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Articles in Industry Publications

Rewind 2024

  • July 2024
  • Number of views: 3748
Convention presentation

Revisit EASA's 2024 Convention & Solutions Expo by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website! These recordings provide just over 32 hours of training. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!

Examining the Causes of High Motor Current

  • April 2024
  • Number of views: 3144
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

Are you encountering high no-load current or high current with load? This presentation will look into the causes and cures.

llevando a Cabo Una Inspección Para Obtener Una Confiabilidad a Largo Plazo

  • November 2022
  • Number of views: 2830

En el actual entorno competitivo cada vez mayor, los usuarios finales buscan centros de servicio de máquinas eléctricas rotativas que aumenten su oferta de valor agregado. Una de las formas más fáciles para que un centro de servicios logre esto es efectuando una inspección minuciosa y detallada de los equipos que reciben para reparación. Los resultados de dicha inspección permiten mejorar la confiabilidad de los equipos que se logra a través de los resultados de la evaluación y las recomendaciones que ofrece el centro de servicio para prevenir fallas recurrentes y mejorar el tiempo medio entre fallas.

Using Carbon Brush Face as an Effective Diagnostic Tool

  • October 2022
  • Number of views: 3542

The worn carbon brush face indicates the operating conditions. Therefore, it can be utilized by brush experts as a highly effective diagnostic tool for troubleshooting and determination of root causes. If these warning signs shown at the brush face can be identified and proactively addressed in a timely manner, then major unexpected expensive catastrophic failures like flashover or repair of the contact surface can be avoided.

Usando las Caras de las Escobillas como Herramienta de Diagnóstico Efectiva

  • October 2022
  • Number of views: 2816

The Big Four Factors Affecting Motor Health

Tips for improving the efficiency and reliability of your motor-driven systems

  • May 2022
  • Number of views: 4978
Trade press article

Balancing plant maintenance costs and activities with the need to achieve production goals is a daily challenge for most maintenance professionals. Since the motor-driven system is often a critical component in this dynamic, this article looks at some best practices to help it achieve those goals and meet customer demands.

Fallos en los Rodamientos de Elementos Rodantes de un Motor

  • March 2022
  • Number of views: 6340
El propósito de este artículo es proporcionar suficientes fundamentos de rodamientos para que aquellos que son responsables de la aplicación, operación, mantenimiento y reparación de motores eléctricos puedan tomar las medidas necesarias para minimizar las fallas prematuras de los rodamientos y mejorar la posibilidad de que los rodamientos duren hasta el " "final de la vida útil", que normalmente se denomina vida útil del rodamiento L10.

Motor Rolling Element Bearing Failures

  • March 2022
  • Number of views: 7037

The purpose of this article is to provide enough rolling element bearing fundamentals so those who are responsible for the application, operation, maintenance and repair of electric motors can take the necessary steps to minimize premature bearing failures and enhance the possibility of bearings lasting until the "end of life" predictions, which is normally referred to as L10 bearing life.

Vibration Spectrum Analysis Tips

  • December 2021
  • Number of views: 9912

The most basic tool a vibration analyst uses is the vibration spectrum. The spectrum is a graphic illustration of the frequencies present in a vibration signal and their relative amplitudes. This article provides a basic overview, examines settings and provides tips.

Consejos para Analizar los Espectros de Vibración

  • December 2021
  • Number of views: 6796
La herramienta más básica que utiliza un analista de vibraciones es el espectro de vibraciones. El espectro es una ilustración gráfica de las frecuencias presentes en una señal de vibración y sus amplitudes relativas. Este artículo proporciona una descripción general básica, examina la configuración y ofrece sugerencias.

Evaluating Noise in Electric Motors

  • October 2021
  • Number of views: 13225
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

Determining the source of noise in a motor is often much more challenging than correcting it. However, a methodical approach to investigating the noise can narrow down the possible causes.

Electric Motors: Repair or Replace? Sales/Marketing PowerPoint Tool

  • August 2021
  • Number of views: 16756
PowerPoint files

This PowerPoint presentation is available for members to use to present the factors that should be considered when customers are faced with making the difficult decision to repair their existing motor or purchase a replacement.

Electric Motor Noise: How to Identify the Cause and Implement a Solution

A methodical approach can narrow down which of the primary sources is to blame: magnetic, mechanical or windage noise

  • May 2021
  • Number of views: 28095
Trade press article — Plant Services

Determining the source of noise in an electric motor is often more challenging than correcting it. A methodical investigative approach, however, can narrow the possibilities and make it easier to resolve the issue—with one caveat. If the noise is due to something in the motor design (e.g., a manufacturing defect or anomaly), a solution may be impossible or impractical.

Inverter Duty Motor Rewinding

  • April 2021
  • Number of views: 14601
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

This webinar recording reviews the failures associated with 3-phase motors on Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) and how to rewind to limit future failures.

Advice: Effects of High or Low Voltage on Motor Performance

  • September 2020
  • Number of views: 14218
Trade press article — RV News

To ensure the reliability of an RV’s electrical devices, especially electric motors, campers must know the service voltage of the hookup their RV is using. Teaching consumers to check that before they plug in the vehicle could save them many headaches.

Why Pumps Fail

  • June 2020
  • Number of views: 12743
FREE for Members of EASA
Convention presentation

Centrifugal pump failures are most commonly attributed to seal failure, impeller damage and bearing failures. A good understanding of failure modes for seals, impellers and bearings is essential to providing customers with reliable pump repairs.

Determining Noise Sources in Electric Motors

  • May 2020
  • Number of views: 7680

Determining the source of noise in a motor is often much more challenging than correcting it. However, a methodical approach to investigating the noise can narrow down the possible causes and therefore make it easier to resolve the noise issue. There is a caveat. If the cause of the noise is due to something in the motor design, that is, a manufacturing defect or anomaly, a solution may not be possible or practical.

Determinando las Fuentes de Ruido en los Motores Eléctricos

  • May 2020
  • Number of views: 6594

A menudo, determinar la fuente del ruido en un motor eléctrico es más un desafío que corregirla. Sin embargo, un enfoque metódico puede reducir las causas posibles y por consiguiente facilitar la resolución del problema. Una advertencia aquí es que, si el ruido está relacionado con el diseño del motor, es decir, por un defecto de fabricación, puede que no sea posible o que no sea práctico obtener una solución.

Electromechanical Repair

  • April 2020
  • Number of views: 9545
Webinar recording bundle

A special discounted collection of 7 webinar recordings focusing on various aspects of electromechanical repair.

Just $35 for EASA members!


Principles of Medium & Large AC Motors, 1st Edition - IEC

  • February 2020
  • Number of views: 57775

This manual covers horizontal and vertical squirrel-cage induction motors in the 300 to 5,000 horsepower range, low- and medium-voltage. Most of the principles covered apply to other sizes as well. This manual focuses primarily on IEC motors and standards.

End Users Offer Perspective on Internet-Enabled Condition Monitoring

  • January 2020
  • Number of views: 8581

In March of 2019, EASA conducted an in-depth survey to better understand how end users decide between repairing or replacing electric motors and to identify electric motor repair/replacement trends. Internet-enabled condition monitoring has been a hot topic recently and, as a result, questions related to this were added to the list of survey questions. The survey returned some very interesting results about internet-enabled condition monitoring.

Root Cause Failure Analysis, 2nd Edition

  • September 2019
  • Number of views: 37629

This book was developed to help electric motor technicians and engineers prevent repeated failures because the root cause of failure was never determined. By using a proven methodology combined with extensive lists of known causes of failures, one can identify the actual cause of failure without being an “industry expert.” In fact, when properly used, this material will polish one’s diagnostic skills that would qualify one as an industry expert.

Assessing Impeller Damage

  • May 2019
  • Number of views: 5629
Webinar recording

The impeller is generally the most difficult pump component to repair and the most expensive to replace. This session will look at case histories of failed pumps and the steps to determine the cause of failure.


Learning from experience: Tips for repairing a "purpose-built" motor

  • December 2018
  • Number of views: 9010

I suspect that just about everyone in our industry at one time or another has had the joy of repairing a “purpose-built” motor. This kind of motor is built for a specific purpose and has characteristics that may allow it to operate under non-standard conditions. Due to the limited information that some of them display on the nameplate, the repair of these motors can be somewhat of a challenge. Sometimes these motors possess differences such as the color of paint, the shaft size, the bearing size, or type. It can be the operating temperature and at times it can be the motor in its entirety. Following are a few useful tips we use when repairing a motor with so many question marks.

Aprendiendo de la experiencia: Consejos para reparar motores eléctricos “fabricados con requisitos especiales”

  • December 2018
  • Number of views: 6855

Sospecho que casi todos en nuestra industria alguna vez han tenido el placer de reparar un motor “fabricado con requisitos especiales”. Este tipo de motor está construido para un propósito específico y tiene características que le pueden permitir funcionar bajo condiciones no habituales. Debido a la información limitada que algunos de ellos muestran en su placa de datos, la reparación de estos motores puede resultar un reto.

Member Case Study: Reactive to Proactive Maintenance/Service

  • June 2018
  • Number of views: 7699
Convention presentation

Learn how a fellow EASA service center interpreted different maintenance philosophies and put their own development in that curve. Their evolution has gone from workshop to predictive maintenance and beyond–to proactive maintenance, including 3D scan/print and the Internet of Things (IoT). 

What's causing your high motor current?

Understand the source of the problem to tackle it effectively and efficiently

  • February 2018
  • Number of views: 11731
Trade press article — Plant Services

The most frequent concern about high current with a three-phase motor is high no-load current. But the broad issue of high no-load current isn’t the only three-phase motor issue to which plants should pay heed.

Motor bearings: Electrical damage simplified

  • December 2017
  • Number of views: 8091

Electrical bearing damage has become a very common issue in electric motors. This is not a new problem, but awareness has put the spotlight on this important reliability factor and industry has stepped up to deal with it.

Rodamientos del motor: Daño eléctrico resumido

  • December 2017
  • Number of views: 3752

El daño eléctrico de los rodamientos se ha convertido en un problema muy común en los motores eléctricos. Este no es un problema nuevo, pero la concientización ha arrojado luz sobre este importante factor de confiabilidad y la industria ha dado un paso adelante para afrontarlo.

Speed/Torque Curves

  • March 2017
  • Number of views: 5091
Webinar recording

It is very important to understand speed/torque curves and how they impact motor operation. This recording address that impact.