnet and series-would machines.
  • Tips on how to recognize problems and settings that affect brush neutral, and what to check if the neutral adjustment seems higher than usual.

Target audience: This presentation is most useful for service center and field technicians involved in the repair of DC machinery, service center managers engineers, or anyone involved in DC motor or generator repair, as well as those who are simply looking to expand their understanding.

Advanced DC Testing

Advanced DC Testing

This presentation shares tips that are not covered in “Fundamentals of DC: Operation and Repair Tips,” such as:

  • Tips for interpreting armature and interpole tests
  • Finding that ground in the newly rewound armature
  • Interpreting questionable drop test results

It also covers final assembly tests including how to determine whether the cause of sparking is the interpoles or the armature.

This presentation is aimed at the experienced technician and supervisor.

Advanced DC Testing Tips

Advanced DC Testing Tips

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

This paper covers:

  • Interpreting AC and DC drop test results (Is that coil really shorted?)
  • Differentiating between interpole and armature problems
  • Locating an armature short/ground
  • Locating shorted/open equalizers in an armature
  • Working neutral: Did that motor arc when it left the factory? Let’s cure that problem!

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Advice: Effects of High or Low Voltage on Motor Performance

Advice: Effects of High or Low Voltage on Motor Performance

Ever had a customer return from camping and complain of a distinct odor of burnt electronics filling the air? The next thing that RVer knows, the water pump quits and the AC stops working. The consumer flips the switch for a circulating fan, but nothing happens. Even the stabilizer jacks will not operate.

If so, the culprit may be voltage variation from the incoming power source, which sometimes is hundreds of feet from the distribution transformer that supplies the varying demands of all the RVs connected to it. While that prime campsite might be perfect for the user, voltage variation can be hazardous for the RV’s electrical devices—especially its electric motors.

This article covers:

  • Voltage variation
  • High and low voltage effects on motor performace and reliability
    • Energy efficiency
    • Current
    • Temperature rise
    • Overload capacity
  • Imporatnce of checking service voltage


Air gap — What is it and why is it important?

Air gap — What is it and why is it important?

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

Air gap is the physical gap between a rotor and stator core in an AC machine, or between the armature and fields / interpoles in a DC machine. The role of the air gap is not as simple as it appears.

Topics discussed in this article include:

  • Important principles (magnetic force and the amount of current to drive flux through air)
  • Air gap in AC machines
  • Air gap in DC machines

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Aluminum-to-copper magnet wire winding conversions: Considerations for deciding whether wire area should be reduced

Aluminum-to-copper magnet wire winding conversions: Considerations for deciding whether wire area should be reduced

Tom Bishop, P.E.
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

Although aluminum magnet wire theoretically can be converted to copper magnet wire of about 5/8 of the original wire area, in some cases this is not advisable. In others, it may result in a change in the magnetic strength of a coil or winding. In this article we will address the most common aluminum-to-copper magnet wire conversions as well as how to deal with whether the wire area should be reduced.

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Aplicaciones de motores de CC: Tipos de campos y beneficios de cada uno

Aplicaciones de motores de CC: Tipos de campos y beneficios de cada uno

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

Para la amplia variedad de aplicaciones de motores de CC, existen aquellas en las que se prefiere un motor shunt directo (straight shunt) y otras que parece que necesitan el mayor torque de arranque de un campo serie. ¿Por qué existen diferentes diseños de campo y son intercambiables? ¿Qué sucede con las placas de datos marcadas como “stab shunt” o “str shunt?” El propósito de este artículo es aclarar la confusión permanente sobre los tipos de campos, como también los beneficios de cada uno.

Un motor con solo campo shunt es llamado motor con bobinado shunt (o shunt directo), con placas de datos marcadas algunas veces como “str shunt”. El motor shunt permite un control de velocidad fácil sin requerir un drive sofisticado. La fuente de alimentación del campo podría ser tan básica como una fuente de CA variable (un variac) rectificada a través de un puente rectificador. Variando la corriente suministrada al campo shunt, se puede variar la intensidad del flujo de campo, proporcionando control de velocidad. Las extrusoras y una multitud de aplicaciones similares utilizan un simple motor shunt.

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Aplicando las tolerancias de balanceo en rotores de diversas máquinas

Aplicando las tolerancias de balanceo en rotores de diversas máquinas

Gene Vogel
EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist

La especificación ISO para balancear rotores rígidos (ISO 1940-1) fue innovadora cuando fue introducida hace varias décadas. Esta norma estableció los Grados de Calidad de Balanceo basada en la velocidad teórica que el centro de masa de un rotor se encontraría en espacio libre, girando a la velocidad de funcionamiento normal del rotor. Esta es terminología técnica difícil de expresar, pero un entendimiento práctico de la naturaleza de las fuerzas de desbalanceo es importante para aplicar las tolerancias de balanceo en rotores de diversas máquinas. Esto también ayuda a entender el impacto de los cambios fundamentales en la reciente norma de reemplazo: 21940-11: 2016.

Primero, vamos a clarificar la diferencia entre desbalanceo y vibración. Si una máquina tenía cierta cantidad de desbalanceo y fue asentada sin restricciones sobre un acolchado suave (una almohadilla de caucho), existirá cierta cantidad de vibración a 1x rpm. Atornille esa misma máquina a una fundación maciza y la vibración a 1x rpm será mucho menor. Así que no hay conversión directa de desbalanceo a vibración y viceversa.

Por consiguiente, para maquinaria en funcionamiento, las unidades de amplitud de vibración comunes de desplazamiento y velocidad no son medidas directas del desbalanceo, La cantidad de desbalanceo del rotor se puede describir como una cantidad de masa (peso) en un radio determinado.

El artículo continúa cubriendo:

  • Unidades de desequilibrio
  • Dos posibles aproximaciones para el uso de planos de cojinetes para evaluar la tolerancia de equilibrio
  • Desplazamiento del centro de gravedad

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Applying balance tolerances to various machine rotors

Applying balance tolerances to various machine rotors

Gene Vogel
EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist

The ISO balancing specification for rigid rotors (ISO 1940-1) was innovative when it was introduced decades ago. It established Balance Quality Grades based on the theoretical velocity the mass center of gravity of a rotor would encounter in free space, spinning at the rotor’s normal operating speed. That’s a mouthful of technical jargon, but a practical understanding of the nature of unbalance forces is important in applying balance tolerances to various machine rotors. It is also helpful in understanding the impact of fundamental changes in the recent replacement standard, 21940-11: 2016.

First, let’s clear up the difference between unbalance and vibration. If a machine had a certain amount of unbalance and was sitting unrestrained on a soft pad (a durometer pad), there would be a certain amount of vibration at 1x rpm. Bolt that same machine to a massive foundation and the vibration at 1x rpm would be much less. So there is no direct conversion from unbalance to vibration or vice versa.

Consequently, the common vibration amplitude units of displacement and velocity are not direct measures of unbalance for operating machinery. The amount of rotor unbalance can be described by an amount of mass (weight) at a certain radius.

The article goes on to cover:

  • Unbalance units
  • Two possible approaches to using bearing planes to evaluate balance tolerance
  • Displacement of center of gravity

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Aprendiendo de la experiencia: Consejos para reparar motores eléctricos “fabricados con requisitos especiales”

Aprendiendo de la experiencia: Consejos para reparar motores eléctricos “fabricados con requisitos especiales”

Tim Browne
Industrial Electric Motor Service, Inc.

Sospecho que casi todos en nuestra industria alguna vez han tenido el placer de reparar un motor “fabricado con requisitos especiales”. Este tipo de motor está construido para un propósito específico y tiene características que le pueden permitir funcionar bajo condiciones no habituales. Debido a la información limitada que algunos de ellos muestran en su placa de datos, la reparación de estos motores puede resultar un reto.

Armature winding designs demystified with helpful tips

Armature winding designs demystified with helpful tips

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

While there are many similarities between 3-phase AC stators and DC armatures, there are some unique aspects to DC armature design; these can be extremely helpful to those who understand some little-known tips. My goal in writing this article is to share those tips.

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Auxiliary cooling of electric motors (and other equipment)

Auxiliary cooling of electric motors (and other equipment)

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

Although the earliest practical DC motor was built by Moritz Jacobi in 1834, it was over the next 40 years that men like Thomas Davenport, Emil Stohrer and George Westinghouse brought DC machines into industrial use.

It’s inspiring to realize that working DC motors have been around for over 160 years. For the past century, DC machines over 30 or 40 kW have been cooled in the same manner – by mounting a squirrel cage blower directly over the commutator.

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Axial Thrusting Causes and Corrections (Motors)

Axial Thrusting Causes and Corrections (Motors)

This presentation reviews the causes of axial thrust loading on bearings in motors and determine appropriate corrective actions. 

  • Vertical mounting
    • Vertical turbine pump
    • Sheave
    • Fans
  • External thrust loads
    • Fans
    • Misalignment
  • Internal thrust loads
    • Bearing journal shoulder to shoulder
    • Bearing seat
    • Bearing caps
    • Wavy washer
    • Bearing housing taper
    • Thermal expansion
  • Dissect a bearing

 Target audience: This presentation would benefit engineers and mechanics looking for the root cause of bearing failures.

Basic Mechanical Repair Report

Basic Mechanical Repair Report

Electric motor repair report form to collect basic motor, bearing, shaft, coupling information.

EASA Mechanical Repair Report

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Bobinados de campo de baja resistencia en motores de CC-Aplicación y pruebas

Bobinados de campo de baja resistencia en motores de CC-Aplicación y pruebas

Chase Fell
Precision Coil and Rotor

Los fallos a tierra, cortocircuitos y malas conexiones en las bobinas de los interpolos, campos serie y devanados de compensación de las máquinas de CC pueden causar problemas de funcionamiento que incluyen: Chisporroteo, flameo (flashover), frenado y fallos catastróficos. Algunas bobinas de campo shunt están bobinadas con muchas espiras y un alambre relativamente delgado y generalmente son excitadas con una fuente de CC independiente a la de la armadura. Por lo general, los campos serie, interpolos y devanados de compensación del circuito de armadura están bobinados con pocas espiras y alambre grueso, ya que por ellos circula la corriente de armadura. Para obtener resultados de prueba precisos asegúrese que los bobinados están limpios y secos y verifique visualmente las conexiones de los campos de baja resistencia. Para detectar problemas de calentamiento irregular o conexiones flojas o corroídas aplique voltaje CC a las bobinas de un estator de CC y realice una inspección termográfica. Compruebe que las marcas de los cables de salida sean las correctas. Estas deben coincidir con los datos de placa del fabricante original (OEM) o con las normas NEMA MG1 o IEC 60034-8, lo que aplique.

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Brush Stagger to Optimize Brush Life Through Current Density

Brush Stagger to Optimize Brush Life Through Current Density

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist 

When working with DC machines, it’s not uncommon to find a customer who runs different products requiring a range of armature current. Unlike other conductors, where lower current is a good thing, carbon brushes are designed for a narrow range of current density.

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Capacitor Testing for Electric Motors

Capacitor Testing for Electric Motors

Tom Bishop, P.E.
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

In this article, we will discuss testing of capacitors for electric motors in general and tests associated with specific uses of capacitors such as for power factor correction, and for electric motor starting (see Figures 1 and 2). For information on sizing power factor correction capacitors see Subsection 2.10 of the EASA Technical Manual, and for determining the correct size capacitor for a motor, see Subsection 2.11 of the EASA Technical Manual.

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Características y Beneficios del manual: Obteniendo Lo Máximo De Su Motor Eléctrico de EASA

Características y Beneficios del manual: Obteniendo Lo Máximo De Su Motor Eléctrico de EASA

Tom Bishop, P.E.
Especialista Sénior de Soporte Técnico de EASA

Para los centros de servicio, el manual Obteniendo Lo Máximo De Su Motor Eléctrico de EASA es una gran herramienta de mercadeo que pueden suministrar a sus clientes (usuarios finales). Como tal, este valioso documento de 40 páginas, proporciona a los usuarios finales información que les ayudará a obtener una operación más durable, eficiente y rentable de motores trifásicos de propósito general y de propósito definido con las siguientes características:

  • Motores trifásicos de inducción de jaula de ardilla fabricados bajo normas NEMA MG1
  • Potencias entre 1 y 500 hp (1 a 375 kW)
  • Velocidades entre 900 y 3600 rpm (8-2 polos)
  • Voltajes hasta 1000V, 50/60 Hz
  • Todos los tipos de encerramiento estándar (DP, TEFC, WPI, WPII)
  • Rodamientos de bolas y de rodillos y cojinetes de deslizamiento

La siguiente es una descripción general del contenido del manual indicando algunas formas de usarlo que pueden beneficiar a los usuarios finales, Ej. Sus clientes y sus clientes potenciales.

Instalación, arranque e información básica
La primera de las dos sesiones principales trata tres subtemas: Instalación del motor, arranque e información básica y al comienzo recomienda asegurarse de documentar el estado inicial del motor para establecer una base para compararla con resultados futuros. Además, los beneficios para el usuario final al seguir esta práctica, es que a menudo les permite detectar problemas pequeños o en formación, antes de que se conviertan en fallos caros y costosas pérdidas de producción.

El Apéndice A, “Datos básicos del motor y de su instalación” hace referencia a esto (ver Figura 1). Tomar los datos de placa y anotar los parámetros eléctricos y mecánicos al momento de la instalación y arranque del motor, permite que la información quede disponible para consulta, en papel o en formato electrónico, si es escaneada. La revisión de los datos del motor, incluyendo los de placa, puede proporcionar información sobre la idoneidad del motor para la aplicación.

Los puntos específicos a verificar son: Si el motor es adecuado para trabajar con un variador de frecuencia (VFD), si los rodamientos permiten instalarlo en una aplicación que requiere transmisión por correas, la accesibilidad a los puntos de lubricación y comprobar que las protecciones de sobre carga están bien calculadas para la potencia del motor. Los dos últimos puntos pueden resultar críticos si se trata de un motor de repuesto con una potencia nominal diferente a la del motor que está reemplazando.

Las consideraciones de la instalación, así como también la idoneidad de la fundación y de la base son importantes para la confiabilidad del motor. Una base débil o inadecuada puede distorsionar la carcasa, generar vibración o desgastar rápidamente los rodamientos.

El manual no solo proporciona detalles acerca de estos temas, sino que también cubre extensamente el alineamiento de los ejes, incluyendo el problema del pie suave, tolerancias y métodos de alineación para acoplamientos directos y para transmisión por poleas. El usuario final puede encontrar gran cantidad de información en tan solo unas pocas páginas del manual.

La información del manual procede de las consideraciones de instalación y de los procedimientos de arranque. En muchos casos, el motor que se está instalando ha estado almacenado. También se proporcionan detalles para ayudar a asegurarse que el motor funciona correctamente. Además del tema del almacenamiento, se incluyen otros relacionados con la lubricación y los lubricantes y la comprobación de la resistencia de aislamiento del bobinado (ver Tabla 1).

A continuación, se proporcionan recomendaciones para las pruebas de arranque previas a la operación del motor y se recomienda medir y registrar los niveles de vibración. Las pruebas recomendadas con el motor con carga incluyen medir los voltajes línea a línea, las corrientes de línea, la temperatura del bobinado (si es posible), la temperatura de los rodamientos y la temperatura ambiente. El manual sugiere que se registren dichos valores en la hoja de datos del motor para que sirvan como base para analizar las tendencias de futuras mediciones. Se suministran dos ejemplos para ilustrar la importancia de registrar los datos de referencia y sus tendencias.

Esta sección inicial concluye con la gestión total del motor. Generalmente, este tipo de programas rastrean las compras y los repuestos en una base de datos utilizando la información de la placa del motor y los datos de instalación / ubicación y aplicación. Por lo general, también realizan un seguimiento de los datos de referencia, mantenimiento, almacenamiento y reparación. Los principales beneficios para los usuarios finales son que dichos programas bajan los costos al reducir el tiempo de inactividad (los repuestos están disponibles) y el inventario es decreciente (identificación de los repuestos utilizados en múltiples ubicaciones).

Aquí, una consideración clave es determinar si la solución más rentable y confiable consiste en almacenar los motores de repuesto en el sitio o subcontratar el almacenamiento con un centro de servicio u otro proveedor. La gestión del motor y el almacenamiento de sus repuestos (y otros equipos) es una oportunidad adicional que tiene el centro de servicio para añadir valor al servicio prestado a sus clientes. Además, tener el motor de repuesto del cliente en sus instalaciones, brinda al centro de servicio una mejor oportunidad de recibir el motor que ha sido reemplazado para repararlo según sea necesario.

Seguimiento operacional​ y mantenimiento
La segunda de las dos secciones principales se ocupa del seguimiento operacional y el mantenimiento. Los temas principales incluyen condiciones específicas de la aplicación, mantenimiento preventivo y predictivo, inspección y pruebas y la relubricación de los rodamientos. Al utilizar las recomendaciones de esta sección, el usuario final puede prolongar la vida útil de sus motores, así como reducir el tiempo medio entre los fallos que requieren reparación.

Anomalías en el suministro eléctrico, como transitorios de voltaje, pueden dar lugar a transitorios de corriente y torques transitorios que pueden dañar no solo los devanados, sino también los componentes mecánicos del motor o del equipo accionado. Para ayudar al usuario final a evitar estos problemas, se suministra un listado que contiene diferentes apartados que identifican más de media docena de fuentes potenciales. Otra fuente de condiciones transitorias, que no es una anomalía, es el arranque del motor. El manual proporciona al usuario final una guía para manejar el arranque del motor y enfatiza la necesidad de limitar su número de arranques.

La subsección sobre mantenimiento preventivo (PM), mantenimiento predictivo (PdM) y mantenimiento basado en confiabilidad (RBM) define y describe cada uno de ellos. Las técnicas de inspección y pruebas eléctricas y mecánicas y la evaluación de la condición física se identifican para PM, PdM y RBM [también denominado mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad (RCM)]. Incluso si un usuario final ya tiene un programa de PM, PdM o RBM, se puede beneficiar al consultar esta subsección ya que podría identificar los elementos que le faltan a su programa. Además, si un usuario final no está familiarizado con ninguno de estos programas, el manual proporciona información sobre el proceso inicial para obtener una operación más confiable del motor. Es decir, brinda una oportunidad para que el usuario final aproveche al máximo sus motores eléctricos y probablemente también el equipo acoplado.

En la siguiente sección sobre inspección y prueba de motores se incluye información adicional sobre PM, PdM y RBM. Muy a menudo escuchamos la frase “no pase por alto lo obvio”. Esto describe la importancia de la inspección física para detectar partes que falten, o que estén rotas o dañadas, trayectorias de circulación de aire bloqueadas y contaminantes. Cualquiera de estas condiciones podría llevar a un fallo prematuro y rápido del motor.

Las pruebas descritas en detalle incluyen la resistencia de aislamiento, la resistencia del devanado y el análisis de firma de corriente del motor (vea la Tabla 2). Cuando están disponibles en las normas industriales, se proporcionan criterios de evaluación para que el usuario final pueda determinar si sus niveles son aceptables o justificar una acción correctiva y se suministra información de seguridad relacionada con las pruebas de hipot y de impulso de los motores instalados. También se proporciona información sobre el análisis de vibraciones empleando un analizador de espectro.

Esta subsección final del cuerpo principal del manual brinda orientación para ayudar a asegurar un funcionamiento prolongado y confiable del motor. Las recomendaciones incluyen no solo relubricar los rodamientos, sino también monitorear los niveles de lubricante y verificar si hay fugas y contaminación. Se proporciona orientación para ayudar al usuario final a determinar el intervalo correcto de relubricación y el tipo y grado de lubricante cuando las instrucciones del fabricante del motor no están disponibles.

Se enfatiza la importancia de la compatibilidad de las grasas y se proporciona un cuadro de incompatibilidad. Un consejo sabio para la relubricación se encuentra en la frase: “La mejor práctica consiste en usar la misma grasa que ya existe en los rodamientos, siempre que sea adecuada para la aplicación.” Se proporciona una fórmula para determinar la cantidad precisa de grasa requerida como también un gráfico que ilustra los intervalos de relubricación en función del tipo y tamaño de rodamiento y la velocidad del mismo.

También se aborda la lubricación de cojinetes de deslizamiento y rodamientos lubricados con aceite, incluidos temas como la compatibilidad y viscosidad del aceite e intervalos de relubricación. También se describen temas específicos, como el tratamiento de las condiciones anormales y cómo reemplazar el aceite.

Los tres apéndices proporcionan información complementaria que puede ayudar al usuario final a obtener más de sus motores en términos de la conservación de los registros, la comprensión de la terminología y el almacenamiento del motor. El Apéndice A contiene un formato de dos páginas (vea la Figura 1) destinado a registrar los datos de placa del motor y los datos de las pruebas eléctricas y mecánicas. Inicialmente, el formato se puede usar para obtener información de referencia y que se puede actualizar posteriormente cuando se realicen trabajos de mantenimiento o reparación. Como tal, puede proporcionar información histórica invaluable para el usuario final y las empresas de servicio cuando sea necesario realizar un análisis simple o un análisis de causa raíz de fallo más completo.

La información en el Apéndice B es una compilación de términos clave asociados con los datos de placa del motor. (Nota: También hay un glosario de términos independiente al final del manual). Sin embargo, el valor real de esta información está en determinar el significado de los términos que a veces se malinterpretan. Conocer el verdadero significado y la importancia de estos términos puede ayudar a un usuario final a evitar un error costoso y a emplear tiempo excesivo en la compra de un motor que no es adecuado para una aplicación específica.

Según las consultas de los miembros de EASA, las recomendaciones de almacenamiento del motor, que son tema del Apéndice C, son una solicitud común de los usuarios finales. Por sí solas, estas recomendaciones de almacenamiento hacen del manual un valioso recurso para los usuarios finales. La última página de este apéndice resume la frecuencia con la que se deben realizar ciertas rutinas de mantenimiento durante el almacenamiento. Es raro encontrar esta información actividad vs tiempo en un solo lugar, que es algo que muchos usuarios finales apreciarán.

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Carbon Brushes and Commutation: A Practical Approach to Failure Analysis

Carbon Brushes and Commutation: A Practical Approach to Failure Analysis

Jerry Lipski
Jerry Lipski, LLC
Scheerville, IN

Ever run across brush arcing or vexing commutation issues? This paper, presented at the 2013 EASA Convention, covers:

  • Definition of commutation
  • Basic magnetism
  • Commutation and AC in a DC armature core
  • Brush construction
  • The basic commutator and placement of carbon brushes
  • Carbon brush arcing; what are the brushes telling you? + field case studies
  • Sanding brushes
  • Most common surface conditions
  • Field experiences with drives
  • Brushholders
  • Slip ring application
  • Field settings (neutral, tape method)
  • Field/service center testing

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Carbon Brushes, Current Density and Performance

Carbon Brushes, Current Density and Performance

Presented by Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

The lowly brush is underrated and misunderstood. The brush grade, brush pressure and spring tension, as well as the effect of load and humidity are each important to brush performance in DC machines, wound rotor motors, and synchronous machines.

This presentation covers:

  • Importance of brush grade
  • Effect of humidity and load (current)
  • Best practice method for removing brushes to improve performance
  • Brush pressure & spring tension by application
  • Supplemental cooling of slip ring / brush enclosures

This presentation will benefit service center technicians and supervisors.

Commutator maintenance tips and tests: Checking for loose bars and methods to tighten them

Commutator maintenance tips and tests: Checking for loose bars and methods to tighten them

Gary Braun
Brehob Corp.
Indianapolis, Indiana
Technical Education Committee Member

When servicing DC motors, one of the many tests we do to determine the condition of the commutator is to check it for loose bars.

We check for loose bars by lightly tapping the face of the commutator with a very small hammer. Then we check for suspicious sounds and move­ment or vibration of the bars as they’re struck. A loose bar will have a dull thud while tight bars will have more of a crisp “peck.” You should not feel any movement of the bar with respect to adjacent bars. 

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Commutator tips to extend DC motor life

Commutator tips to extend DC motor life

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

One of the least understood parts of a DC motor is the commutator. With a little understanding and some helpful tips, commutator life can be maximized.

Commutators are made of copper bars* separated by insulation from each other and from the steel hub. Viewed from the end, each bar is wedge-shaped, tapered radially with the thickest portion towards the outside. The insulation material most often used is segment mica because it remains stable at the temperature and pressure required during assembly and operation. By alternating copper bars with mica segments, each bar is isolated electrically from the other bars. The resulting cylinder of bars and mica is mounted on an insulated steel hub.

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Cómo efectuar una "prueba de impacto" para resonancia

Cómo efectuar una "prueba de impacto" para resonancia

Gene Vogel
Especialista de Bombas & Vibraciones de EASA 

Existen muchas causas comunes de vibración alta en la maquinaria rotativa; Demasiadas para enumerar aquí. Pero a menudo, lo que de otro modo sería un nivel aceptable de vibración se ve amplificado por la resonancia. Todas las máquinas son susceptibles a la resonancia. La resonancia ocurre cuando la frecuencia natural de algún componente de una máquina coincide con una fuerza excitadora. Cuando se produce resonancia, es la combinación de una fuerza excitadora y una frecuencia natural lo que da como resultado una alta vibración; ambos deben estar presentes en la misma frecuencia para que se produzca la resonancia. Cuando la resonancia causa una vibración excesiva, es importante identificar la frecuencia natural y la forma modal de la vibración. Una simple prueba de impacto (bump test), realizada a máquina parada, es un buen primer paso para identificar la frecuencia natural (Figura 1). 

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Consideraciones sobre la fuente de alimentación al construir un gran growler

Consideraciones sobre la fuente de alimentación al construir un gran growler

Tom Bishop
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

Cuando se considera la construcción de un gran growler para probar rotores y armaduras, la decisión inicial típica es seleccionar la potencia en kVA. La razón principal para esto es que el growler necesitará ser conectado a una fuente de alimentación que tenga suficiente amperaje. Para ayudar a simplificar el complejo proceso de diseño, en este artículo hemos seleccionado cinco potencias expresadas en kVA. Uno de los valores de potencia seleccionados cumplirá con las necesidades de la mayoría de los centros de servicios.

Este artículo abarca:

  • Un ejemplo de diseño
  • Determinación de las vueltas y el tamaño del cable
  • Construyendo el núcleo
  • Determinación de las dimensiones de la bobina

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Conversión de Aluminio a Cobre: Lo que Necesita Saber

Conversión de Aluminio a Cobre: Lo que Necesita Saber

Jasper Electric Motors, Inc.Carlos Ramirez
Especialista de Soporte Técnico de EASA

¿Recibió un motor antiguo bobinado con alambre de aluminio? Este webinario explicará como realizar la conversión adecuada de alambre de aluminio a alambre de cobre en máquinas de CA y CC, incluyendo ejemplos para el rebobinado de estatores y campos shunt.  Los temas cubiertos son:

  • Sección de los alambre de cobre y aluminio 
  • Alambres AWG y métricos 
  • Devanados de motores de CA 
  • Bobinas de campos shunt
  • Ejemplos 

Este webinario está enfocado a bobinadores, supervisores e ingenieros.

Aluminum to Copper Conversion: What You Need to Know

Presented by Carlos Ramirez
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Have you received a vintage machine that has been wound with aluminum wire?  This presentation explains how to perform a proper conversion from aluminum to copper wire in AC and DC machines, including examples for rewinding stators and shunt fields.  Topics covered include: 

  • Aluminum and copper wire area 
  • AWG and metric wires 
  • AC motor windings 
  • Shunt field coils 
  • Examples of conversion 

This presentation is intended for winders, supervisors, and engineers.

Disclaimer: All video captions and translations are AI-generated.
EASA is not responsible for any inaccuracies that may occur.

Want to test your knowledge after watching the webinar?


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Cool facts about cooling electric motors

Cool facts about cooling electric motors

Improvements in applications that fall outside the normal operating conditions

By Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Tecnical Support Specialist

The evolution of electric motor design as it pertains to cooling methods provides insights about better ways to cool machines in service. The array of methods engineers have devised to solve the same problems are fascinating yet reassuring because many things remain unchanged even after a century of progress. This article discusses how motors are cooled and how heat dissipation can be improved for applications that fall outside the normal operating conditions defined by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standard MG 1.


Correctly interpreting the DC nameplate

Correctly interpreting the DC nameplate

Chuck Yung 
EASA Technical Support Specialist 

If you have ever tried to figure out the field re­sistance from the information on a DC motor nameplate, you probably wonder what in the heck the manufacturer was thinking! You know Ohms Law, but the nameplate information just doesn’t seem to follow it. 

Ohm’s Law: R = E/I 
I = E/R 
RI = E 
Where R = resistance E= voltage I= current

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Creating User-Friendly Service Center Forms

Creating User-Friendly Service Center Forms

Bret McCormick
Stewart's Electric Motor Works, Inc.


No one likes it on the shop floor. Nobody wants to fill out forms. 

Like most service centers, we recognize that accurate paperwork is a necessary part of any effective system for achieving product quality. But in our experience, it’s always been difficult to develop easy-to-use forms that will streamline the process of moving jobs through the shop. With those thoughts in mind, we at Stewart's Electric Motor Works set out to find a better way to create user-friendly forms.

We started by cramming a lot of information onto a single sheet of paper and, after much discussion, eventually settled on a template that could be used to expand the paperwork of each department.

To simplify the process of making specific repair forms, we used the Tables function in Microsoft® Word to create more than 60 building blocks for capturing common information like nameplate data, flux densities, accessories, instructions/notes, and so forth. We also developed a small library of generic drawings (e.g., horizontal and vertical motors, rotors, armatures, pump components, etc.) that could be incorporated into forms as needed.

Now whenever we need a new form, we just paste the appropriate building blocks into the department’s template and save the document with a new file name. Then we move the blocks around on the page as needed, modifying the labels, cell sizes, and numbers of rows as necessary before saving the document again. With this procedure, it’s fairly easy to create or revise forms for all aspects of repair–from motor and pump inspection and disassembly to machine work, rewinding, reassembly and final testing.

Since this process works so well for us at Stewart’s Electric, it might be helpful to you, too. You can download and view our building blocks, illustrations and generic PDF forms by downloading the ZIP file below (ZIP is an archive file format that contains multiple files or directories that may have been compressed. If you are not familiar with extracting content from ZIP files, see this Microsoft Support page for instructions.)

To create your own form in MS Word®  or MS Publisher®, simply download the building blocks you need. Then cut, paste, resize and move them around on the page to make a form that best fits your company’s needs. (Tip: Ask your children or grandchildren if you need help learning how to cut and paste. :-)

The generic PDF forms may be what you need, so you may choose to use them “as is.” 

If you need more ideas on what to include on your forms, see Section 2.17 in EASA’s Technical Manual located online in the EASA Resource Library.

Download the file using the link below.

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DC Brush Neutral: What It Means and Interpreting Results

DC Brush Neutral: What It Means and Interpreting Results

This webinar covers:

  • How much voltage output is too much?
  • What can cause higher than desired output voltage?
  • Brush spacing, brush seating, field or interpole spacing & polarity
  • Interpole circuits

Target audience: This webinar will benefit service center technicians and supervisors. 

DC Machine As-Received Connection Form (2-, 4- and 6-Pole DC Machines)

DC Machine As-Received Connection Form (2-, 4- and 6-Pole DC Machines)

This inspection report helps record a DC motor's connection as it enters the service center. It is intended for use with 2-, 4- and 6-pole DC machines and includes space to:

  • Draw and number the leads and jumpers
  • Number of poles in series or in parallel
  • Number of interpoles
  • Number of series fields

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DC Machine Data Sheet

DC Machine Data Sheet

DC machine data form

This form will aid in collecting all needed information regarding a DC machine recieved for repair: nameplate data, armature coil data, armature dimensions, field winding data, field coil dimensions, general winding information as well as job and customer details.

This fillable PDF conveniently helps you save DC machine data for future reference. SImply copy the file or "Save As" to create a form for each motor you repair. The PDF includes a convenient button that can help you easily send DC data to EASA technical support.

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DC Machine Inspection Report

DC Machine Inspection Report

This incoming inspection report provides a place to record basic DC motor conditions and test values, including:

  • Customer information
  • Armature voltage and amps
  • Field voltage, amps ,etc.
  • Electrical test information for the armature, fields, interpoles and series windings
  • Brush and brushholder information

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DC motor applications: Types of fields and benefits of each

DC motor applications: Types of fields and benefits of each

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

For the wide variety of DC motor applications, there are those where a straight shunt motor is preferred and others which seem to require the greater starting torque of a series field. Why are there different field designs and are they interchangeable? What about the nameplates marked “stab shunt” or “str shunt?” The purpose of this article is to clear up lingering confusion about the types of fields as well as the benefits of each.

A motor with only a shunt field is called a shunt wound (or straight shunt) motor, with nameplates sometimes labeled as “str shunt.” The shunt motor allows easy speed control without requiring a sophisticated drive. The field power supply could be as basic as a variable AC supply (a vari-AC) rectified through a bridge rectifier. By varying the current supplied to the shunt fields, the strength of the field flux can be varied, providing speed control. Extruders and a multitude of similar applications utilize the simple shunt motor.

This article discusses:

  • When torque is needed
  • Determining ampere-turns
  • Using transformer test

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DC Motor Electrical Procedures

DC Motor Electrical Procedures

for EASA members


A special discounted collection of 6 webinar recordings focusing on DC motor electrical procedures.

Once purchased, all 6 recordings will be available on your "Downloadable products purchased" page in your online account.

Downloadable recordings in this bundle include:

The Basics: Understanding DC Motor Tests
Presented October 2016

  • Ampere turns of the armature, field and interpole data
  • Determining the best armature coil pitch
  • Verifying interpole circuits
  • Importance of brush angle
  • Equalizers and armature windings

Adjusting Brush Neutral
Presented June 2011

The webinar covers:

  • How to set brush neutral in DC machines.
  • Several methods of setting brush neutral along with the benefits and drawbacks of each.
  • Tips for permanent magnet and series-would machines.
  • Tips on how to recognize problems and settings that affect brush neutral, and what to check if the neutral adjustment seems higher than usual.

Target audience: This presentation is most useful for service center and field technicians involved in the repair of DC machinery, service center managers engineers, or anyone involved in DC motor or generator repair, as well as those who are simply looking to expand their understanding.

Carbon Brushes, Current Density and Performance
Presented June 2019

The lowly brush is underrated and misunderstood. The brush grade, brush pressure and spring tension, as well as the effect of load and humidity are each important to brush performance in DC machines, wound rotor motors, and synchronous machines.

This presentation covers:

  • Importance of brush grade
  • Effect of humidity and load (current)
  • Best practice method for removing brushes to improve performance
  • Brush pressure & spring tension by application
  • Supplemental cooling of slip ring / brush enclosures

Target audience: This presentation will benefit service center technicians and supervisors.

Drop Testing of Fields and Synchronous Poles: Tips to Interpretation
Presented November 2011

This presentation covers:

  • The basics of drop testing, as well as offers tips for interpreting the results.
  • Both the AC and DC drop test are described as well as the advantages and drawbacks for each.
  • For those cases where the drop test results are out of tolerance, this material will guide the technician in determining the reasons for the variation-how to recognize the difference between shorted coils and differences in iron, airgap or other influences.
  • Rewind and assembly tips will also be discussed, where they influence the results of the drop test.

Target audience: This presentation is most useful for service center and field technicians with at least 5 years experience, service center managers, engineers, or anyone involved in DC motor or generator repair, as well as those who are simply looking to expand their knowledge.

Final Testing of DC Machines
Presented September 2011

To assure a quality repair, there specific tests (such as neutral-setting and interpole-armature polarity) that should routinely be performed on every DC machine. When done correctly, the simple procedures presented will prevent scenarios such as that late night phone call from an irate customer whose DC machine is "arcing like a fireworks show."

Target audience: Technicians with at least a moderate lever of experience in DC machine repair will benefit from this session.

Advanced DC Testing
Presented April 2012

This presentation shares tips that are not covered in “Fundamentals of DC: Operation and Repair Tips,” such as:

  • Tips for interpreting armature and interpole tests
  • Finding that ground in the newly rewound armature
  • Interpreting questionable drop test results

It also covers final assembly tests including how to determine whether the cause of sparking is the interpoles or the armature.

Target audience: This presentation is aimed at the experienced technician and supervisor.

DC motors: Final testing procedures without a dynamometer

DC motors: Final testing procedures without a dynamometer

Chuck Yung 
EASA Technical Support Specialist 

EASA’s Engineering and Technical Support Department has received many calls over the past few months concerning repairs on DC motors. Most callers have asked for tips on troubleshoot­ing to make sure repairs are handled correctly. 

Prior to assembly, all windings should be tested for shorts, grounds and correct polarity. 

After a DC motor is assembled and ready to test run, a few simple checks will greatly reduce the chance of motor problems.  The following procedures should be especially helpful to those shops that don’t have a dyna­mometer. 

DC shunt field rewinding wire size considerations

DC shunt field rewinding wire size considerations

Mike Howell
EASA Technical Support Specialist

When rewinding the shunt fields of a DC machine, it is important to avoid making changes that could negatively impact performance. The recommended practice is to maintain the manufacturer’s winding configuration during the repair. That is, the field circuit connection, turns per coil, mean or average length of turn (MLT) and wire size should not be changed. However, service centers do sometimes encounter issues around wire size availability. The purpose of this article is to provide some guidance for making wire size substitutions when the original size is unavailable.

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DC testing tips to make life easier

DC testing tips to make life easier

Help for even the most experienced, well-trained technician

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

More than 400 people have at­tended EASA’s Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips seminar since it was introduced in 2003. Even the most experienced and well-trained DC technicians will appreciate picking up some more testing tips. 

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DC Theory and Design 101

DC Theory and Design 101

This webinar covers:

  • Attraction / repulsion explanation as magnets
  • Ampere-turns of armature, fields, interpoles
  • Determining the correct interpole circuits
  • Evaluation of armature designs
  • How to recognize opportunities for improvement

Target audience: This webinar is intended for supervisors, winders and those desiring to learn more about DC machines.

DC Voltage Redesign

DC Voltage Redesign

EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

This webinar explains the DC redesign process along with the other factors often overlooked that should first be considered before a redesign.  As DC machines become difficult to source it’s not uncommon for an end user to ask about redesigning a DC motor that they have in storage, including changes in voltage for the shunt field and armature circuit.  Topics include:

  • Shunt fields
  • Reconnection for voltage change
  • Change limitations
  • Series fields  
  • Cautions about circuit change
  •  Armature circuit voltage change  
  • Interpoles
  • Brushes, boxes and current density
  • Armature redesign considerations

This webinar is intended for winders, shop supervisors and engineering staff. 

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Dealing with wet/flooded motors

Dealing with wet/flooded motors

Recovering from disaster: Saltwater becomes a major problem

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

Flooding in the aftermath of tropical storms (hurricanes, monsoons and cyclones) with heavy rainfall will often shut down hundreds of plants along the Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas and other places around the world.

To get them up and running again, maintenance departments and motor repairers face the daunting task of cleaning muck and moisture from many thousands of electric motors and generators. See Figure 1. The process in such situations can take weeks, if not months, and requires special clean-up procedures for motors contaminated by saltwater.

Although the problems are huge, affected plants can get back in production more quickly by working closely with service center professionals and following a few tips that will make the cleanup more manageable. These include prioritizing motors and generators for repair or replacement, storing contaminated machines properly, and using proven methods to flush away saltwater contamination. Constructing temporary ovens on site or at the service center can also add capacity for drying the insulation systems of flooded motors.

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Desalineamiento de escobillas para optimizar su Vida útil através de la Densidad de Corriente

Desalineamiento de escobillas para optimizar su Vida útil através de la Densidad de Corriente

Chuck Yung
Especialista Sénior de Soporte Técnico de EASA 

Al trabajar con máquinas de CC, no es raro encontrar un cliente que fabrica diferentes productos que requieren un rango de corriente de armadura. A diferencia de otros conductores, donde una corriente más baja es algo bueno, las escobillas de carbón están diseñadas con poco margen de densidad de corriente.

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Determinando las Fuentes de Ruido en los Motores Eléctricos

Determinando las Fuentes de Ruido en los Motores Eléctricos

Tom Bishop, P.E.
Especialista Sénior de Soporte Técnico de EASA

A menudo, determinar la fuente del ruido en un motor eléctrico es más un desafío que corregirla. Sin embargo, un enfoque metódico puede reducir las causas posibles y por consiguiente facilitar la resolución del problema. Una advertencia aquí es que, si el ruido está relacionado con el diseño del motor, es decir, por un defecto de fabricación, puede que no sea posible o que no sea práctico obtener una solución.

En un motor eléctrico existen tres fuentes principales de ruido: Magnética, mecánica y por ventilación. Aquí discutiremos las causas y las características de cada una de ellas, proporcionando directrices para eliminar o reducir el ruido asociado con dichas fuentes.

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Determining Noise Sources in Electric Motors

Determining Noise Sources in Electric Motors

Tom Bishop, P.E.
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Determining the source of noise in a motor is often much more challenging than correcting it. However, a methodical approach to investigating the noise can narrow down the possible causes and therefore make it easier to resolve the noise issue. There is a caveat. If the cause of the noise is due to something in the motor design, that is, a manufacturing defect or anomaly, a solution may not be possible or practical.

There are three primary sources of noise in a motor: magnetic, mechanical and windage. We will discuss the causes and characteristics of each and provide guidance in dealing with reducing or eliminating the noise associated with them.

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Drilling Down Into DC Design

Drilling Down Into DC Design

This presentation focuses on:

  • How to use basic design rules to verify data for fields, interpoles and armatures
  • Verifying the correct armature coil pitch
  • Special cases where you can improve on the original armature design
  • What to do when the armature was received stripped, and the manufacturer no longer exists

Drop Testing of Fields and Synchronous Poles: Tips to Interpretation

Drop Testing of Fields and Synchronous Poles: Tips to Interpretation

This presentation covers:

  • The basics of drop testing, as well as offers tips for interpreting the results.
  • Both the AC and DC drop test are described as well as the advantages and drawbacks for each.
  • For those cases where the drop test results are out of tolerance, this material will guide the technician in determining the reasons for the variation-how to recognize the difference between shorted coils and differences in iron, airgap or other influences.
  • Rewind and assembly tips will also be discussed, where they influence the results of the drop test.

Target audience: This presentation is most useful for service center and field technicians with at least 5 years experience, service center managers, engineers, or anyone involved in DC motor or generator repair, as well as those who are simply looking to expand their knowledge.

Dynamic balancing of rotors and armatures

Dynamic balancing of rotors and armatures

Tom Bishop, P.E.
EASA Technical Support Specialist 

This article describes machine balancing of the rotating components of motors and generators, primarily rotors and armatures. The methods described here, in general, can be applied to on-site balancing if the rotating component is accessible. The intent is to describe the methods of attaching balance weights, not determining acceptable balance level or the location and amount of correction weight. 

The advent of computerized balancing machines has made the latter steps rather straightforward. However, the challenge of how to attach a weight in such a way that it will remain secure and not negatively affect machine operation remains at times a vexing problem. 

What is the purpose of dynamic balancing a rotating part? It is to reduce unbalance and consequently to bring vibration to acceptable levels to allow for normal bearing and other component life. The acceptable levels of vibration are described in EASA Tech Note 32, “Standards For Dynamic Balancing,” thus we won’t explain them here.

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EASA Technical Manual

EASA Technical Manual

REVISED September 2022!

The EASA Technical Manual, containing more than 900 pages of information specific to electric motor service centers, is available FREE to EASA members as downloadable PDFs of the entire manual or individual sections. The printed version is also available for purchase. Each of the 13 sections features a detailed table of contents.


El Entrehierro ¿Qué es y por qué es importante?

El Entrehierro ¿Qué es y por qué es importante?

En una máquina de C.A. el entrehierro es el espacio físico entre el núcleo del estator y del rotor o entre la armadura y los campos/interpolos de una máquina de C.C.

Los temas discutidos en este artículo incluyen:

  • Principios importantes (fuerza magnética y la cantidad de corriente para conducir el flujo a través del aire)
  • Espacio de aire en las máquinas de CA
  • Espacio de aire en las máquinas de CC

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Electric Motors: Repair or Replace? Sales/Marketing PowerPoint Tool

Electric Motors: Repair or Replace? Sales/Marketing PowerPoint Tool

Note: This presentation, originally published in 2016, was updated in August 2021.

EASA Repair/Replace PowerPoint ToolThis PowerPoint presentation is available for members to use to present the factors that should be considered when customers are faced with making the difficult decision to repair their existing motor or purchase a replacement.

The presentation is designed to help service center sales and marketing personnel answer these difficult questions for their customers:

  • Is it better to repair or replace an electric motor that has failed?
  • Will a repaired motor retain its efficiency?

Members are welcome to customize the presentation with their company logo, contact information and anything else that might help better inform their customers.

With this presentation, you will be able to discuss the complete repair/replace decision-making process from reviewing the application demands, failure assessment, factoring in efficiency, and motor repair/rewinding good practices.

The presentation also is helpful in explaining the value of working with an EASA accredited member (if you are accredited). If you’re not an EASA accredited member, you may remove this portion of the presentation.

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Electrical Engineering Pocket Handbook

Electrical Engineering Pocket Handbook

Electrical Engineering Pocket HandbookDESCRIPTION
Filled with practical information, this 118-page handbook (3.5" x 6", 9cm x 15cm) makes a great “give-away” item for your customers and potential customers! Buy this great resource as is OR custom brand your company logo and information on the cover to turn it into a great marketing piece for your salespeople!



Standard Terminal Markings and Connections
DC Motors and Generators (NEMA & IEC Nomenclature)
Field Polarities of DC Machines
General Speed-Torque Characteristics
Full-Load Efficiencies of Energy Efficient Motors
Full-Load Efficiencies of NEMA Premium™ Efficient Motors
Effect of Voltage Variation on Motor Characteristics
Power Supply and Motor Voltages
Effect of Voltage Unbalance on Motor Performance
Starting Characteristics of Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Allowable Starts and Starting Intervals

Suffixes to NEMA Frames
NEMA Frame Assignments–Three-Phase Motors
NEMA Frame Dimensions–AC Machines
IEC Mounting Dimensions–Foot-Mounted AC and DC Machines
IEC Shaft Extension, Key And Keyseat Dimensions–Continuous Duty AC Motors (Inches)
NEMA Shaft Extension And Keyseat
Dimensions–Foot-Mounted DC Machines (Inches)
NEMA Frame Dimensions–Foot-Mounted DC Machines (Inches)
NEMA Frame Dimensions–AC Machines (mm)
IEC Mounting Dimensions–Foot-Mounted AC and DC Machines (mm)
IEC Shaft Extension, Key and Keyseat Dimensions–Continuous Duty AC Motors (mm)
NEMA Shaft Extension and Keyseat Dimensions–Foot-Mounted DC Machines (mm)
NEMA Frame Dimensions–Foot-Mounted DC Machines (mm)

Power Factor Improvement of Induction Motor Loads
Capacitor kVAR Rating for Power-Factor Improvement
Full-Load Currents–Motors
Maximum Locked-Rotor Currents–Three-Phase Motors
NEMA Code Letters for AC Motors
Starter Enclosures
NEMA Size Starters for Three-Phase Motors
NEMA Size Starters for Single-Phase Motors
Derating Factors for Conductors in a Conduit
Allowable Ampacities of Insulated Conductors
Motor Protection Devices–Maximum Rating or Setting

Full-Load Currents for Three-Phase Transformers
Full-Load Currents for Single-Phase Transformers
Transformer Connections

Temperature Classification of Insulation Systems
Resistance Temperature Detectors.
Thermocouple Junction Types
Dimensions, Weight and Resistance: Solid Round Copper Wire (AWG and Metric)
Square Bare Copper Wire (AWG)
Insulation Resistance and Polarization Index Tests
Properties of Metals and Alloys

Temperature Correction of Winding Resistance
Temperature Correction of Insulation Resistance.
Formulas for Electric Motors and Electrical Circuits.
Motor Application Formulas
Centrifugal Application Formulas
Temperature Conversion Chart
Conversion Factors
Fractions of an Inch–Decimal and Metric Equivalents

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Electrical machine enclosures: Degree of protection (IP) codes

Electrical machine enclosures: Degree of protection (IP) codes

Tom Bishop, P.E.
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard 60529 “Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)” addresses the degrees of protection for electrical machines (motors and generators). The “IP” acronym means “International Protection,” but is sometimes referred to as “Ingress Protection.” The IP code is commonly displayed on metric machine nameplates, which are manufactured to IEC standards.

The NEMA MG1 Motors and Generators standards have adopted the IEC standards for the IP designations. Although not prevalent on NEMA machine nameplates, the inclusion of the IP marking is becoming more common. The purpose of this article is to describe the IP code designations and provide examples of the IP codes for common electrical machine enclosures.

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Encerramientos de las máquinas eléctricas: Grados de protección (Códigos IP)

Encerramientos de las máquinas eléctricas: Grados de protección (Códigos IP)

Tom Bishop, P.E.
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

La norma 60529 de la International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC): “Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)” trata los grados de protección de las máquinas eléctricas (motores y generadores). La sigla “IP” significa “Protección Internacional” pero a veces se le conoce como “Protección contra Ingreso”. El código IP se muestra comúnmente en las placas de datos de las máquinas métricas, que son fabricadas con normas IEC. 

Las normas NEMA MG1 Motors and Generators han adoptado las normas IEC para las designaciones IP. Aunque no prevalecen en las placas de datos de las máquinas NEMA, la inclusión del marcado IP se está volviendo más común. El propósito de este artículo es describir las designaciones IP y proporcionar ejemplos de los códigos IP para los encerramientos de las máquinas eléctricas más comunes.

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Factores a Considerar al Probar Armaduras de CC

Factores a Considerar al Probar Armaduras de CC

Chuck Yung
Especialista Sénior de Soporte Técnico de EASA

Cuando se prueban armaduras de CC, ya sea al entrar a reparación o una vez rebobinadas, una pregunta que escucho muy a menudo incluye la interpretación de los resultados de la prueba de impulso (barra-barra de alta frecuencia).

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Factors to Consider When Testing DC Armatures

Factors to Consider When Testing DC Armatures

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

When testing DC armatures, whether incoming for repair or after completing a rewind, one question I often hear involves interpreting the surge test (or the high-frequency bar-to-bar test) results. There is a lot to our interpretation of the bar-bar test or surge test.

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Familiarizandose con los bobinados fraccionarios concentrados-FSCW

Familiarizandose con los bobinados fraccionarios concentrados-FSCW

Mike Howell
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Los bobinados fraccionarios concentrados, en inglés Fractional-Slot Concentrated Windings (FSCW), han sido empleados durante décadas, principalmente en máquinas pequeñas. Sin embargo, el avance continuo en la electrónica de potencia junto con la necesidad de tener máquinas más eficientes y con mayor densidad de potencia está aumentando el uso de este tipo de bobinados en máquinas de diferentes tipos y tamaños.

Features and benefits of EASA's Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors booklet

Features and benefits of EASA's Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors booklet

Tom Bishop, P.E.
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist
​ EASA’s Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors is a great marketing tool for service centers to provide to customers (end users). As such, this valuable 40-page booklet provides end users with information that will help them obtain the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors with these characteristics: 

  • Three-phase, squirrel-cage induction motors manufactured to NEMA MG1 standards 
  • Power ratings from 1 to 500 hp (1 to 375 kW) 
  • Speeds of 900 to 3600 rpm (8 to 2 poles) 
  • Voltages up to 1000V, 50/60 Hz 
  • All standard enclosures (i.e., DP, TEFC, WPI, WPII) 
  • Rolling element (ball and roller) and sleeve bearings

The following is an overview of the contents of the booklet indicating some of the ways that using it can benefit end users, i.e., your customers — and potential customers.

Installation, startup and baseline information
The first of the two major sections addresses three subtopics: motor installation, startup and baseline information. Early on it recommends making sure to document the motor’s initial condition to establish a baseline for comparison with future results. Among the benefits to the end user by following this practice is that it’s often possible to recognize small or developing problems before they lead to costly motor failures and downtime.

Reference is made to the “Motor and installation baseline data” sheet (see Figure 1) found in Appendix A. Recording the nameplate data and pertinent electrical and mechanical parameters at the time of installation and startup makes that information available for reference in hard copy or, if scanned, electronic format. Review of the motor data, including the nameplate information, can provide insight into the motor’s suitability for the application.

Specific items to check include motor suitability for use with a variable frequency drive (VFD), bearing suitability if the application is a belt drive, lubrication points accessibility, and verifying that the motor control and overload protections are sized properly for the motor rating. The last two points can be critical if the motor is a replacement and of a different power rating than the motor that it replaced.

Installation considerations such as the adequacy of the foundation and base are important for motor reliability. A weak or otherwise inadequate base can result in frame distortion, rapid bearing wear and vibration.

The booklet not only provides details on these topics, it extensively covers shaft alignment, including the issues of soft foot, alignment tolerances, and alignment methods for direct-coupled and for belt-drives. The end user can find a great deal of installation related information in just a few pages of the booklet.

The information in the booklet proceeds from the installation considerations to startup procedures. In many cases the motor being installed had been in storage; details are provided to help assure that the motor functions properly. Among the storage related topics are lubrication and the lubricant, and checking winding insulation resistance (see Table 1).

Next, recommendations are provided for pre-operation startup tests. Measuring and recording vibration levels is recommended. Recommended tests with the motor under load include line to line voltage, line currents, winding temperature (if possible), bearing temperature and ambient temperature. The booklet suggests these baseline values be recorded on the motor data sheet as a basis for future trending measurements. Two examples are provided to show the importance of recording baseline and trending data.

The section on motor installation, startup and baseline information concludes with the topic of total motor management. These programs typically track purchases and spares in a database by nameplate information, facility/location, and application. Usually they also track baseline data, maintenance, storage and repair. The primary benefits for the end users are that such programs lower costs by reducing downtime (spares are readily available) and decreasing inventory (identification of spares used in multiple locations).

A key consideration here is whether the most cost-effective and reliable solution is to store spare motors on site or to outsource storage to a service center or other vendor. Motor management and spare motor (and other equipment) storage is yet another opportunity for a service center to provide a value-added service for their customers. Further, having the customer’s spare motor at your facility provides a better opportunity to receive the replaced motor to perform the needed repairs.

Operational monitoring and maintenance
The second of the two major sections deals with operational monitoring and maintenance. Primary topics include application-specific conditions, preventive and predictive maintenance, inspection and testing, and bearing relubrication. By making use of the advice in this section the end user can extend the useful life of their motors, as well as the mean time between failures requiring repair.

Abnormalities in the electrical supply such as transient voltage can result in transient currents and torques which can damage not only windings but also mechanical components of the motor or driven equipment. To help the end user avoid these abnormalities, a bullet list identifies over a half-dozen potential sources. Another source of transient conditions that is not an abnormality is motor starting. The booklet provides the end user with guidance in dealing with motor starting and emphasizes the need to limit the number of motor starts.

The subsection on preventive maintenance (PM), predictive maintenance (PdM) and reliability-based (RBM) maintenance defines and describes each. Electrical and mechanical test and inspection techniques and physical condition assessments are identified for PM, PdM and RBM [also termed reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)]. Even if an end user already has a PM, PdM or RBM program, they can benefit from review of this subsection as it may identify missing elements in their program. Also, if an end user is not familiar with any of these programs the booklet provides information to get them started on the path to more reliable motor operation. That is, it provides an opportunity for the end user to get the most from their electric motors and probably the connected equipment as well.

Additional information on PM, PdM and RBM is included in the subsequent section on motor inspection and testing. All too often we hear the statement “don’t overlook the obvious.” That describes the importance of physical inspection in detecting missing, broken or damaged parts, blocked airflow paths and contaminants. Any one of these conditions could lead to premature and perhaps rapid motor failure.

Tests that are described in detail include insulation resistance, winding resistance and motor current signature analysis (see Table 2). When available from industry standards, criteria for evaluation are provided so that the end user can determine if their levels are acceptable or warrant corrective action. Cautionary information is provided regarding high-potential and surge testing of installed motors.  Information about vibration analysis using a spectrum analyzer is also provided.

This final subsection of the main body of the booklet provides guidance to help assure long and reliable motor operation. Recommendations include not only relubricating bearings, but also monitoring lubricant levels and checking for leaks and contamination. Guidance is provided to help the end user determine the correct relubrication interval and the lubricant type and grade when the motor manufacturer instructions are not available.

The importance of grease compatibility is stressed, and a grease incompatibility chart is provided.  Sage relubrication advice is given in the statement: “The best practice is to use the same grease that’s already in the bearings–provided it’s suitable for the application." A formula is provided to determine the precise amount of grease required; a graphic illustrates grease relubrication intervals based on bearing type, size and speed.

Oil-lubricated sleeve and rolling element bearing lubrication is also addressed, including topics such as oil compatibility, viscosity, and relubrication intervals.  Specific topics such as dealing with abnormal conditions and how to replace oil are also described.

The three appendices provide supplementary information that can help the end user get more from their motors in terms of record-keeping, understanding motor terminology and storage. Appendix A contains a two-page data form (see Figure 1) intended for use in recording motor nameplate data and electrical and mechanical test data. Initially the data form can be used for baseline information, and then updated when maintenance or repairs are made. As such it can provide invaluable historical information for the end user and service firms when it becomes necessary to perform a simple failure analysis or more comprehensive root cause failure analysis.

The information in Appendix B is a compilation of key terms associated with motor nameplate data. (Note: There is also a standalone glossary at the end of the booklet.) However, the real value of this information is in determining the meaning of terms that at times are misunderstood. Knowing the true meaning and importance of these terms can help an end user avoid a costly and time-consuming mistake in purchasing a motor that is not suited for a specific application.

Based on member inquiries, motor storage recommendations, which are the topic of Appendix C, are a common end user request. These storage recommendations alone make the booklet a valuable resource for end users. The last page of this appendix summarizes how often to perform certain storage maintenance routines. It is rare to find this time versus task information all in one place, which is something many end users will appreciate.

Ordering information
Printed copies of Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors booklet can be purchased in EASA’s Online Store or you may download a PDF copy for FREE.

Imprinting available to EASA members
EASA members may also imprint their company name, logo or contact information on the cover of this booklet. This makes for an excellent marketing and educational tool to distribute to you customers. Download the imprinting guidelines and contact customer service to place you order.


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Final Testing of DC Machines

Final Testing of DC Machines

To assure a quality repair, there specific tests (such as neutral-setting and interpole-armature polarity) that should routinely be performed on every DC machine. When done correctly, the simple procedures presented will prevent scenarios such as that late night phone call from an irate customer whose DC machine is "arcing like a fireworks show."

Technicians with at least a moderate lever of experience in DC machine repair will benefit from this session.

Flashover: Causes and cures for damage to brushholders, commutators

Flashover: Causes and cures for damage to brushholders, commutators

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

There are times when a DC motor or generator experiences a catastrophic failure and the customer wants to know why it happened. One type of failure that seems to stimulate lively conversation is when the failure involves dramatic damage to the brushholders and commutator. The term “flashover” describes the appearance of the failure; the very name conveys an accurate mental image of the failure.  See Figure 1.

The questions that arise next are predictable: “What caused this?” and ”What can be done to prevent a recurrence?” Or, if the motor was recently repaired: “What did you do to my motor to cause this?!” The purpose of this article is to help you answer those questions.

The causes of a flashover can be partially explained by the insulating properties of air, and Ohm’s Law. Air is an electrical insulator, although the dielectric breakdown voltage of air is low compared to the insulating materials we use in electric motors. Inside an operating DC motor, we find heat, carbon dust and other contaminants, and perhaps even humidity. Each of these will reduce the dielectric strength of air.

As for Ohm’s Law, E/R = I; winders use this frequently to evaluate shunt fields and to extrapolate the temperature rise of those fields. But it also applies to the armature circuit. 
At the moment a DC motor is energized, before the armature starts to rotate, the armature current is limited only by the available kVA of the power supply. 

Consider the example of a 500 hp motor, with a 500V armature circuit. Static resistance of the armature-interpole circuit measured only 0.02 ohms, so the short circuit armature current could reach 25,000 amps if the drive has sufficient kVA: 500/0.02  = 25,000 amps.

Effects on armature
Fortunately, drives ramp up the armature voltage, rather than applying it instantly. As soon as the armature begins to rotate, the inductance provided by the armature becomes a factor in suppressing the armature current. Paraphrasing the now-defunct IEEE Standard 66: When voltage E is applied across a circuit consisting of a resistance and inductance L in series, the maximum rate of rise is given by the equation di/dt = E/L amperes per second; where E equals volts, and L equals henrys. In other words, the armature current decreases rapidly as the armature speed increases.

Every DC motor can be used as a generator, by driving it mechanically and applying current to the fields. When operating as a motor, there are times where the motor might be driven by an overhauling load (e.g., a loaded conveyor running downhill; or a hoist lowering a heavy load). When that happens, the counter-emf (electro-motive force) produced overcomes the applied emf, and flashover is likely. In layman’s terms, operating conditions cause the armature current to increase rapidly, and generated voltage/current trigger the flashover. 
A list of operating events that can cause a flashover is included in Table 1.

If the interpoles are not correctly adjusted to maintain brush neutral throughout the operating load range, the shifting neutral results in arcing as the load increases outside the black band region. That can, in and of itself, trigger a flashover. (The black band region can be described as this: Weakening / strengthening the interpoles, independent of all else, until the brushes begin to spark produces a band within which no sparking occurs. That band is referred to as the “black band.” For more information, see the Assembly and Final Test section of Fundamentals of DC Operation and Repair Tips.)

Preventive measures
Working to help your customer understand the basics of how a DC motor operates can go a long way towards helping them avoid problems. One of my most vivid “triggers” of a flashover is the customer who installs a newly rebuilt compound motor with more than 50% compounding. (The percent compounding describes the percentage of total field flux contributed by the series fields, at full load.) They check rotation and discover that the motor needs to be reversed. We all know that the correct way to do this is to swap the A1 and A2 leads (the large wires that are thoroughly taped). But, says the customer, it is so much easier to swap the shunt field leads (they are smaller, and probably held in a terminal strip by screws) instead. That shortcut has worked in the past — on straight shunt motors.

With a compound-wound machine, this time-saving shortcut changed the motor from a cumulative connection to differential. The motor runs fine unloaded, and even with a moderate load. But when the load is increased to the point that the series overpowers the shunt fields, catastrophe occurs. Since this is a newly rebuilt motor, there is a very good chance that your customer will blame you. After all, you just rebuilt the motor. So it is important to educate the customer to avoid just such a situation. (And yes, I have had many, many calls where a newly installed motor failed exactly as just described.)

If someone blames a flashover on “drive settings,” that implies that the drive is accelerating or decelerating the motor too rapidly. If so, a competent drive technician should be able to adjust that to reduce the chance of flashover. Blaming the drive may instead mean that the motor is in an application calling for a regenerative drive, but the customer replaced the drive with a less expensive model that cannot handle the regenerative mode. (And the customer might not admit having done so until you press the issue.) One example would be a compound wound motor driving a roller coaster. When the cars are coasting downhill, the regenerative mode is used to prevent dangerous over-acceleration.

A compound wound motor, in such an application, requires a drive that has connection points for the shunt, armature and separate series field leads. This is to permit the motor to operate with a cumulative connection in both directions of rotation. If a compound wound motor is operated from a drive with only shunt- and armature circuit leads, in a reversing application, it will be cumulative in one direction but differentially compounded in the opposite direction. The higher the percent compounding, the greater the risk of speed instability and/or flashover. See Table 2.

Specific to any DC motor, there are several preventive measures to reduce the chance of a flashover. The first of these is to simply chamfer the end of the commutator bars. Voltage stress varies exponentially to the inverse of the radius. Chamfering the customary square corner at the end of the commutator to a 1/16” (1.6 mm) radius reduces the voltage stress to approximately 15%, significantly reducing the opportunity for flashover to occur. See Figure 2.

Add flashover protection
If a customer has chronic issues with flashover, take a lesson from the traction motor industry and add flashover protection. Install four equally spaced short lengths of angle iron in line with the end of the string band area. The bolted connection must be electrically sound and the edge closest to the commutator must be bare metal (no paint or other coating). The bare metal provides a reliable path to ground, if an arc is to occur, thus minimizing damage to the costly brush boxes and commutator. See Figure 3.

Flashover detection is commercially available and reliable. It has long been known that, at the moment a flashover begins, the field polarity reverses. Automated instrumentation, by monitoring the polarity of the field current, can shut the motor down before the fault current causes damage.

If the application is a fan, blower or downhill conveyor, where the motor might start while the load is free-wheeling in reverse, the solution could be a brake – either mechanical or otherwise, interlocked with the drive to release the brake when the motor starts. One option the end user might consider is to use the shunt fields as the dynamic brake. If they do so, the field current should not exceed 1/3 of the rated shunt field current. Otherwise, the shunt fields might overheat and fail prematurely.

The manufacturer has more latitude than we do as repairers, so it is common to see larger machines designed with a compensating winding (a.k.a. “pole face bars”), imbedded in the face of each field pole to effectively extend the influence of the interpoles. Those compensating windings, just like interpoles, must be connected correctly so as to yield the correct interpole strength. Misconnected interpoles or compensating windings (i.e., the wrong number of circuits) radically change performance and are much more likely to spark and/or flashover.

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Fundamentals of DC Operation & Repair Tips

Fundamentals of DC Operation & Repair Tips

This book ws developed in conjuction with EASA's two-day Fundamentals of DC Operation & Repair Tips seminar.

This book is not meant to replace the many good texts that cover the theory and design of DC machines, but to supplement them. Its purpose is twofold: to help the technician understand DC machine theory without complex formulae; and in a larger sense, to record in one place the repair procedures and tips usually learned the hard way during a long career of DC machine repair. It may take a decade or longer for a technician to become proficient and knowledgeable. We hope this book will cut many years from that timeline.

The text begins with DC theory (no math, we promise!), and then follows the logical progression of a DC machine through the service center. Disassembly, inspection and testing are covered in the initial chapters. 

Subsequent chapters are organized around the main parts of a DC machine. The final chapters cover assembly, final testing and application issues. Sections focusing on components explain how those parts work, how they are made and how they can best be repaired.

Repair tips gleaned from EASA members’ decades of experience are liberally sprinkled throughout the book. While many texts about DC machines explain how they should work, this is the first (to our knowledge) to discuss all the exceptions that a repairer is liable to run across during a lifetime of working with DC machines. These might otherwise be labeled “lessons learned the hard way,” except that the reader can benefit from having all these special cases collected in one source. When possible, it is better to learn by reading than by trial and error; otherwise, the first encounter with a unique design can result in a painful “learning experience.”

A DC machine can be used interchangeably as a motor or generator, simply by changing the connection. Any DC motor can be driven and used to produce power, and any DC generator can be motorized to provide mechanical power. Although this text predominately refers to “motor;” the material applies to both motors and generators.

As with the other EASA publications—Principles of Large AC Motors, Mechanical Repair Fundamentals of Electric Motors, and Root Cause Failure Analysis—each section is designed to stand alone. The small amount of duplication is intentional, to save the reader from flipping back and forth between sections.

Table of Contents - (Download the complete Table of Contents)

  • Nomenclature and Nameplate Information
  • DC Motor Theory
  • Disassembly and Inspection
  • Testing
  • Armatures
  • Commutators
  • Frames
  • Ventilation and Accessories
  • Motor Assembly and Final Testing
  • On-Site Troubleshooting
  • Failure Analysis


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Getting to know fractional-slot concentrated windings (FSCW)

Getting to know fractional-slot concentrated windings (FSCW)

Mike Howell
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Fractional-slot concentrated windings (FSCW) have been used for decades, primarily in small machines. But continued technological advancement in power electronics along with the need for more efficient and power-dense machines is increasing use of FSCW in a variety of machine types and sizes.

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How much AC ripple in a DC power supply is too much?

How much AC ripple in a DC power supply is too much?

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

Once upon a time, DC motors oper­ated from batteries or motor-generator sets. For the past 50+ years, most DC motors have operated from solid state power supplies – rectifying AC power to DC power. When motors began operating from rectified power, one of the problems experienced was the presence of AC “ripple” in the leads that were supposed to deliver DC power to the machine. Absent a spe­cific standard, a recurring question is: “How much is too much?” Before I try to suggest an answer to that question, let’s talk about what AC ripple is and explain why it is not desirable.

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How to Balance Overhung Fans

How to Balance Overhung Fans

Often an overhung fan is balanced in a single plane, only to find that the vibration has shifted to the outboard bearing. Attempts to use standard two-plane techniques may result in calculated correction weights that are very large and produce poor results. There are more effective ways to approach this common problem. This presentation shows a methodical approach and techniques for tackling this difficult balancing problem.

Target audience: This presentation is intended for field service balancing technicians, supervisors and managers.

How to Conduct a “Bump Test” for Resonance

How to Conduct a “Bump Test” for Resonance

Gene Vogel
EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist 

There are many common causes of high vibration on rotating machinery; too many to list here. But often, what would otherwise be an acceptable level of vibration is amplified by resonance. All machines are susceptible to resonance. Resonance occurs when the natural frequency of some machine component coincides with an exciting force. When resonance occurs it is the combination of exciting force and a natural frequency that results in high vibration; both must be present at the same frequency for resonance to occur. When resonance does cause excessive vibration, it is important to identify the natural frequency and the mode shape of the vibration. A simple bump test, conducted with the machine not running, is a good first step in identifying the natural frequency (Figure 1).

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How to Construct and Operate a Temporary Bake Oven

How to Construct and Operate a Temporary Bake Oven

This presentation demonstrates an easy-to-build temporary oven that can be constructed in the service center or in site. The recording covers:

  • Materials to use and where to obtain
  • Heating: electric, propane, or other?
  • Measuring winding temperature
  • Regulating oven temperature
  • Storage of the parts when not in use
  • Safety concerns and cautions

Target audience: This presentation will benefit service center supervisors and management.

How to Measure Magnet Wire

How to Measure Magnet Wire

This video shows one step in collecting motor winding data: how to measure magnet wire. A service center could use this data to:

  • Duplicate an original winding
  • Verify that a previous rewind was done correctly
  • Serve as a basis for redesigning a winding
  • Store recorded data for future reference


Helpful tools

How to Set Brush Neutral on a DC Machine

How to Set Brush Neutral on a DC Machine

This video shows how to adjust the brush neutral position of a DC machine to prevent sparking at the brushes at full load. An accurate neutral setting promotes good commutation and efficient machine operation. It also minimizes commutator wear while maximizing brush life. For this video, we’re using the AC method of setting brush neutral.

How to strip an armature without degrading the core

How to strip an armature without degrading the core

A simple and efficient method to improve quality and save labor

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

We all know that stator cores should be burned at a controlled temperature to prevent lamination deterioration that can lead to harmful eddycurrent losses. But what about armatures? While that DC machine is energized by direct current, it is also true that the armature itself sees alternating current as the current in each coil reverses while passing from pole to pole. 

A temperature-controlled burnout oven permits us to cremate a stator without worry, but an armature is another story. Because the commutator is integral to the armature, and cannot be easily removed, some repairers resort to a hand-stripping operation. Careful use of a torch to warm the windings accelerates the stripping job, but controlling the core tempera­ture can be difficult. And stripping a large armature without heat is all but impossible by conventional methods. 

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Important Changes to the NEC Impacting Motor Service Providers

Important Changes to the NEC Impacting Motor Service Providers



There are changes in the National Electrical Code that EASA members need to know about. View this webinar to learn:

  • The background behind these changes
  • The 2020 change impacting reconditioned motors
  • How the changes will be interpreted
  • What the changes mean for the electric motor service industry

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Improve Customer Satisfaction: Follow Electric Motor Storage Procedures

Improve Customer Satisfaction: Follow Electric Motor Storage Procedures

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

One of the more mundane things we as repairers must be concerned with is motor storage. For many of us, storing large motors for major customers is its own profit center. For all of us, being aware of how our customers store the motors we repair and send to them is critical to customer satisfaction. A poorly stored motor is likely to suffer winding or bearing failure, and we don’t want unrealistic warranty claims over something outside our control.

Our primary concerns when storing motors, especially long-term, are windings, bearings and shaft sag.

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Interpole shims: Proper placement prevents arcing

Interpole shims: Proper placement prevents arcing

Chuck Yung 
EASA Technical Support Specialist 

Have you ever wondered about the purpose of the shims found under the interpoles in most DC machines? Those shims are used by the manufac­turer to adjust the interpole strength. If they are lost, left out or mixed up, the result will be a DC motor or generator that arcs – especially when loaded.

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Interpole strength: Determining correct number of circuits

Interpole strength: Determining correct number of circuits

Chuck Yung 
EASA Technical Support Specialist 

We have a DC motor that arcs when loaded. We checked all the usual suspects: brush neutral, interpole polarity relative to the armature, brush spacing around the commutator, etc. How can we determine the correct interpole circuits? 

I’m excited to be able to share a brand new DC repair tip. A conversa­tion with two EASA members led to a method for determining whether the interpoles are connected with the correct number of circuits. 

Not only is this new method easy, it’s a refinement of the interpole polarity test we routinely perform on every repaired DC machine. To explain why this method works, let’s review some design basics and then use that information to determine the correct interpole circuits.

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Interpoles and Compensating Windings in DC Machines – What Do They Do?

Interpoles and Compensating Windings in DC Machines – What Do They Do?

Mike Howell, PE
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Unlike their AC counterparts, DC machines do not have rotating magnetic fields. Rather, there are fixed magnetic field axes for the field (direct axis) and armature (quadrature axis). Even though the armature is rotating, the magnetic field axis in the armature is fixed thanks to commutation, which allows the direction of current in an armature conductor to change as it passes from the region under one main field pole to the next.

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Interpolos y Devanados de Compensación - ¿Qué es lo que hacen?

Interpolos y Devanados de Compensación - ¿Qué es lo que hacen?

Mike Howell, PE
Especialista de Soporte Técnico de EASA

A diferencia de sus homólogos de CA, las máquinas de CC no tienen campos magnéticos rotativos. Más bien, existen ejes de campo magnético fijos para el campo (eje directo) y la armadura (eje en cuadratura). Aunque la armadura esté girando, el eje del campo magnético de la armadura está fijo gracias a la conmutación, lo que permite que la dirección de la corriente en un conductor de la armadura cambie a medida que pasa debajo de un polo de campo principal al siguiente.

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Keeping it cool: A look at causes of motor overheating

Keeping it cool: A look at causes of motor overheating

Much has been written in EASA publications and elsewhere about the consequences of excessive temperature on a motor’s performance. We know that excessive temperature and moisture are the largest contributors to bearing and winding failures. Understanding the source of the increased temperature will help us to correct the problem and improve the machine’s life expectancy.

A chart included in this article illustrates the theoretical impact of increased temperature on the life of the motor insulation system. This chart only addresses the impact of thermal aging and not various other conditions that will affectthe motor’s life. In other words, it says that for every 10ºC increase in operating tem-perature, the expected life is reduced by one-half. Conversely, if we can re-duce the temperature of the motor by 10ºC, we can expect the life to double. Note that this is true at any point on the curve. However, there is the rule of diminishing returns: at some point the cost of designing and operating a motor to run cooler out-weighs the benefts of doing so.  Here we will explore some of the factors that con-tribute to increased temperature.

Topics covered include:

  • Overload
  • Ventilation
  • Voltage
  • Electrical steel (core iron)
  • Current density
  • Circulating currents
  • Harmonics

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Know your degree-of-protection codes

Know your degree-of-protection codes

What level of protection do your machine enclosures offer? Here's a guide.

By Tom Bishop, P.E.
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard 60529, “Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code),” addresses the degrees of protection for electrical machines (motors and generators). The “IP” acronym means “international protection” but is sometimes referred to as “ingress protection.” The IP code is commonly displayed on the nameplates of metric machines that are manufactured to IEC standards.

The NEMA MG1 Motors and Generators standards have adopted the IEC standards for IP designations. Although not prevalent on NEMA machine nameplates, the inclusion of the IP marking is becoming more common. In light of this, this article reviews IP code designations and examples of the IP codes for common electrical machine enclosures.

  • IP characteristic letters
  • IP characteristic numerals
  • Typical IP codes


La placa de datos del motor: ¿Qué información proporciona?

La placa de datos del motor: ¿Qué información proporciona?

Jim Bryan
EASA Technical Support Specialist (retired)

La placa de datos de un motor eléctrico revela mucha información valiosa acerca de la capacidad y desempeño de la máquina. Las normas NEMA MG1-2014 (National Electrical Manufacturers Association Motors and Generators 1) e IEC 60034-8 (International Electrotechnical Commission) brindan información que se debe incluir en la placa de datos para cumplir con las normas.

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Lead Wire Sizing 101

Lead Wire Sizing 101

Presented by Mike Howell
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Choosing an appropriate lead wire for a new stator winding is an important task. The manufacturer’s information is not always available, or the number of circuits or external connection may have been changed, requiring a redesign of the lead wire.  This webinar reviews: 

  • Commonly available materials 
  • Lead wire insulation classes 
  • Lead wire voltage classes 
  • General sizing procedures 

This webinar is intended for repair technicians and anyone who needs to select lead wire.  

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Learning from experience: Tips for repairing a "purpose-built" motor

Learning from experience: Tips for repairing a "purpose-built" motor

Tim Browne
Industrial Electric Motor Service, Inc.

I suspect that just about everyone in our industry at one time or another has had the joy of repairing a “purpose-built” motor. This kind of motor is built for a specific purpose and has characteristics that may allow it to operate under non-standard conditions. Due to the limited information that some of them display on the nameplate, the repair of these motors can be somewhat of a challenge.

Sometimes these motors possess differences such as the color of paint, the shaft size, the bearing size, or type. It can be the operating temperature and at times it can be the motor in its entirety. Following are a few useful tips we use when repairing a motor with so many question marks.

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Lidiando con motores mojados o inundados

Lidiando con motores mojados o inundados

Recuperándose del desastre: El agua salada se convierte en el mayor problema

Chuck Yung
Especialista Sénior de Soporte Técnico de EASA

A menudo, las inundaciones producidas por las intensas lluvias de las tormentas tropicales (huracanes, monzones y ciclones) colapsan cientos de plantas industriales a todo lo largo de la costa del golfo de México, desde la Florida hasta Texas y en otros lugares del mundo.

Para retomar las actividades productivas, los departamentos de mantenimiento y los reparadores enfrentan la difícil tarea de limpiar la suciedad y desalojar la humedad en miles de motores y generadores eléctricos. Ver Figura 1. El proceso en tales situaciones puede tomar semanas o meses y requiere procedimientos especiales para limpiar los motores contaminados con agua salada.

Aunque el problema es enorme, las fábricas pueden volver a producir más rápidamente aunando esfuerzos con centros de servicio profesionales y siguiendo algunos consejos que facilitan las tareas de limpieza. Estos incluyen, priorizar los motores que requieren ser reparados o reemplazados, almacenar adecuadamente las máquinas contaminadas y utilizar métodos contrastados para eliminar la contaminación con agua salada. Fabricar hornos provisionales in situ o en el centro de servicio también puede aumentar la capacidad de secado de los sistemas de aislamiento de los motores inundados.

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llevando a Cabo Una Inspección Para Obtener Una Confiabilidad a Largo Plazo

llevando a Cabo Una Inspección Para Obtener Una Confiabilidad a Largo Plazo

Por Steven Carbone
Miembro del Comité de Educación Técnica
Industrial Electro-Mechanics

En el actual entorno competitivo cada vez mayor, los usuarios finales buscan centros de servicio de máquinas eléctricas rotativas que aumenten su oferta de valor agregado. Una de las formas más fáciles para que un centro de servicios logre esto es efectuando una inspección minuciosa y detallada de los equipos que reciben para reparación. Los resultados de dicha inspección permiten mejorar la confiabilidad de los equipos que se logra a través de los resultados de la evaluación y las recomendaciones que ofrece el centro de servicio para prevenir fallas recurrentes y mejorar el tiempo medio entre fallas.

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Logrando una alineación adecuada detectando y corrigiendo el pie suave

Logrando una alineación adecuada detectando y corrigiendo el pie suave

Por Gene Vogel
Especialista de Bombas y Vibraciones de EASA

Realizar una correcta alineación de las máquinas acopladas de forma directa es un elemento esencial para garantizar la confiabilidad de operación de una máquina nueva o reparada (motor, bomba, caja de engranajes, etc.). Uno de los impedimentos comunes para lograr una alineación adecuada y un correcto funcionamiento, es el denominado  "pie suave".

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Looking back at major winding refurbishment and upgrade

Looking back at major winding refurbishment and upgrade

John Allen
Sheppard Engineering

Clachan Hydro Power Station (HPS) went into service in 1956. Clachan HPS is located on Scotland’s west coast about 40 miles north of Glasgow. The underground power station is at the head of Loch Fyne sea loch. See Figure 1. The tailrace discharges into the Fyne River, a salmon fishing river. Loch Fyne has a renowned fishery and seafood restaurant within a mile.

The 900 ft (275 m) head vertical shaft Francis turbine driven 50 MVA, 40 MW 428.6 rpm 11 kV generator was designed by English Electric. The generator stator was recored and rewound in 1984 by Peebles Field Services (acquired by Dowding & Mills in 1998).

During the 1984 rewind, the original split core stator was rebuilt as a complete annulus. And the Class B winding was replaced by a resin rich Class F epoxy winding. The turns were insulated with Samicaflex insulation tape and the slot cell would typically have been an S5 mica tape; this is a 180g/m2 epoxy mica tape on a glass fabric. The dielectric stress for the slot cell (wall) insulation was very conservative at 41.9 v/mil (1,650 v/mm).

The rewind used 5 mm (0.197”) epoxy glass wedges with Nomex 410 packing and 4 mm (0.157”) phenolic glass coil separators. The punched slot width was 22.15 mm (0.872”) which would typically have resulted in a built slot width of 21.8 mm (0.858”) and the specified slot cell width was 21.1 mm (0.831”).

As part of Scottish & Southern Electric (SSE) program of power station refurbishment, Clachan HPS was refurbished in 2000. The program included refurbishment of the generator stator with an option to rewind if the partial discharge levels could not be improved. 

Dowding & Mills refurbished the generator stator, re-insulated the rotor and replaced the DC exciter with a brushless excitation system. They also replaced the complete station control systems together with all the low voltage (LV) and high voltage (HV) electrical installations.

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Low-resistance fields in DC motors; application and testing

Low-resistance fields in DC motors; application and testing

Chase Fell
Precision Coil and Rotor

Ground faults, short circuits and bad connections in interpole coils, series coils and compensating windings cause performance problems in DC machines, including brush sparking, flashover, stalling and catastrophic failure. Shunt coils have many turns of relatively small wire and are usually excited by a DC source independent of the armature. Series, interpole and compensating coils in the armature circuit usually are wound with a few turns of heavy wire as these coils carry armature current.

For accurate test results, make sure windings are clean and dry. Verify connections of low resistance fields by visual inspection. Apply DC voltage to an assembled field frame and perform a thermography scan to detect problems including uneven heating and loose or corroded connections. Verify that the terminal lead markings are correct. Lead marking should conform to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) nameplate, NEMA MG1 or IEC 60034-8, whichever is applicable.

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Lubricating an Open Ball Bearing During Assembly of an Induction Motor

Lubricating an Open Ball Bearing During Assembly of an Induction Motor

This video shows the proper way to lubricate the deep-groove, open ball bearing before assembling a horizontal induction motor. With horizontal induction motors, we normally do this step after we've installed the bearings on the shaft, and just before we install the end brackets.

Some of what is covered includes:

  •  Steps for lubricating the shaft-mounted open bearing and
  •  How to lubricate the bearing housing as the last step before we put the end bracket on

Note that in this video we're lubricating an open ball bearing. But the procedure for roller bearings or grease-lubricated thrust bearings is going to be essentially the same.

Mechanical Reference Handbook

Mechanical Reference Handbook

Mechanical Reference HandbookDESCRIPTION
This 94-page handbook (3.5" x 6", 9cm x 15cm) contains carefully selected materials designed to assist repair firms in their everyday work. Just as important, your customers and potential customers can use this pocket handbook as a handy reference for mechanical data for motors and driven equipment. Buy this great resource as is OR custom brand your company logo and information on the cover to turn it into a great marketing piece for your salespeople!



Alignment Information
Suggested Alignment Tolerances
ANSI/ASA Alignment Quality

Balancing And Vibration
Single-Plane Versus Two-Plane Balancing
Vibration Tests
Unfiltered Housing Vibration Limits
FFT Vibration Analysis
Vibration Constants
Vibration Conversion Factors
Electric Motor Vibration Diagnostic Chart

Motor Application Forumlas
Shear Stress
Speed–AC Machinery 
Affinity Laws–Centrifugal Applications

Conversion Factors, Equivalencies & Formulas
Conversion Factors
Temperature Conversion Chart
Common Fractions Of An Inch–Decimal & Metric Equivalents
Prefixes–Metric System
Formulas For Circles

Nominal Dimensions For Radial Ball Bearings
Nominal Dimensions For Cylindrical Roller Bearings
Radial Ball Bearing Fit Tolerances
Cylindrical Roller Bearing Fit Tolerances
Lock Nuts And Lock Washers For Ball Bearings

Motor Bearing Lubrication
Lubricating Oil Viscosity Conversions
NLGI Grease Compatibility Chart
Grease Classifications
Grease Relubrication Intervals

Metals And Alloys
Properties Of Metals And Alloys
Weight Formulas For Steel
Thermal Linear Expansion

ASTM And SAE Grade Markings For Steel Bolts And Screws
Precautions For Tightening Bolted Joints
Bolt Tightening Torque Values
Tap Drills And Clearance Drills For Machine Screws

Keys And Keyseats
NEMA Keyseat Dimensions–Foot-Mounted AC & DC Machines
IEC Shaft Extension, Key And Keyseat (Keyway) Dimensions
Square And Flat Stock Keys
Standard Keyseat Sizes
Metric Keys–Standard Sizes

Belts And Sheaves
Pulley Formulas For Calculating Diameters and Speeds
Belt Installation
Belt Tensioning
Belt Deflection Force And Elongation Ratio
Standard V-Belt Profiles And Dimensions
V-Belt Sheave Dimensions
V-Belt Sheave Dimensions For AC Motors With Rolling Bearings
Application Of V-Belt Sheave Dimensions To AC Motors With Rolling Bearings
Mounting Of Pulleys, Sheaves, Sprockets, And Gears On Motor Shafts
Minimum Pitch Diameter For Drives Other Than V-Belts

Welding, Brazing And Soldering
Recommended Copper Welding Cable Sizes
Types Of Weld Joints 
Basic Joints For Brazing
Melting Temperatures Of Tin-Lead-Antimony Alloys
Flux Requirements For Metals, Alloys And Coatings

Slings, Wire Rope, Shackles and eyebolts
Types Of Slings
Typical Sling Hitches
Wire Rope
Spreader Bars
Lifting Capacity
Forged Shackles
Eyebolt Strength

Common Signals For Crane

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Mechanical Repair Fundamentals of Electric Motors (2nd Edition)

Mechanical Repair Fundamentals of Electric Motors (2nd Edition)

Mechanical Repair Fundamentals coverFundamental to every good mechanical repair is the ability to disassemble, repair and reassemble the motor correctly without unnecessary damage to any of the motor parts. This sounds simple, and yet too many costly mistakes are made in this process of taking things apart. If every motor repaired was in “as new” condition, the task would be much simpler. But this would be no guarantee that the reassembly would be correct.

​There is usually an easy way and a hard way to remove and install parts. Brute force is seldom the easiest or the correct way. The old saying of “don’t force it, get a bigger hammer” is seldom the best way.

When a service center is paid to repair equipment, the service center wants it to stay in operation. If the equipment fails again—within the warranty period—the service center pays to repair it again. It makes sense to repair it correctly the first time.

In order to improve equipment, it is important to know how and where it operates. Without understanding why a motor fails, it is impossible to deliberately improve its mean time between failures.

To do this, there must be communication between the service center and the motor user. Not only does this help the repairer decide the best course of action, but it helps the user appreciate the professionalism of the service center.

Repair procedures, like motors themselves, are affected by changes in technology. This book attempts to include the latest proven technologies. Time-honored methods of repair, in many cases, may still be the most practical option. Options presented throughout this book are intended to help the technician select the appropriate repair method, recognizing that the ultimate decision rests with the equipment owner.

Repair methods sometimes fall into disfavor, not because better methods are introduced, but because of poor techniques. Other repair methods are well-suited to some applications but not to others. It is the job of the repairer to decide what is the best method for each case.

This book is divided into sections for basic motor components with repair methods and tips dispersed throughout. Where practical, reasons for failures are also discussed. These will aid the technician in selecting the most appropriate method of repair for each unique application.

The information presented draws from EASA publications, IEEE publications, technical journals and literature supplied by vendors, motor manufacturers and established service centers.

This book contains many suggestions on how to correctly handle the various parts of a motor during the repair process so as to minimize damage. However, it is impossible to develop an all-inclusive list. Instead, the basic principle of taking the time to use the correct tool and correct procedure will usually lead the technician down the right path. Always remember, if it has to be forced beyond reason, it might be that neither the proper tool or procedure is being used or something is wrong with the parts. Step back and ask “What am I overlooking?”

Table of Contents

  1. Motor Nomenclature
  2. Motor Applications and Enclosures
  3. Test and Inspection Procedures
  4. Motor Disassembly Tips
  5. Bearings
  6. Bearing Housing Repair, Shaft Openings, Seals and Fits
  7. Shafts
  8. Rotors
  9. Motor Assembly
  10. Motor Accessories and Terminal Boxes
  11. Motor Dynamics
  12. Vibration and Motor Geometry
  13. Shaft/Bearing Currents
  14. Special Considerations for Explosion-Proof Motors
  15. Failures in Mechanical Components
  16. Miscellaneous Repairs

This book is available as part of EASA's Fundamentals of Mechanical Repair seminar.


Mejore la Satisfacción del Cliente: Siga los Procedimientos de Almacenamiento de Motores Eléctricos

Mejore la Satisfacción del Cliente: Siga los Procedimientos de Almacenamiento de Motores Eléctricos

Chuck Yung
Especialista de Sénior de Soporte Técnico de EASA

Una de las cosas más mundanas de las que debemos preocuparnos como reparadores es el almacenamiento de los motores y para muchos, almacenar motores grandes para clientes importantes representa ganancias. Para todos nosotros, ser conscientes de cómo nuestros clientes almacenan los motores que les reparamos es crítico desde el punto de vista de la satisfacción del cliente. Es probable que un motor mal almacenado sufra fallos en el devanado o en los rodamientos, y no queremos reclamos por garantía poco realistas sobre algo que está fuera de nuestro control.

Nuestras principales preocupaciones al almacenar motores, especialmente a largo plazo, son los devanados, los rodamientos y el pandeo del eje.

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Member Case Study: Reactive to Proactive Maintenance/Service

Member Case Study: Reactive to Proactive Maintenance/Service

Presented by Ashutosh Kumar
Karsten Moholt AS

Learn how a fellow EASA service center interpreted different maintenance philosophies and put their own development in that curve. Their evolution has gone from workshop to predictive maintenance and beyond–to proactive maintenance, including 3D scan/print and the Internet of Things (IoT)

This recording addresses how the modern toolbox has changed–from an adjustable spanner (wrench) to sophisticated sensors. IoT is just a new tool in the box.


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Mitigando El Riesgo En Los Sistemas De Aislamiento

Mitigando El Riesgo En Los Sistemas De Aislamiento

Mike Howell
Especialista de Soporte Técnico de EASA

Diferentes normas relevantes incluyendo la IEC 60085 y la IEEE 1 definen de forma similar los materiales electro aislantes (EIM) y los sistemas de aislamiento eléctrico (EIS). Resumiendo, los EIM son materiales idóneos para separar las partes conductoras a diferentes voltajes y los EIS son estructuras aislantes que contienen uno o más de estos materiales.

Como en cualquier sistema, existe una interacción entre los materiales usados y los diseñadores de los sistemas de aislamiento cuidan todos los detalles para evitar que esta interacción produzca resultados indeseados. Por ejemplo, es posible que dos materiales (EIM) clasificados individualmente como clase H (180ºC) tengan vida térmica en un sistema (EIS) limitado a una clase térmica F (155ºC).

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Mitigating Risk with Insulation Systems

Mitigating Risk with Insulation Systems

Mike Howell
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Relevant standards including IEC 60085 and IEEE 1 have similar definitions for electrical insulating materials (EIM) and electrical insulation systems (EIS). To summarize, EIM are materials suitable for separating conducting parts at different voltages, and EIS are insulating structures containing one or more of these materials.

As with any system, there is an interaction between the materials used, and the insulation system developers take great care to ensure that this interaction does not lead to undesirable outcomes. For example, it is possible for two materials (EIM) classified individually at thermal class H (180°C) to have thermal endurance in a system (EIS) limited to thermal class F (155°C). Far worse outcomes could exist if material compatibility is an issue. At the service center level, our resources are generally insufficient for these types of insulation system development activities. For this reason, two approaches often seen are (1) relying on a third party (e.g., resin manufacturer) to provide a qualified insulation system bill of materials, or (2) applying commonly used materials based on their individual ratings. The first approach is strongly recommended, and the second approach can lead to disaster.

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Motor Lubrication Cautions & Tips

Motor Lubrication Cautions & Tips

Lubrication is a vital part of any machine that moves. Understanding the mechanism that grease and oil use to provide that lubrication is important so that the maximum life of the equipment can be achieved.

This presentation discusses ways to get the most benefit from the lubricant by choosing the proper oil or grease and properly maintaining the equipment.

Critical to the process are compatibility, re-lubrication quantity and frequency and avoiding contamination.

Target audience: This presentation is most useful for service center and field technicians, service center managers and engineers desiring to specify the proper lubricant and help motor users understand proper re-lubrication for the best effect.

Motor nameplate: What information it provides

Motor nameplate: What information it provides

Jim Bryan
EASA Technical Support Specialist (retired)

The nameplate of an electric motor reveals much valuable information about the capability and performance of the machine. NEMA MG1-2014 (National Electrical Manufacturers Association Motors and Generators 1) and IEC 60034-8 (International Electrotechnical Commission) provide information required to be included on the plate to conform to the standards. 

This varies by the type and size of the motor. For instance, rated field and armature voltages are required for direct current (DC) motors but obviously are not required for alternating current (AC) motors. A table is included that lists the basic requirements applicable to motors. Not all motors will comply with these requirements. These include motors built before the implementation of the standards or outside the jurisdiction of the standards agencies.  Some motors, such as synchronous and wound rotor motors, will have additional requirements. To cover all these is beyond the scope of this article.

Topics covered include:

  • Identification
  • Power
  • Maximum ambient
  • Speed
  • Phase and voltage
  • Code letter
  • Design letter
  • Efficiency and service factor
  • DC motors
  • Power factor
  • Altitude

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Motor Rewind Data - Ver. 4

Motor Rewind Data - Ver. 4

This valuable resource is available only to EASA Members.

Active and Allied members can download this software for FREE!

This version of the EASA Motor Rewind Database software takes a large leap forward with the data that it provides members. Most notably, it now has the ability to connect to a live, ever-expanding online database of more than 250,000 windings. This live database will be continuously monitored, updated and corrected as needed by EASA’s Technical Support Staff. Using the online database guarantees you’ll have the most up-to-date information available at all times. If your computer does not have an Internet connection, the software will automatically switch to the static, local database that was included and loaded during installation. (Note: The local database does not receive updates.)

The database includes:

  • Three-phase, single-speed AC motors
  • Three-phase, multi-speed AC motors
  • Single-phase AC motors
  • DC motors & generators

Motor starting capabilities and considerations

Motor starting capabilities and considerations

Tom Bishop. P.E. 
EASA Technical Support Specialist 

It should not be assumed that because a motor can drive a running load, it also has the capability to accelerate the load up to rated speed. During starting, a mo­tor must deliver the energy required to accelerate the load. To do this, the motor torque must exceed that needed to ac­celerate the load. The motor torque value in excess of the load torque requirement is termed the “torque available for ac­celeration,” as shown in Figure 1. 

Though this explanation appears to be relatively simple and straightfor­ward, there are some complex condi­tions. Namely, that the motor torque during starting is not constant, and unless the load is a pure inertia load (very rare), it does not have a constant speed-torque relationship. Therefore, the torque available for acceleration is the difference between the speed-torque curves for the motor and the load. 

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Motor terminal box connection methods and procedures

Motor terminal box connection methods and procedures

Jim Bryan (retired)
EASA Technical Support Specialist

As with most tasks, there are many ways to terminate motor leads and each one has a following who believe it is the best method. Here we will discuss some of these procedures and outline a few of the advantages and disadvantages of each. We will not consider the starting method or internal connection of the motor, but only the methods used to connect the motor leads to incoming power.

Topics covered include:

  • Types of terminations
  • Insulating the joints
  • Medium voltage stress cones
  • Recommended torque values for lugs and split bolts

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Opportunities in the Diesel Locomotive Repair Industry

Opportunities in the Diesel Locomotive Repair Industry

JD McGlone
Technical Education Committee Member
JCI Industries, Inc.

As EASA members, we have the technical skills, knowledge and support to do almost anything in the electromechanical repair industry. Rail work is no different.

Over the past several years, I have been involved with the short line railroad industry, completing repair work and field service. Most EASA members are likely aware of these opportunities, but some may not be.

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Power supply considerations when building a large growler

Power supply considerations when building a large growler

Tom Bishop
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

When considering building a large growler for testing armatures and rotors, the initial decision typically is to select a kVA rating. A primary reason for this is that the growler will need to be connected to a power supply of sufficient ampacity at the supply voltage. To help simplify a complex design process, four kVA ratings have been selected for this article. One of the selected ratings should fit the needs of most service centers.

This article covers:

  • A design example
  • Determining turns and wire size
  • Building the core
  • Determining coil dimensions

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Practical advice for motor protection

Practical advice for motor protection

New IEEE standard provides guidance for motor protection for industrial and commercial applications

By Jim Bryan
EASA Technical Support Specialist (retired)

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has published a new standard: IEEE Std. 3004.8-2016, “Recommended Practice for Motor Protection in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.” If you’re an electrical professional who deals with a broad spectrum of motor protection schemes, including low- and medium-voltage AC and DC motors, then you need to become familiar with this standard.


Procedimientos para rectificar in situ colectores y anillos rozantes

Procedimientos para rectificar in situ colectores y anillos rozantes

Chuck Yung
Especialista Sénior de Soporte Técnico de E ASA

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Procedures for Refinishing Commutators and Slip Rings in Place

Procedures for Refinishing Commutators and Slip Rings in Place

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

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Proper Motor Cleaning: Avoiding Damage to the Motor and the Environment

Proper Motor Cleaning: Avoiding Damage to the Motor and the Environment

This presentation examines features, benefits and drawbacks of both conventional and alternative methods of cleaning electric motors.

Methods covered include:

  • Immersion tanks
  • Steam cleaning
  • Parts-washing machines
  • Pressure washers
  • Abrasives
  • Ultrasonic devices

Environmental options for handling waste by-products are also addressed. If you are considering changing your cleaning methods, this webinar is for you.

Recapitulando el reacondicionamiento y las mejoras realizadas en un gran bobinado

Recapitulando el reacondicionamiento y las mejoras realizadas en un gran bobinado

John Allen
Sheppard Engineering

La Central Hidroeléctrica de Clachan, comenzó a funcionar en 1956. Esta central subterránea se encuentra localizada en la costa oeste escocesa, a unas 40 millas del norte de Glasgow y en la cabecera del lago salado Loch Fyne. Ver Figura 1. El ducto de descarga vierte el agua dentro del rio Fyne, en el cual se pesca salmón. Loch Fyne cuenta en una milla con pesca reconocida y marisquerías de renombre.

La turbina Francis de eje vertical con salto de agua de 900 pies (275 m) que acciona un generador de 50 MVA, 40 MW 428.6 rpm 11 kV fue diseñada por English Electric. En 1984, el núcleo del estator fue reconstruido y el estator fue rebobinado por Peebles Field Services (adquirida en 1998 por Dowding & Mills).

Durante el rebobinado de 1984, el núcleo original fabricado en secciones, fue reconstruido totalmente en forma de anillo y el bobinado Clase B fue reemplazado por un bobinado epóxico resin-rich Clase F. Las espiras fueron aisladas con cinta Samicaflex y el aislamiento a tierra generalmente estaba fabricado con cinta de mica S5; esta es una cinta de mica de 180g/m2 sobre un tejido de fibra de vidrio. La rigidez dieléctrica del aislamiento a tierra (Pared de aislamiento) de 41.9 v/mil (1,650 v/mm) era muy conservadora.

Durante el rebobinado se utilizaron cuñas epóxicas de vidrio de 5 mm (0.197”) con un relleno de Nomex 410 y separadores de bobinas de vidrio fenólico de 4 mm (0.157”). El ancho de la ranura perforada era de 22.15 mm (0.872”), lo que normalmente habría dado lugar a un ancho de ranura construida de 21.8 mm (0.858”) y el ancho de la pared de aislamiento especificada era de 21.1 mm (0.831”).

Como parte del programa para el reacondicionamiento de centrales eléctricas de la Scottish & Southern Electric (SSE), La Central hidroeléctrica de Clachan fue reacondicionada en el año 2000. El programa incluía el reacondicionamiento del estator del generador con la opción de rebobinarlo, si no se podían mejorar los niveles de descargas parciales. 

Dowding & Mills reacondicionó el estator del generador, re-aislando el rotor y reemplazando la excitatriz de CC por un sistema de excitación sin escobillas. Ellos también cambiaron completamente los sistemas de control de la estación, conjuntamente con todas las instalaciones eléctricas de bajo y alto voltaje.

Available Downloads

Refrigeración auxiliar de motores eléctricos (y otros equipos)

Refrigeración auxiliar de motores eléctricos (y otros equipos)

Chuck Yung
Especialista Sénior de Soporte Técnico de EASA

Aunque el primer motor de C.C. práctico fue construido por Moritz Jacobi en 1834, fue durante los 40 años siguientes que hombres como Thomas Davenport, Emil Stohrer y George Westinghouse fabricaron máquinas de C.C. para uso industrial.

Es inspirador darse cuenta que los motores de C.C. han estado trabajando por más de 160 años. Durante el siglo pasado, las máquinas de C.C. con potencias por arriba de los treinta o cuarenta kW han sido refrigeradas de la misma forma, montando un soplador de aire de jaula de ardilla directamente en el colector.

Available Downloads

Replacing an engine with an electric motor? Horsepower is horsepower – or is it?

Replacing an engine with an electric motor? Horsepower is horsepower – or is it?

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

When a customer calls and wants to replace his diesel or gasoline engine with an electric motor to drive a piece of machinery, it’s easy to assume that “horsepower is horsepower.” Not so fast! It turns out that there are many different ways to measure power. The term horsepower was adopted by James Watt in the late 1700s to compare the output of steam engines to draft horses. Aside from North America, most of the world uses the International System of Units (SI) unit watt to describe power output. Since the 1700s, we have mechanical hp, kW, metric hp, electric hp, hydraulic hp, drawbar hp, brake hp, shaft hp and even variants of taxable hp. Leave it to governments to want a piece of the action.

The purpose of this article is to increase awareness about the many factors which must be considered when making such a seemingly simple substitution.

Available Downloads

Requirements to Service Hazardous Location Motors

Requirements to Service Hazardous Location Motors

This presentation covers:

  • Who can perform repairs on hazardous location motors?
  • What does it take to be certified?
  • UL Files: Manufacturer and Rebuild Class, division, group and zone
  • Temperature codes CSA, IECEx, FM and other third parties

Target audience: This will benefit service center management for firms that are interested in learning more about servicing hazardous location motors.

Available Downloads

Rewind 2021

Rewind 2021

Recordings and Handouts from the 2021 EASA Convention - Fort Worth, TX

Revisit EASA's 2021 Convention & Solutions Expo by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website!

These recordings provide just over 22 hours of training. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!

Technical presentations include:

  • Overview, Operation, Troubleshooting, Testing & Repair of Synchronous Motors - Javier Portos, Integrated Power Services, LLC, La Porte, TX
  • Understanding Corrosion in Pumps - Gene Vogel, EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist
  • Tips & Tricks for Submersible Pump Repair - Gene Vogel, EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist
  • Proper Field Installation of Vertical Turbine Pump Motors - Gene Vogel, EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist
  • Carbon Brush Applications, Tip & Tricks - Matthew Conville, EASA Technical Support Specialist
  • Generator Repair Tips - Wayne Hall, Jenkins Electric, Charlotte, NC
  • Repair Best Practices to Maintain Motor Efficiency & Reliability - Tom Bishop, P.E., EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist
  • Failure Modes, Troubleshooting & Maintenance Best Practices - Calvin Earp & Ron Widup, Shermco Industries, Irving, TX
  • Estimating Performance of Small Induction Motors Without a Dyno - Mike Howell, EASA Technical Support Specialist
  • Use the Latest Tools of the Trade for Field Testing of Electric Motors - Calvin Earp & Ron Widup, Shermco Industries, Irving, TX

En Español

  • Construcción del Estator (de Principios de Motores C.A. Medianos y Grandes) - Carlos Ramirez, EASA Especialista de Soporte Técnico
  • Lo Qué Necesita Saber para Comprar, Instalar, Operar & Reparar Motores Eléctricos - Carlos Ramriez, Especialista de Soporte Técnico de EASA

Sales presentations include:

  • 5 Fundamentals for a Successful Sales Attack! - Mike Weinberg Speaker, Consultant, Best-Selling Author
  • Getting The Meeting - Mike Weinberg Speaker, Consultant, Best-Selling Author
  • Every Sales YES Begins with a KNOW - Sam Richter, SBR Worldwide, LLC, Minnetonka, MN

Management presentations include:

  • EASA Research on Growing Your Business: Key Info from the Manufacturer/Supplier Community - Jerry Peerbolte, J. Peerbolte & Associates, Fort Smith, AR
  • EASA 2021 and Beyond - Brian Beaulieu, ITR Economics, Manchester, NH
  • Global Update: Marketplace Trends on Motor-Driven Systems (and IIoT) - Ivan Campos, Analyst, Manufacturing Technology, OMDIA (formerly IHS Markit)
  • Engaged Leadership - Clint Swindall, Verbalocity, Inc., San Antonio, TX
  • Connecting Generations - Clint Swindall, Verbalocity, Inc., San Antonio, TX
  • Optimizing Service Center & Management Efficiency - Chuck Yung, EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

How do I access this content?
After purchasing, you can access the streaming content by going to the Convention or Training menus at easa.com and looking for "Past Convention Presentations" ... or you may go to https://easa.com/convention/past-convention-presentations/easa-rewind-2021.

NOTE: Access to the streaming content will be granted only to the person making the purchase.


Rewind 2024

Rewind 2024

EASA 2024 Convention LogoRevisit EASA's 2024 Convention & Solutions Expo by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website! These recordings provide just over 32 hours of training. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!


NOTE: All access priviliges are tied to personal accounts, not the company's account. Access to the streaming content is granted only to:

  • Persons who attended the 2024 Convention and purchased a registration with access to the education events
  • Persons that added the Rewind 2024 product to their convention registration
  • Persons that did not attend the 2024 Convention but have purchased access


General sessions

  • Keynote - World of Opportunity: Unlocking Passion, Performance and Transformation - Sebastian Terry
  • EASA Industry Research - Industry Insights: Executive Perspectives on Market Trends and Conditions - Jerry Peerbolte, Prof. Emeritus, University of Arkansas - Fort Smith, AR
  • Global Business Economy Trends/Forecasts - Christopher Kuehl, Ph.D., Armada Corporate Intelligence
  • Presentation of the EASA Award

Technical presentations

  • DC Machines 101: How They Work and How to Repair Them - Chuck Yung, EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist
  • Best Practices in Medium and High Voltage Rewinds - Javier Portos, Integrated Power Services, LLC
  • Motor Testing Fundamentals, Myths and Meaning - Preston Thompson, Megger
  • Importance of Spring Force on Carbon Brush Function - Jeff Koenitzer and Nitin Kulkarni, Helwig Carbon Products, Inc
  • Diagnosing Failures: Methodology & Case Studies - Mike Howell, PE, EASA Technical Support Specialist
  • Very Low Frequency AC High-Voltage Testing - Michael Peschel, High Voltage, Inc
  • Diagnosing Induction Motor Rotor Cage Faults - Gene Vogel, EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist; and Noah Bethel, PDMA Corp.
  • No Load Run Bearing Temperature Criteria - Blake Bailey, designmotors
  • Electric Motor Bearing Lubrication Frequency and Quantity - Tom Bishop, PE, EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist
  • Dynamic Balancing Machine Setup and Operation - Gene Vogel, EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist (Note: no recording; handout and technical paper only)

En Español

  • Construcción del Estator - Carlos Ramirez, Especialista de Soporte Técnico de EASA
  • Las Mejores Prácticas de Reparación - Carlos Ramirez, Especialista de Soporte Técnico de EASA
  • Corrientes por el Eje/Rodamientos - Carlos Ramirez, Especialista de Soporte Técnico de EASA
  • Criterios de Temperatura del Rodamiento/Cojinete en Prueba sin Carga - Mario Lanaro, Flopower

Sales/marketing presentations

  • 7 Fundamentals of Sales Success - Jeff Bajorek
  • Tapping into Your Sales Superpower - Jeff Bajorek
  • You Don’t Have a Sales Closing Problem - Jeff Bajorek
  • The Four Types of Sales Managers - Jeff Bajorek

Management presentations

  • Transitioning Family Wealth - Thomas Deans, Ph.D., Détente Financial Group
  • Business Models and Case Studies for Remote Condition Monitoring Services - Geoffrey Brewer, HECO, Inc.; and Mike Huber, American MTS
  • US Members: Workforce Development Assistance and Resources in Your State - Nathan Ginty, NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership; Crystal Bristow, Jenkins Electric Co.; and Jan Schmidlkofer, K&N an Impel Company
  • How EASA Accreditation Benefits Your Shop - Matthew Conville, MBA, PE, EEMSCO, Inc.
  • Changing the Way You Recruit Forever - Chris Czarnik, Author of Winning the War for Talent
  • Global Trends in Electric Motor Regulations - Benjamin Hinds, ABB
  • State of the Low Voltage AC Motor Market - Blake Griffin, Interact Analysis
  • Retaining and Developing Great Employees - Chris Czarnik, Author of Winning the War for Talent
  • Sustainability: Where Is the Profitability? - Bjorn Mjatveit, EMR Consulting AS

Root Cause Failure Analysis, 2nd Edition

Root Cause Failure Analysis, 2nd Edition

Root Cause Failure Analysis coverThis book was developed to help electric motor technicians and engineers prevent repeated failures because the root cause of failure was never determined. There are numerous reasons for not pursuing the actual cause of failure including:

  • A lack of time.
  • Failure to understand the total cost.
  • A lack of experience.
  • A lack of useful facts needed to determine the root cause.

The purpose of this book is to address the lack of experience in identifying the root cause of motor failures. By using a proven methodology combined with extensive lists of known causes of failures, one can identify the actual cause of failure without being an “industry expert.” In fact, when properly used,  this material will polish one’s diagnostic skills that would qualify one as an industry expert.

The book is divided into the various components of an electric motor. In addition to a brief explanation of the function of each component and the stresses that act upon them, numerous examples of the most common causes of failure are also presented.

For this second edition, the manual has been reorganized and updated with new information including a new approach to methodology, new case studies and a new section covering synchronous machine failures. This could not have been done without many contributions from EASA members and the Technical Education Committee. 

The all new “Root Cause Methodology” section goes into great detail explaining that effective root cause failure analysis must take place within the context of a practical problem-solving methodology or framework. It covers a modified Plan-Do-Check-Act process that emphasizes the importance of planning and the related problem-solving methodology components. This section also explains A3, a high-level reporting tool that is very effective for problem solving.

In addition, besides a systematic approach to problem solving, root cause failure analysis of motors and motor systems requires familiarity with contributing factors attributable to various kinds of applications, environments and industries. This includes how various stresses can affect motor components and the reciprocal impact the motor system may have on the motor. This section includes a table with a detailed summary of motor stresses. 

There also is a new section on “Synchronous Machine Failures” and an expanded “Case Studies” section. Readers are guided through eight case studies.

With 328 pages, the book provides extensive information, including a wide range of failures, the likely causes listed, and the methodology for confirming the probable cause of each failure. 

Members may purchase a printed manual and/or a PDF download. The printed manual is in black and white, while the download shows most of the failure photos in color.  

Sections in the manual include:

  • Root Cause Methodology (all new)
  • Bearing Failures
  • Stator Failures
  • Shaft Failures
  • Rotor Failures
  • Mechanical Failures
  • DC Motor Failures
  • Synchronous Machine Failures (all new)
  • Accessory Failures
  • Case Studies (expanded)
  • References

This book is available as part of EASA's Root Cause Failure Analysis seminar.


Prices are now DISCOUNTED on remaining black & white books while supplies last! If you have already purchased a black & white manual and are interested in the color version, please contact EASA Customer Service (+1 314 993 2220).



Available Downloads

Seating Carbon Brushes on a DC Machine

Seating Carbon Brushes on a DC Machine

This video shows the proper procedure for seating carbon brushes in a DC machine. If this step is not performed correctly, the brush neutral position of the DC machine will gradually change as the brushes wear in. This can cause:

  • Poor commutation
  • Sparking of the brushes
  • Rapid brush wear
  • Damage to the commutator

Seating carbon brushes in a DC machine is a critical process to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the brushes and the machine itself. The purpose of seating carbon brushes is to achieve a proper contact interface between the brush and the commutator or slip ring. This involves the following key objectives:

  • Maximize Contact Area: Proper seating ensures that the brush has the maximum possible contact area with the commutator or slip ring. This helps in reducing the contact resistance and ensures efficient current transfer.
  • Uniform Wear: Seating helps in achieving uniform wear across the brush face, which is essential for maintaining consistent performance and extending the life of the brush.
  • Reduce Electrical Noise: A well-seated brush minimizes electrical noise and sparking, which can otherwise lead to damage or interference in the machine's operation.
  • Stability and Performance: Proper seating contributes to the stability of the brush in the holder, ensuring that it maintains a stable electrical contact even under varying operational conditions.

Overall, seating is a preparatory step that helps in aligning the brush to the contour of the commutator, thereby optimizing the electrical and mechanical performance of the DC machine.

Selecting Replacement DC and 3-Phase Squirrel Cage Motors

Selecting Replacement DC and 3-Phase Squirrel Cage Motors

Presented by Tom Bishop, P.E.
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

On many occasions, a different motor type is desired or needed. In these cases it is essential that the replacement motor provides the required performance, and do so reliably.

This webinar will focus primarily on the electrical aspects of selecting replacement motors. It also will address speed and torque considerations.

  • DC motor to DC motor
  • DC motor to 3-phase squirrel cage motor
  • AC motor to 3-phase squirrel cage motor

This webinar will benefit anyone selecting replacement motors or diagnosing issues with replacement motor installations.

Shaft Alignment

Shaft Alignment

This webinar recording provies a straightforward look at the simple relationship between shaft centerlines that is known as shaft alignment. Bypassing the common discussion of laser and manual instruments, this presentation gets to the heart of the shaft alignment process. Topics covered will include:

  • Fundamental concepts
  • How to visualize machine case position
  • Practical solutions for moving machine cases
  • Applying tolerances
  • The foot-base-foundation connection

Shaft and Bearing Currents

Shaft and Bearing Currents

Presented by Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

This webinar explains what shaft currents are, what causes them, and differentiates between the two common causes:

  1. Circulating currents which affect DC motors and AC motors not operating from a drive
  2. Shaft currents caused by operation from a VFD, and how to tell the difference between the two.

This webinar also discusses and compares methods to mitigate shaft currents and explains why the different causes of shaft currents require different solutions. It covers:

  • Shorted rotor iron
  • Uneven air gap
  • Unbalanced voltage
  • What type of grounding brush works best?
  • Role of carrier frequency in causing shaft currents
  • How to recognize the problem on site
  • Insulation thickness, capacitance, and types of insulated bearings

This information is useful to engineers, service center managers, mechanics and anyone interacting with customers.

Available Downloads

Simple tests to assure proper DC motor performance

Simple tests to assure proper DC motor performance

Tom Bishop, P.E. 
EASA Technical Support Specialist 

There are many tests that can be performed on a DC motor to verify the integrity of windings, correct coil polarities and proper running perfor­mance. What we will address in this article are a select few simple tests that can help assure a motor operates properly when the customer applies it. Our intent is not to oversimplify and suggest that performing these tests alone is all that is required for an effective repair. Rather, the intent is to highlight some tests that give a maximum return for the time invested in testing. 

The tests we will cover are drop testing fields, checking interpole polarity, checking compound field polarity, brushholder spacing, setting neutral and two-way run testing. All of these tests can usually be per­formed with the motor assembled, although in some cases the end bracket on the commutator end may need to be removed to access the field lead connections. 

Available Downloads

Start new year off right by getting back to basics

Start new year off right by getting back to basics

Cyndi Nyberg Esau
Former EASA Tenchincal Support Specialist

As we move into January, it's time to put into practice those New Year's resolutions we made. Many of us have the same ones every year. You know: eat less, exercise more, spend more time with the family, etc. However, rather than personal challenges, presented here are the"resolutions" for some of the more common calls we receive in the Technical Support Department at EASA Headquarters. A review of the basics is always a good idea to start the new year fresh!

Available Downloads

Surge testing anomalies: Helpful tips to prevent problems

Surge testing anomalies: Helpful tips to prevent problems

Cyndi Nyberg
Former EASA Technical Support Specialist

The surge test is used to detect winding faults in AC and DC windings. If there is a turn-to-turn short, the surge test will show that. The surge test is an important step in the initial inspection of a machine, as well as a final test to ensure a proper rewind. 

For this article, we will only focus on three-phase windings. The surge test is typically run by applying a high voltage across each of two phases of a three-phase motor. The decaying resonance patterns of the two phases are superimposed upon one another on an oscilloscope. If the two phases are identical, as they should be, then the patterns will be identical. A perfect match will yield only one apparent pattern (Figure 1a) while a variance or difference, as shown in Figure 1b, represents an apparent problem. Testing continues until all phases have been compared to one another – 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and 3 to 1. 

Available Downloads

Surge testing of DC motor and generator armatures

Surge testing of DC motor and generator armatures

Cyndi Nyberg 
Former EASA Technical Support Specialist 

In the April 2007 issue of CURRENTS, we covered surge testing anomalies, speci.cally for AC windings. The surge test can be used for DC windings as well. It can be a useful tool for evaluating armatures and some DC fields. 

A note of caution:  If a winding does not have a minimum insulation resis­tance per ANSI/EASA AR100-2006, it is not safe to apply an overpotential test (surge or high potential). 
Surge testing shunt .elds may not provide meaningful results if the surge pulse decays too quickly — if it dissipates through only the .rst few hundred turns. To obtain a test voltage high enough to test every turn would require too high a voltage. That high voltage would overstress the ground-wall insulation. 

Available Downloads

Testing Interpole Polarity on a DC Machine

Testing Interpole Polarity on a DC Machine

This video will walk you through how to check the relative polarity of DC machine interpoles and the armature and correct it if necessary using a simple interpole polarity test.

It's important to perform this test after any DC machine repairs or routine maintenance activities where the brush lead to the brush holders might accidentally be switched. If undetected, this will cause severe brush sparking or even flashover as the motor is loaded.

Some topics covered include:

  • How to verify whether or not the intpole polarity is correct
  • How to diagnose and remedy Interpol polarity problems, including misconnected or incorrectly sequenced inner poles
  • How to check for too many or too few interpol circuits

The video also has bonus tips about equalizing jumpers.

The Basics: Understanding DC Motor Tests

The Basics: Understanding DC Motor Tests

This webinar covers: 

  • Ampere turns of the armature, field and interpole data
  • Determining the best armature coil pitch
  • Verifying interpole circuits
  • Importance of brush angle
  • Equalizers and armature windings

Tracción Magnética Desbalanceada en Motores Eléctricos Trifásicos

Tracción Magnética Desbalanceada en Motores Eléctricos Trifásicos

Tom Bishop, P.E.
Especialista Sénior de Soporte Técnico

Aunque la tracción magnética desbalanceada puede afectar a otras máquinas eléctricas rotativas, como los motores y generadores de CC y monofásicos, nuestro enfoque en este artículo se centrará en los motores jaula de ardilla trifásicos. Los dos temas principales son: La tracción magnética desequilibrada (UMP) y el descentrado del rotor (pullover). Para mayor claridad, comenzaremos por definir y explicar brevemente estos términos.

Available Downloads

Training Film 14: Taking Data From a Hand-Wound DC Armature

Training Film 14: Taking Data From a Hand-Wound DC Armature

Describes the correct procedure for taking data from hand-wound DC armatures. Shows how to record the data on typical DC data sheets, and explains the terminology used describing DC data. Points out differences between lap and wave windings.

This training film is archived here solely for historical purposes. The film was produced many years ago and does not meet EASA's current presentation standards. Some procedures may have also changed.

Training Film 15: Hand Winding a DC Armature

Training Film 15: Hand Winding a DC Armature

Provides step-by-step instructions on winding a DC armature, including how to install end fibres and slot liners, how to wind and shape the armature coils and how to make the commutator connections.

This training film is archived here solely for historical purposes. The film was produced many years ago and does not meet EASA's current presentation standards. Some procedures may have also changed.

Training Film 16: Disassembly of a DC Machine

Training Film 16: Disassembly of a DC Machine

Shows step-by-step disassembly of a DC motor and the tools to use. Demonstrates how to mark parts, and how to label and record connections for use in assembly. Also explains how to check for shorts or opens in field and armature windings, how to test run the motor, and how to inspect parts for damage and wear.

This training film is archived here solely for historical purposes. The film was produced many years ago and does not meet EASA's current presentation standards. Some procedures may have also changed.

Training Film 17: Assembling a DC Machine

Training Film 17: Assembling a DC Machine

Step-by-step procedure for assembling a DC motor. Includes field coil insertion, connection and polarity checks. Also shows how to install bearings, how to seat brushes and set the neutral position, how to check windings with a megohmmeter, and how to make connections.

This training film is archived here solely for historical purposes. The film was produced many years ago and does not meet EASA's current presentation standards. Some procedures may have also changed.

Training Film 18: Random-Winding DC Field Coils

Training Film 18: Random-Winding DC Field Coils

Illustrates procedures for manufacturing random-wound interpole and main field coils for DC machines. Covers everything from removing old coils and taking data to installing and connecting new coils, including how to construct winding forms and jigs, how to shape coils to conform with the curvature of the field frame and how to insulate field coils. Both “wet” and “dry” winding techniques are illustrated.

This training film is archived here solely for historical purposes. The film was produced many years ago and does not meet EASA's current presentation standards. Some procedures may have also changed.

Training Film 19: Layer-Winding DC Field Coils

Training Film 19: Layer-Winding DC Field Coils

Covers all necessary steps for layer-winding DC field coils, how to layer-wind a shunt field coil, how to reinsulate an interpole field coil, and how to install large field coils in the frame.

This training film is archived here solely for historical purposes. The film was produced many years ago and does not meet EASA's current presentation standards. Some procedures may have also changed.

Training Film 21: Testing DC Machines

Training Film 21: Testing DC Machines


This training film is archived here solely for historical purposes. The film was produced many years ago and does not meet EASA's current presentation standards. Some procedures may have also changed.

Trends & Solutions: Induction, Synchronous, DC and Wound Rotor Motors

Trends & Solutions: Induction, Synchronous, DC and Wound Rotor Motors

Charles LeMone
LeMone Technical Services
Roanoke, VA 

Is the induction motor the preferred answer in industrial drive applications? What is happening to the synchronous, DC and wound rotor motor (WRM) in those applications? This paper discusses:

  • Observations as customers replace synchronous, WRM and DC machines with the induction motor
  • Why synchronous motors are used in industrial applications
  • Issues with WRM and soft starters
  • A case study of a 12,000 hp 4-pole synchronous motor and a soft starter
  • What needs to be done to modernize the older synchronous motor starter?
  • How a brushless synchronous motor operates
  • Brushless synchronous motor protection

Available Downloads

Trickle heating is a practical option to prevent condensation

Trickle heating is a practical option to prevent condensation

Cyndi Nyberg Esau
Former EASA Technical Support Specialist

Trickle heating is another very practical option to heat AC stator windings or DC field windings while they are not energized. In this method, a low voltage is supplied to the winding. The advantage of trickle heating on a winding is that you are heating the winding somewhat evenly, rather than relying on radiant heat from an "outside" source. In addition, the maximum surface temperature attained is much lower due to the lower watts per square inch of surface area.

Available Downloads

Troubleshooting tips for armature rewinds

Troubleshooting tips for armature rewinds

Chuck Yung
EASA Technical Support Specialist

When an armature is rewound, there is always a slim chance that it may be connected incorrectly. If two coil leads are switched, or if the error results in an armature where each coil closes on itself, normal tests will detect the problem. The trouble arises when the misconnection results in a uniform winding. When that happens, the result may be—in effect—an accidental redesign for a different voltage.

The number of parallel circuits in an armature winding can be changed simply by shifting the top lead position. As with a 3-phase winding, doubling the circuits halves the design voltage. If a wave-wound armature is rewound with the same data but connected lap simplex, or if a lap simplex armature is connected lap duplex, the circuits have been doubled. The same is true of a wave simplex armature reconnected wave duplex.

Available Downloads

Turn and Undercut of DC Commutators

Turn and Undercut of DC Commutators

EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

This webinar discusses specific procedures to obtain the best possible results when machining & undercutting commutators for DC machines.

  • Surface finish
  • Machining tips
  • Undercutter selection
  • Chamfering tools and tips

This recording is intended for supervisory personnel, machinists, DC technicians and engineering staff.

Available Downloads

Understanding Mechanical Fits

Understanding Mechanical Fits

This presentation explores the basics of fits in mechanical assemblies, some of the standards that define them and their application in the inspection and repair of rotating electrical machines.

Target audience: Individuals responsible for performing mechanical inspections of fits, familiar with general electric motor assemblies. 

US Department of Energy Issues Final Rule for Testing Small Electric Motors

US Department of Energy Issues Final Rule for Testing Small Electric Motors

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has issued rulemaking on test procedures for small electric motors for more than a decade. The present “final rule,” effective February 3, 2021, is the culmination of those efforts. The final rule will be mandatory for product testing beginning July 6, 2021. If you want to view the complete detail of the final rule that was published in the Federal Register on January 4, 2021, it can be found at https://beta.regulations.gov/.  For further reading about the final rule, see this DOE site.

Usando las Caras de las Escobillas como Herramienta de Diagnóstico Efectiva

Usando las Caras de las Escobillas como Herramienta de Diagnóstico Efectiva

Nitin Kulkarni
Miembro del Comité de Servicios Técnicos
Helwig Carbon Products, Inc.

La cara desgastada de una escobilla de carbón indica las condiciones de funcionamiento. Por lo tanto, los expertos en escobillas pueden utilizarla como una herramienta de diagnóstico muy eficaz para la resolución de problemas y determinar la causa de fallo raiz. Si estas señales de advertencia que se muestran en la cara de la escobilla pueden identificarse y solucionarse proactivamente de manera oportuna, entonces se pueden evitar fallos catastróficos costosos e inesperados, como flameos o la reparación de la superficie de contacto.

Con mucha frecuencia, cuando un motor o generador deja de funcionar o se envía a reparar, las escobillas usadas se consideran inútiles como elemento emplazable. A medida que se pasan por alto las señales de advertencia en las superficies de las escobillas y no se aborda la causa raíz, los fallos pueden volver a ocurrir y el mantenimiento será costoso.

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Using an Induction Heater to Install Interference-Fit Bearings

Using an Induction Heater to Install Interference-Fit Bearings

This video demonstrates the correct way to use an induction bearing heater to install an interference fit ball bearing on a machine shaft.

This video covers:

  • Work area cleanliness
  • Shaft inspection and preparing the shaft
  • Pre-assembly tips for handling the bearings
  • How to use an induction bearing heater to expand the bearing for mounting
  • How to monitor the bearing temperature
  • How to install a heated bearing safely 

Using Carbon Brush Face as an Effective Diagnostic Tool

Using Carbon Brush Face as an Effective Diagnostic Tool

Nitin Kulkarni
Technical Services Committee Member
Helwig Carbon Products, Inc.

The worn carbon brush face indicates the operating conditions. Therefore, it can be utilized by brush experts as a highly effective diagnostic tool for troubleshooting and determination of root causes. If these warning signs shown at the brush face can be identified and proactively addressed in a timely manner, then major unexpected expensive catastrophic failures like flashover or repair of the contact surface can be avoided.

Far too often when a motor or generator comes out of service or is sent in for repair, the used brushes are considered worthless as a replaceable item. As warning signs at brush faces are missed with root cause left unaddressed, there can be a repeat of failures and high-cost maintenance.

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Using EASA’s Motor Rewind Data – Version 4

Using EASA’s Motor Rewind Data – Version 4

AKARD COMMUTATOR of TENNESSEE (ACT) sponsor logoMike Howell, PE
EASA Technical Support Specialist

The EASA Motor Rewind Database software has the ability to connect to a live, ever-expanding online database of more than 250,000 windings. This live database is monitored, updated and corrected as needed by EASA’s Technical Support Staff. Using the online database guarantees you’ll have the most up-to-date information available at all times. 

The database includes: 

  • Three-phase, single-speed AC motors 
  • Three-phase, multi-speed AC motors 
  • Single-phase AC motors 
  • DC motors & generators 

This webinar covers how to get the software, how to use the software, and several guided examples. It is intended for all personnel who need access to winding data. 

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Vibration Analysis for Service Centers

Vibration Analysis for Service Centers

Vibration Analysis for Service Centers coverThis 48-page manual was developed following EASA’s 12-part Vibration for Service Centers webinar series. It serves as an introductory training resource for service center technicians and supervisors involved in measuring, evaluating, and correcting vibration and balancing issues on machines under repair – as opposed to the in-plant predictive maintenance tasks covered in most general classes on the subject.

This document is intended as basic introductory training material for anyone who may be involved in evaluating or correcting vibration issues on machines repaired in the service center. Only certain sections may be of interest depending on the area and amount of involvement in vibration issues.

For a technician with responsibility for analyzing and correcting vibration and balancing issues, a general understanding of all of the information is essential. For technicians who will conduct field vibration and balancing services in customers' facilities, additional training is strongly recommended. A Level 1 vibration analysis class (usually 4 or 5 days) is a first step toward the competence needed for conducting field services. A Level 2 class is recommended. A number of providers offer ANSI-certified Level 1 and Level 2 vibration analysis classes, which normally include an opportunity for certification.

Major sections in the document include:

  • Introduction and Overview
  • Vibration Basics: Amplitude, Frequency and Phase
  • Vibration Tolerances
  • Basic Vibration Analysis
  • Dynamic Balancing Basics
  • Resonance
  • Rolling Element Bearing Vibration
  • Demodulation and High Frequency Band Measurements
  • Field Analysis Techniques
  • Field Balancing—Problems and Solutions



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What’s in a nameplate?

What’s in a nameplate?

Information helps the selection of the right motor regardless of application

By Jim Bryan
EASA Technical Support Specialist (retired)

Whether you're selecting a motor for a new application or a replacement for one that has failed, you need a reliable way to match the capabilities and performance characteristics of various motors with the requirements of the application.

Fortunately, motors that conform with NEMA Std. MG 1-2016 or IEC Std. 60034-8:2007 must include all nameplate data that the respective standards require. What this entails will vary with motor type and size, so for example, rated field and armature current data would be required for direct current (dc) motors but not for alternating current (ac) motors. The focus here is on how the required nameplate data for NEMA and IEC motors can be helpful for selecting the right motor for an application.


Working with the No Nameplate Motor

Working with the No Nameplate Motor

Nidec Motor Corp. webinar sponsorship badgeCustomers often send in a motor with no nameplate and having little knowledge of the machine’s ratings. This presentation guides the attendees through the process of evaluating the machine using core size, winding data and diagnostic testing to assign reasonable ratings.

This presentation is useful for service center technicians, supervisors and managers.

Working with the No Nameplate Motor

Working with the No Nameplate Motor

Mike Howell
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Customers sometimes send in a motor with no nameplate, or an illegible nameplate, having little knowledge of the machine’s ratings. This article will explore the process of evaluating the machine using frame size, winding data and test data to assign reasonable ratings. The general approach will be for typical NEMA or IEC foot-mounted, three-phase AC machines but could be applied to others.

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