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Articles in Industry Publications

How EASA’s ERT Program Streamlined Our Apprenticeship Training

  • March 2025
  • Number of views: 137

What initially seemed like a supplementary resource has proven to be a game-changer for HECO's training efforts. The EASA ERT Certificate Program not only saved us considerable time and resources, but it also ensured that we could continue providing high-quality training to our apprentices

Electromechanical Repair Technician (ERT) Certificate Program Introduction

  • July 2024
  • Number of views: 1852
Webinar recording

This presentation provides a high-level overview of the program and is intended for anyone wanting to learn more about the ERT program

EASA Online Sales Training Program

  • May 2021
  • Number of views: 23684

Sales professionals need to keep their skills sharp in order to discover new leads, nurture promising prospects and close more deals. EASA now offers 11 sales training videos providing your sales professionals with concentrated expertise on specific topics.

Increase Throughput & Profitability by Training from Rework Data

  • March 2021
  • Number of views: 7172

This article defines nonconformity and rework, discusses some examples of this in a service center, considers what ISO 9001 says about nonconformity and how it should be dealt with, and how to use this knowledge to train staff.

Aumente El Rendimiento y La Rentabilidad a Partir De La Capacitación Sobre Datos De Reprocesos

  • March 2021
  • Number of views: 6974

Este artículo define la no conformidad y el reproceso, trata algunos ejemplos de esto en un centro de servicio, tiene en cuenta lo que la ISO 9001 dice acerca de la no conformidad y como debería tratarse, y  como usar esta información para capacitar al personal.

Pump Repairs and Procedures

  • April 2020
  • Number of views: 13051
Webinar recording bundle

A special discounted collection of 8 webinar recordings focusing on various aspects of pump repair.

Just $40 for EASA members!


Select Presentations 2019

  • June 2019
  • Number of views: 1014
Convention presentation

Revisit EASA's 2019 Convention & Solutions Expo by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events! Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!


Features and benefits of EASA's Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors booklet

  • May 2019
  • Number of views: 15082

​EASA’s Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors is a great marketing tool for service centers to provide to customers (end users). As such, this valuable 40-page booklet provides end users with information that will help them obtain the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors.


Características y Beneficios del manual: Obteniendo Lo Máximo De Su Motor Eléctrico de EASA

  • May 2019
  • Number of views: 16699

Para los centros de servicio, el manual Obteniendo Lo Máximo De Su Motor Eléctrico de EASA es una gran herramienta de mercadeo que pueden suministrar a sus clientes (usuarios finales). Como tal, este valioso documento de 40 páginas, proporciona a los usuarios finales información que les ayudará a obtener una operación más durable, eficiente y rentable de motores trifásicos de propósito general y de propósito definido.

Motor Temperature Rise and Methods to Increase Winding Life

  • December 2018
  • Number of views: 9754
Webinar recording

This webinar recording discusses:

  • Temperature rise (Method of detection, Insulation class, Enclosure, Service Factor)
  • Increasing winding life (Insulation class, Cooling system, Winding redesign)

Vertical Turbine Pump Shaft & Bearing Types, Fits and Clearance

  • November 2018
  • Number of views: 13071
Webinar recording

This presentation covers:

  • Shaft material and specs
  • Shaft coupling types
  • Machining for shafts
  • Bronze, plastic, graphite and cutlass bearing options
  • Bearing clearance concerns and reference data 
  • Bearing housing fits

How to Construct and Operate a Temporary Bake Oven

  • October 2018
  • Number of views: 9538
Webinar recording

This webinar demonstrates an easy-to-build temporary oven that can be constructed in the service center or in site.


2-Speed, 2-Winding Pole Group Connections

  • September 2018
  • Number of views: 9004
Webinar recording

The topics covered included in this webinar recording:

  • One circuit wye connection — Best, no parallel paths, turns per coil may prevent this
  • Delta or multiple parallel circuits—Produces closed circuits, Circulating currents
  • Open delta (4 wire connection)
  • Permissible connections—Skip pole, adjacent pole
  • Determined by speed combination

AC Motor Assembly and Testing

  • August 2018
  • Number of views: 12224
Webinar recording

This webinar recording focuses on:

  • Motor assembly issues
  • Electrical and mechanical inspection
  • Static and run testing
  • AC motors with ball, roller and sleeve bearings

How To Wind Three-Phase Stators (Version 2)

Self-paced, interactive training for stators 600 volts or less

  • February 2017
  • Number of views: 16613

This EASA software is a valuable interactive training tool ideal for training your novice(s) ... and even experienced winders will learn from it. The CD teaches how to wind in a richly detailed, step-by-step approach which includes narrative, animations and video clips, with tests to assess student comprehension. 


Safety Module #16: DOT, hazardous material shipping

  • December 2016
  • Number of views: 5680
Safety Module Program

The purpose of the DOT, Hazardous Material Shipping module is to assist service center personnel in the important rules and regulations related to the safe transportation of hazardous materials. Among the documents included are tests; a hazmat training brochure; an emergency response guidebook; a guide for hazardous materials marking, labeling and placarding; frequently asked questions related to hazmat training; a brochure on how to use hazardous materials regulations; and a loading and unloading certificate of completion.

Want to be successful? Consider joining an RCE group

  • April 2015
  • Number of views: 3002

If you want to excel, you should avoid thinking that EASA's Roving Chief Executives Program is not for you. No matter what size your business, the return on the investment in time, money and energy will come back to your business tenfold. You will make alliances that will help your company through difficult situations, find an alternative source for products to compete and find methods to utilize and markets to explore. More than a technical source of information, fellow RCE Program members provide sage advice like the most experienced Board of Directors could possibly assemble.

Improving the Repair Process for Optimum Productivity

  • June 2005
  • Number of views: 4156
Convention presentation

We all know that seemingly small time savings can significantly improve the bottom line. For a service center with a 12% return on investment (ROI), shaving a few minutes off each job is the equivalent of adding 2 manmonths of billing per productive employee. This paper, from the 2005 EASA Convention, provides many tips for increaseing productivity.

Fundamentals of DC Operation & Repair Tips

  • April 2005
  • Number of views: 12674

This book ws developed in conjuction with EASA's two-day Fundamentals of DC Operation & Repair Tips seminar.

This book is not meant to replace the many good texts that cover the theory and design of DC machines, but to supplement them. Its purpose is twofold: to help the technician understand DC machine theory without complex formulae; and in a larger sense, to record in one place the repair procedures and tips usually learned the hard way during a long career of DC machine repair. It may take a decade or longer for a technician to become proficient and knowledgeable. We hope this book will cut many years from that timeline.

Training pays dividends; Must be ongoing process

  • December 1998
  • Number of views: 4590

In the last issue of Currents, I told you about how many government groups offer financial help to employers for training. Now I want to tell you where to go for training. First of all, the easiest, most cost-effective method of training for our industry is through the EASA Vo-Tech training program. The nine volume program covers a variety of topics pertinent to our industry. This program can be lead via classroom instruction, in small groups or in a self-paced arrangement. However, there are other good sources for training. EASA offers a variety of technical and management seminars throughout the year.

Free training! Or, at least how to get some funding for your training program

  • October 1998
  • Number of views: 5563

The training issue is so critical that many state and provincial governments in the U.S. and elsewhere offer financial help to good employers - such as the electrical apparatus service and sales industry - for training. These programs are usually administered through state employment offices and are not to be confused with programs for the "chronically unemployed."