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Pinning down possibilities for pump problems

Troubleshooting should start by looking at the pump, the fluid and the system

  • January 2011
  • Number of views: 4232
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Gene Vogel
EASA Pump and Vibration Specialist

When a motor fails to perform, we know what to check: the voltage, whether it’s balanced, the current, whether there is a ground, etc. When a pump fails to perform, many service centers are at a loss on how to troubleshoot it. If the pump has just been repaired and fails to perform, it will be hard to convince the customer that the pump is not the problem. The fact is, there are three areas of possibilities: It could be the pump, or it could be the fluid that is being pumped (the pumpage), or it could be the system of vessels, pipe and fittings connected to the pump (the system).
Understanding a little bit about pump curves and pump performance parameters, and using the process of elimination, will allow the service center technician to narrow the possibilities — especially those that are pump related.


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