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The Value of Industry Representation

Why It Matters to EASA and (Importantly!) You

  • March 2024
  • Number of views: 1153
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Ron Widup
Marketing & Industry Awareness Committee Chair
Shermco Industries, Inc. 

As a benefit of membership in EASA, we get (literally) an army of people every day to represent our interests in industry and government regulations. And they often provide us with valuable insight and positive change to “the way we’ve always done it.” 

This is most apparent in the efforts put forth by EASA’s technical staff, who participate in codes and standards work, monitor and contribute to government activities, write technical articles and present technical papers at industry conferences. 

But it doesn’t have to be only EASA’s technical staff who affect change. You can also be an important part of the quest for industry representation and betterment. Why should you care? For several reasons, actually:

Our industry is arguably a niche industry, and many people do not understand exactly what we do and why we do it. EASA’s Marketing & Industry Awareness Committee discusses this a lot, and we consistently look for ways to promote any policies, regulations and legislation that promote our Association and make sense for our industry. 

Policy Influence
EASA’s Marketing & Industry Awareness Committee monitors government policies and regulations that affect EASA members and the customers we serve. Providing feedback to lawmakers and regulatory agencies, we help shape the framework of industry that supports growth. 

A great example of this is when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was revising its rules concerning Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units (CISWI). The short story is this – EASA repair facilities came really close to being regulated under the CISWI rules, and this would have put enormous strains on business owners and the industry. 

The good news is that EASA members ended up getting an exemption for our types of ovens. Had EASA not been involved in the process, the exemption likely would not have happened and would have caused unnecessary pressure. 

Information and Research
EASA members are experts in our field. As such, we are often asked to participate in research activities and industry data gathering. By doing so, we can provide valuable information and insight to our fellow members, our vendors, our customers and facility owners that helps us all make better business decisions and stay competitive. 

Networking and Collaboration
Business to business (B2B) networking and collaboration is key to running a successful business. By sharing best practices, announcing new innovations and monitoring trends in business, EASA members are all better for it. EASA representation in industry often puts us at the table when these key discussions are occurring. 

Standards and Quality Assurance
Let’s be honest – the level of understanding of what matters when it comes to assuring quality in the rebuild, repair, remanufacturing or replacement of electromechanical machinery and apparatus is best represented by EASA and EASA members. As the subject matter experts in this field, participating in codes, standards, guidelines and recommended practices helps designers, manufacturers, installers, inspectors and ultimately the owners of the equipment. Staying involved in codes and standards is paramount, so things don’t go astray.

Voice for Small Businesses
EASA members range in size from large entities to smaller family-run service providers. Providing a representative voice for all is especially beneficial to those who don’t have as many resources to address industry issues. Not a voice of one, but rather a voice of many, helps EASA members of all shapes and sizes. 

Global Competitiveness
In a globalized world, EASA’s industry representation is crucial for maintaining competitiveness on the international stage. Not only is EASA addressing issues in North America, but through our chapters and regions, we are involved in all the items listed above on an international basis as well. 

So how can you help? Easy answer: Get involved! 

Start at the chapter level – participate in the meetings and network with the members and vendors in your local region. Then take that level of participation to the annual EASA Convention & Solutions Expo where you can expand your knowledge even further. 

At the onset, this article stated that there is a literal army of folks helping us in the electromechanical repair business. And there is no doubt that if all members take advantage of the assistance, we can shape policies, foster collaboration, promote growth and ensure the overall health and success of our businesses and our industry. 

Get involved and enlist in the EASA Army – it makes a difference! Hooah! 

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