The information in this article provides comparisons of key characteristics of IEC and NEMA motors to aid in evaluating the potential simplicity or complexity of the IEC to NEMA design conversion.
This article delves into the AC motors responsible for the tilt and lift functions of the log stackers. These motors possess distinct characteristics, including a high-resistance rotor.
En este artículo, se profundizará en los motores de CA responsables de las funciones de inclinación y elevación de las apiladoras de troncos. Estos motores poseen características distintivas, incluido un rotor de alta resistencia.
La información de este artículo proporciona comparaciones de las características clave de los motores IEC y NEMA para ayudar a evaluar la posible simplicidad o complejidad de la conversión de diseño IEC a NEMA.
This video shows the proper way to lubricate the deep-groove, open ball bearing before assembling a horizontal induction motor.
This video demonstrates the correct way to use an induction bearing heater to install an interference fit ball bearing on a machine shaft.
The phase balance test is a simple yet effective method for diagnosing some problems with existing windings and for inspecting new windings before resin treatment. Including thermography enhances diagnostic capabilities, making it a valuable addition to the testing process.
La prueba de equilibrio de fases es un método simple y efectivo para diagnosticar algunos problemas en los devanados existentes y para inspeccionar devanados nuevos antes del tratamiento final. Incluir termografía mejora el diagnóstico, lo que es una adición valiosa para el proceso de prueba.
In addition to seal oil, some submersibles have an oil filled stator cavity. The oil in the stator cavity very efficiently transfers heat from the stator winding and core, and especially from the rotor, to the pump casing where convection carries it to the pumpage in which the pump is submerged. While the specifications for seal oil are fairly flexible, stator cavity oil has more constraints.
Además del aceite de sellado, algunas bombas sumergibles tienen una cavidad del estator llena de aceite. Este aceite transfiere de manera muy eficiente el calor desde el devanado y el núcleo del estator, y especialmente desde el rotor, hasta la carcasa de la bomba, donde la convección lo lleva al líquido de bombeo en el que está sumergida. Si bien las especificaciones para el aceite de sellado son bastante flexibles, el aceite de la cavidad del estator tiene más restricciones.
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This presentation reviews procedures that explain how to identify unmarked leads of three-phase motors with one or two windings.
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When a core loss test reveals localized hot spots, or visual inspection identifies physical damage, the ability to repair the damage in a cost-effective manner means the difference between repair or replacement.
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Revisit EASA's 2024 Convention & Solutions Expo by buying access to recordings of the general sessions and education events streamed from EASA's website! These recordings provide just over 32 hours of training. Downloadable PDFs of slides and technical papers are included!
Cuando la resonancia causa una vibración excesiva, es importante identificar la frecuencia natural y la forma modal de la vibración. Una simple prueba de impacto (bump test), realizada a máquina parada, es un buen primer paso para identificar la frecuencia natural.
When resonance does cause excessive vibration, it is important to identify the natural frequency and the mode shape of the vibration. A simple bump test, conducted with the machine not running, is a good first step in identifying the natural frequency.
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Learn how to effectively use EASA's live, ever-expanding online database of more than 250,000 windings.
With the advent of solid-state electronic variable frequency drives (VFDs) in the late 1980s, it was found that the windings of motors used on VFDs failed more frequently than when powered by a utility (sine wave) supply. By the turn of the century, motor manufacturers had gained a better understanding of how VFDs affected motor windings. This article describes the materials and methods associated with inverter duty windings.
Con la llegada de los variadores de frecuencia electrónicos (VFD) de estado sólido a fines de la década de 1980, se descubrió que los bobinados de los motores que funcionaban con VFDs fallaban con más frecuencia que al estar alimentados con la energía convencional (onda sinusoidal). A principios de siglo, los fabricantes de motores habían comprendido mejor cómo los VFD afectaban los devanados del motor, y al igual que los proveedores de materiales electro, aislantes habían desarrollado materiales y métodos para mejorar la confiabilidad de los devanados de los motores alimentados con VFDs. En este artículo, describiremos los materiales y métodos asociados con los devanados inverter duty.
This article explains in layman’s terms what electromechanical professionals refer to as circulating currents, why they exist in three-phase electric motors and to offer practical solutions.
Este artículo es explicar en términos sencillos a qué se refieren los profesionales de la electromecánica como corrientes circulantes, por qué existen en los motores eléctricos trifásicos y ofrecer soluciones prácticas.
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Are you encountering high no-load current or high current with load? This presentation will look into the causes and cures.
The insulation system chosen for any rewind should be suitable for the application, the voltage class, and the winding process capability of the service center. In most cases, adherence to “equal to or better than” selection is a good practice.
El sistema de aislamiento escogido para cualquier rebobinado debe ser el adecuado para la aplicación, el voltaje y la capacidad del proceso de rebobinado del centro de servicio. En la mayoría de los casos, seleccionar una opción "igual o mejor" es una buena práctica.
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When preparing to rewind random or form-wound status, sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough room in the stator slot for the desired conductor area and insulation quantities. This presentation looks at balancing stator copper losses against insulation reliability.
Tres de los problemas más comunes en los motores trifásicos por los que somos consultados son:
- “El motor toma mucha corriente en vacío”
- “La corriente en las tres líneas no está balanceada”
- “ El motor trabaja caliente”
Incluso si nunca te has enfrentado a uno de estos problemas, sigue leyendo porque es casi inevitable que lo hagas y querrás saber qué hacer al respecto.
Three of the most common three-phase motor problems we receive inquiries about are:
- “The motor is drawing high no-load current.”
- “The current of the three line leads is not balanced.”
- “The motor is running hot.”
Even if you have never faced one of these issues, read on because it is almost inevitable that you will, and you will want to know what to do about it.
This video walks through the steps to adjust and set end play on a typical vertical hollow shaft pump motor.
One aspect of our repair industry that seems to cause a lot of confusion is the bearing arrangements of vertical motors. There is quite an assortment of thrust bearing arrangements, and we tend to try to apply the same method for adjusting end play to all of them. That is often a bad idea, so this article will take a closer look specifically at those fitted with a spherical roller thrust bearing and repair tips unique to these designs.
How Using Clamps When Pulling Magnet Wire Helps Prevent Splayed Teeth
Unless great care is taken, pulling magnet wire from a motor stator often bends or splays the lamination’s end teeth. Bent teeth, or teeth that have been splayed outward at the ends of the core stack, will likely compromise the quality of the repair job. Therefore, we have designed and implemented the use of disc clamps to hold the stator tooth tips in place while pulling magnet wire from the slots. The clamping fixtures described in the photos have helped ensure that we avoid damaging the stator teeth during the stripping process.
Cómo el usar discos de retención al tirar del alambre magneto previene doblar los dientes de las laminaciones
A no ser que se tenga mucho cuidado, tirar del alambre magneto al desmantelar el estator de un motor a menudo deforma o dobla los dientes de las laminaciones. Estos dientes deformados comprometerán la calidad de la reparación y hay estudios que demuestran que este problema puede reducir la eficiencia del motor. Sin embargo, aunque esta reducción puede ser pequeña, genera altos costos y desperdicio de energía.