Webinar recording
This presentation provides a high-level overview of the program and is intended for anyone wanting to learn more about the ERT program.
Sales professionals need to keep their skills sharp in order to discover new leads, nurture promising prospects and close more deals. EASA now offers 11 sales training videos providing your sales professionals with concentrated expertise on specific topics.
This article defines nonconformity and rework, discusses some examples of this in a service center, considers what ISO 9001 says about nonconformity and how it should be dealt with, and how to use this knowledge to train staff.
Este artículo define la no conformidad y el reproceso, trata algunos ejemplos de esto en un centro de servicio, tiene en cuenta lo que la ISO 9001 dice acerca de la no conformidad y como debería tratarse, y como usar esta información para capacitar al personal.
Webinar recording bundle
A special discounted collection of 8 webinar recordings focusing on various aspects of pump repair.
Just $40 for EASA members!
Convention presentation
Revisit EASA's 2019 Convention & Solutions Expo by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events! Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!
EASA’s Getting The Most From Your Electric Motors is a great marketing tool for service centers to provide to customers (end users). As such, this valuable 40-page booklet provides end users with information that will help them obtain the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors.
Para los centros de servicio, el manual Obteniendo Lo Máximo De Su Motor Eléctrico de EASA es una gran herramienta de mercadeo que pueden suministrar a sus clientes (usuarios finales). Como tal, este valioso documento de 40 páginas, proporciona a los usuarios finales información que les ayudará a obtener una operación más durable, eficiente y rentable de motores trifásicos de propósito general y de propósito definido.
Webinar recording
This webinar recording discusses:
- Temperature rise (Method of detection, Insulation class, Enclosure, Service Factor)
- Increasing winding life (Insulation class, Cooling system, Winding redesign)
Webinar recording
This presentation covers:
- Shaft material and specs
- Shaft coupling types
- Machining for shafts
- Bronze, plastic, graphite and cutlass bearing options
- Bearing clearance concerns and reference data
- Bearing housing fits