FREE for Members of EASA
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This presentation focusses on critical close fit tolerances and certain surface finish specifications.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
When a core loss test reveals localized hot spots, or visual inspection identifies physical damage, the ability to repair the damage in a cost-effective manner means the difference between repair or replacement.
Webinar recording
This presentation provides a high-level overview of the program and is intended for anyone wanting to learn more about the ERT program.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
Learn how to effectively use EASA's live, ever-expanding online database of more than 250,000 windings.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This focused introduction will explain the what, how and why of static-couple balancing from a practical point of view.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
Are you encountering high no-load current or high current with load? This presentation will look into the causes and cures.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
When preparing to rewind random or form-wound status, sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough room in the stator slot for the desired conductor area and insulation quantities. This presentation looks at balancing stator copper losses against insulation reliability.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
When repairing centrifugal and axial flow pumps, axial thrust is a concern. An understanding of the causes and the mitigating provisions of various pump designs will help repair technicians to ensure those provisions work properly.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This presentation addresses many of the most common safety hazards and situations that face service centers.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
¿Recibió un motor antiguo bobinado con alambre de aluminio? Este webinario explicará como realizar la conversión adecuada de alambre de aluminio a alambre de cobre en máquinas de CA y CC, incluyendo ejemplos para el rebobinado de estatores y campos shunt.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are more common than ever before. Sometimes when a VFD is introduced into a motor driven system, system reliability suffers. This recording addresses some of the common factors that reduce motor driven system reliability and how to correct them.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
Choosing an appropriate lead wire for a new stator winding is an important task. The manufacturer’s information is not always available, or the number of circuits or external connection may have been changed, requiring a redesign of the lead wire.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This discussion highlights EASA’s overview guide on remote condition monitoring and answers questions from members on the booklet and, and remote condition monitoring in general.
En Español
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
Para monitorear la temperatura de los bobinados y en los rodamientos se pueden usar diferentes tipos de dispositivos. La correcta identificación de los mismos es importante para determinar el tipo de sensor en casos en los que el dispositivo es desconocido o para escoger el dispositivo correcto para una determinada aplicación.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
The open stator impedance test (a.k.a, ball test or dummy rotor test) is used by many service centers as a quality control check before winding treatment and/or a troubleshooting test. This webinar recording reviews test procedures, expected outcomes and incorporating thermal camera imaging.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
There are heat methods and press methods for straightening shafts. This webinar reviews those methods, their pros and cons, and when one method or another may be applicable.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This webinar discusses specific procedures to obtain the best possible results when machining & undercutting commutators for DC machines.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This presentation discusses the importance of tracking rework in the shop and how it can lead to focused training opportunities, improved turnaround times and improved profitability.
En Español
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
Las pruebas de Resistencia de Aislamiento, Relación de Absorción Dieléctrica (DAR) e índice de Polarización (IP) son herramientas comúnmente usadas para evaluar la condición del aislamiento de las máquinas eléctricas rotativas y para confirmar la integridad del sistema de aislamiento a tierra, detectando la presencia de humedad que puede ocasionar fallos en los devanados. En las máquinas grandes, un adecuado análisis de tendencias ayuda a detectar cambios importantes y a tomar acciones correctivas antes de que ocurran fallos catastróficos.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
EASA Internal Connection Diagrams for Three-Phase Electric Motors is available to members as a free PDF download and contains hundreds of connections, as well as templates for windings up to 30 poles. This webinar recording shows how to access it and provide examples of how to use it.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This webinar recording reviews electric motor bearing grease and oil lubrication frequency and quantity, as well as procedures.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This webinar recording discusses motor storage and drills down into the nuances of maximizing customer perceived value.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This webinar recording covers the various types of trips or faults that occur in applications, as well as some of the causes for these events.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
Este webinario ayudará a los centros de servicio a navegar a través de los aspectos fundamentales del rediseño de motores de CA y ayudará a prevenir errores costosos asociados a los rediseños incorrectos.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
Technicians are sometimes introduced to magnetic quantities and materials informally over time as they are trained. This webinar will introduce the attendee to basic magnetic circuits and magnetic materials encountered in rotating machines more formally.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
Determining the source of noise in a motor is often much more challenging than correcting it. However, a methodical approach to investigating the noise can narrow down the possible causes.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This presentation provides an overview of common predictive technologies and information about applying them correctly.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This webinar explains the DC redesign process along with the other factors often overlooked that should first be considered before a redesign.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
This webinar goes through the basics of what accessories may be needed for proper VFD control and power quality add-ons to improve motor driven system reliability.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
En este webinario explicaremos como los diferentes cambios efectuados en el bobinado impactan en el desempeño del motor. Si no es realizado de forma correcta, cualquier cambio en el bobinado podría llegar a tener consecuencias negativas.