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Temperature detectors: Choosing the correct device to fit the application

  • March 2005
  • Number of views: 7217
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Tom Bishop, P.E. 
EASA Technical Support Specialist 

When we mention temperature detectors for motors we usually think of winding temperature detectors. However, temperature detectors can also be used to monitor bearings and airflow. In this article we will describe the more common types of tempera­ture detectors and how they can be applied to windings, bearings and to check ventilation (airflow). 

We will begin by describing the different types of temperature detectors most commonly used in motors and generators. For simplicity we will use the term “motors” to mean both motors and generators. Although our focus is on temperature detectors for motors and generators, the detectors may also be found in transformers and other equipment. These are resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), thermocouples, thermostats, and thermistors. 


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