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Combination tables for round magnet wire changes

  • April 2015
  • Number of views: 5397
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Mike Howell
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Before rewinding a stator, EASA strongly recommends winding data verification. This is a required criterion for rewinds covered under the EASA Accreditation Program audit checklist. With tools like EASA’s AC Motor Verification & Redesign program, this can be done easily within minutes. Additionally, the verification is an EASA member benefit provided at no additional charge by submitting an inquiry to EASA’s technical support staff. We see many cases where failure to invest a few minutes up front costs a service center an additional rewind. There are probably as many cases where service centers identify issues with the as-found winding data before investing time and materials. 

One of the most common winding data changes made by service centers is a wire size change. This is inherent to most redesigns where the number of turns per slot is changed. But it is also routinely done to accommodate a service center’s available inventory. Although this type of change is easily done in EASA’s verification & redesign program, there are various situations that restrict winders to pen and paper changes. And, as processes become more manual, they typically have a higher risk for error. Minimizing the manual calculations associated with this change can increase process efficiency while reducing errors.


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