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Articles in Industry Publications

Lubricating an Open Ball Bearing During Assembly of an Induction Motor

  • January 2025
  • Number of views: 895

This video shows the proper way to lubricate the deep-groove, open ball bearing before assembling a horizontal induction motor.

Using an Induction Heater to Install Interference-Fit Bearings

  • January 2025
  • Number of views: 738

This video demonstrates the correct way to use an induction bearing heater to install an interference fit ball bearing on a machine shaft.

Rewind 2024

  • July 2024
  • Number of views: 3710
Convention presentation

Revisit EASA's 2024 Convention & Solutions Expo by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website! These recordings provide just over 32 hours of training. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!

Axial Thrust in Rotodynamic (Centrifugal) Pumps

  • February 2024
  • Number of views: 2899
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

When repairing centrifugal and axial flow pumps, axial thrust is a concern. An understanding of the causes and the mitigating provisions of various pump designs will help repair technicians to ensure those provisions work properly.

Adjusting End Play on Vertical Pump Motors

  • January 2024
  • Number of views: 4774

This video walks through the steps to adjust and set end play on a typical vertical hollow shaft pump motor.

Vertical Machines with Spherical Roller Thrust Bearings

  • January 2024
  • Number of views: 3609

One aspect of our repair industry that seems to cause a lot of confusion is the bearing arrangements of vertical motors. There is quite an assortment of thrust bearing arrangements, and we tend to try to apply the same method for adjusting end play to all of them. That is often a bad idea, so this article will take a closer look specifically at those fitted with a spherical roller thrust bearing and repair tips unique to these designs.

Máquinas verticales con rodamientos de empuje de rodillos esféricos

  • January 2024
  • Number of views: 2891

Un aspecto de nuestra industria de reparación que parece causar mucha confusión es la disposición de los rodamientos de los motores verticales. Existe una gran variedad de disposiciones de rodamientos de empuje y tendemos a intentar aplicar el mismo método para ajustar el juego axial en todos ellos. Por lo general, esta es una mala idea, por lo que este artículo analizará más de cerca específicamente aquellos motores equipados con un rodamiento de empuje de rodillos esféricos y ofrecerá consejos de reparación exclusivos para estos diseños.

Characteristics and Test Properties of Greases and Oils

  • June 2023
  • Number of views: 3999

This article describes some of the key characteristics and properties of lubricating greases and oils.

Ball Bearing Tips

  • June 2023
  • Number of views: 3822

Common sense guidance for extending bearing life including links to resources that can help.

Características y propiedades de prueba de grasas y aceites

  • June 2023
  • Number of views: 7423

En este artículo discutiremos algunas de las características y propiedades clave de los aceites y grasas lubricantes.

Measuring a Bearing Journal

  • March 2023
  • Number of views: 5029

This video explains how to measure the diameter of a bearing journal accurately to within five hundred-thousandths of an inch or one-thousandth of a millimeter.

Improve Customer Satisfaction: Follow Electric Motor Storage Procedures

  • January 2023
  • Number of views: 3028

One of the more mundane things we as repairers must be concerned with is motor storage. For many of us, storing large motors for major customers is its own profit center. For all of us, being aware of how our customers store the motors we repair and send to them is critical to customer satisfaction. A poorly stored motor is likely to suffer winding or bearing failure, and we don’t want unrealistic warranty claims over something outside our control.

Mejore la Satisfacción del Cliente: Siga los Procedimientos de Almacenamiento de Motores Eléctricos

  • January 2023
  • Number of views: 5958

Una de las cosas más mundanas de las que debemos preocuparnos como reparadores es el almacenamiento de los motores y para muchos, almacenar motores grandes para clientes importantes representa ganancias. Para todos nosotros, ser conscientes de cómo nuestros clientes almacenan los motores que les reparamos es crítico desde el punto de vista de la satisfacción del cliente. Es probable que un motor mal almacenado sufra fallos en el devanado o en los rodamientos, y no queremos reclamos por garantía poco realistas sobre algo que está fuera de nuestro control.

Sensores de Temperatura para Bobinados y Rodamientos

En Español

  • December 2022
  • Number of views: 2856
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

Para monitorear la temperatura de los bobinados y en los rodamientos se pueden usar diferentes tipos de dispositivos. La correcta identificación de los mismos es importante para determinar el tipo de  sensor en casos en los que el dispositivo es desconocido o para escoger el dispositivo correcto para una determinada aplicación.

Guía de Buenas Prácticas Para Conservar la Eficiencia del Motor

Basada en los Estudios de Rebobinado de motores de eficiencia premium, energético eficientes, IE2 (antigua EF1) e IE3 realizados en 2019 y en el 2003

  • April 2022
  • Number of views: 9935
Dirigida principalmente al personal del centro de servicio, la guía, que ahora es un documento independiente y no forma parte del informe completo del estudio de rebobinado de EASA/AEMT, describe los métodos de reparación de buenas prácticas utilizados para lograr los resultados proporcionados en ambos estudios. Contiene consejos de reparación, terminología relevante del motor e información sobre fuentes de pérdidas en motores de inducción que afectan la eficiencia.

Electric Motor Bearing Lubrication

  • April 2022
  • Number of views: 9444
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

This webinar recording reviews electric motor bearing grease and oil lubrication frequency and quantity, as well as procedures.

Fundamentos de Reparación Mecánica de Motores Eléctricos

  • March 2022
  • Number of views: 19409

En toda reparación mecánica, la capacidad para desmontar, reparar y volver a montar el motor de forma apropiada sin dañar innecesariamente ninguna de sus piezas es fundamental.

Esta obra contiene muchas sugerencias sobre el manejo apropiado de las diferentes partes de un motor para minimizar los daños durante el proceso de reparación. Sin embargo, es imposible desarrollar un listado que las incluya todas.

En cambio, el principio básico de tomarse el tiempo para usar la herramienta adecuada y por lo general el procedimiento apropiado guiará a los técnicos por el camino correcto.

Fallos en los Rodamientos de Elementos Rodantes de un Motor

  • March 2022
  • Number of views: 6323
El propósito de este artículo es proporcionar suficientes fundamentos de rodamientos para que aquellos que son responsables de la aplicación, operación, mantenimiento y reparación de motores eléctricos puedan tomar las medidas necesarias para minimizar las fallas prematuras de los rodamientos y mejorar la posibilidad de que los rodamientos duren hasta el " "final de la vida útil", que normalmente se denomina vida útil del rodamiento L10.

Motor Rolling Element Bearing Failures

  • March 2022
  • Number of views: 6998

The purpose of this article is to provide enough rolling element bearing fundamentals so those who are responsible for the application, operation, maintenance and repair of electric motors can take the necessary steps to minimize premature bearing failures and enhance the possibility of bearings lasting until the "end of life" predictions, which is normally referred to as L10 bearing life.

Evaluating Noise in Electric Motors

  • October 2021
  • Number of views: 13192
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

Determining the source of noise in a motor is often much more challenging than correcting it. However, a methodical approach to investigating the noise can narrow down the possible causes.

Tip for Vertical Hollow-Shaft Motor Assembly

  • July 2021
  • Number of views: 8322

Vertical hollow-shaft motors present some unique reassembly challenges, one of which is setting end play. Here's a tip that applies to assembly of vertical hollow-shaft motors in the 320 to 440 frame drip-proof enclosures with grease lubricated lower guide bearings and oil-lubricated upper thrust bearings.

Mechanical Reference Handbook

  • June 2021
  • Number of views: 9881

This 94-page handbook (3.5" x 6", 9cm x 15cm) contains carefully selected materials designed to assist repair firms in their everyday work. Just as important, your customers and potential customers can use this pocket handbook as a handy reference for mechanical data for motors and driven equipment.

Electric Motor Noise: How to Identify the Cause and Implement a Solution

A methodical approach can narrow down which of the primary sources is to blame: magnetic, mechanical or windage noise

  • May 2021
  • Number of views: 27984
Trade press article — Plant Services

Determining the source of noise in an electric motor is often more challenging than correcting it. A methodical investigative approach, however, can narrow the possibilities and make it easier to resolve the issue—with one caveat. If the noise is due to something in the motor design (e.g., a manufacturing defect or anomaly), a solution may be impossible or impractical.

Angular Contact Bearings: Types, Classifications and Applications

  • March 2021
  • Number of views: 11276
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

Angular contact bearings are less common than the standard radial ball bearings. Therefore, it is easy to miss important characteristics that impact performance.

Good Practice Guide to Maintain Motor Efficiency

Based on the 2019 and 2003 Rewind Studies of premium efficiency, energy efficient, IE2 (formerly EF1) and IE3 motors

  • January 2021
  • Number of views: 21364

Intended primarily for service center personnel, the guide which is now an independent document and not part of the complete EASA/AEMT rewind study report, outlines the good practice repair methods used to achieve the results given in both studies. It contains repair tips, relevant motor terminology, and information about sources of losses in induction motors that affect efficiency.


Sleeve Bearing to Ball / Roller Bearing Conversion Procedures and Cautions

  • December 2020
  • Number of views: 13787

There are times when an application calls for a motor to carry a radial load for which sleeve bearings are not suitable. In cases such as low rpm, unusual frames, etc., it may be desirable to convert a customer's existing sleeve bearing motor rather than obtaining a ball/roller replacement motor. This article contains suggested procedures as well as cautions about potential problems with such conversions.

Procedimientos y Precauciones al Convertir Cojinetes de Deslizamiento a Rodamientos de Bolas/Rodillos

  • December 2020
  • Number of views: 11460

Existen ocasiones en las que una aplicación requiere que un motor soporte una carga radial para la que los cojinetes de deslizamiento no son adecuados. En casos como bajas revoluciones, carcasas inusuales, etc., puede ser conveniente convertir el motor del cliente montado sobre cojinetes de deslizamiento envés de obtener un motor de repuesto con rodamientos de bolas / rodillos. Este artículo contiene procedimientos sugeridos y advertencias sobre problemas potenciales relacionados con dichas conversiones.

Fitting Sleeve Bearings

  • August 2020
  • Number of views: 12879

When sleeve bearings are rebabbitted or replaced, an important step during assembly is to check the contact between the sleeve bearing and the journal which rides in it. The use of self-aligning sleeve bearings (also called spherical or ball fit) renders this step almost unnecessary. Still, cylindrical sleeve bearings should be inspected to make sure the contact area is sufficient. This article is specific to checking and correcting the wear pattern when installing a new sleeve bearing in an electric motor.

Ajuste de Los Cojinetes de Deslizamiento

  • August 2020
  • Number of views: 14074

Cuando se rebabitan o se reemplazan cojinetes de deslizamiento, un paso importante durante el montaje consiste en verificar el contacto entre el cojinete y el muñón del eje que monta sobre el. El uso de cojinetes de deslizamiento auto alineables (también denominados esféricos o de ajuste esférico) hace que este paso sea casi innecesario. Aun así, los cojinetes de deslizamiento cilíndricos se deben inspeccionar para verificar que haya suficiente área de contacto. Este es un artículo específico para verificar y corregir el patrón de desgaste al momento de instalar cojinetes nuevos en un motor eléctrico.

Vertical Motor Operation and Repair

  • June 2020
  • Number of views: 18397
FREE for Members of EASA
Convention presentation

Vertical motors differ from horizontal motors in numerous ways, yet some view them as “just a horizontal motor turned on end.” The obvious differences are the (usually) thrust bearings, with arrangements varying from single- to three-thrust bearings with different orientations suited for specific load, rpm and applications. Less obvious differences are in the ventilation arrangements, shaft stiffness, degrees of protection and runout tolerances. This recording will cover those topics.