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Convention presentation

Industry Research: Deeper into the Data - What Else We Learned

  • June 2018
  • Number of views: 7991
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Michael Marks, Indian River Consulting Group
Jerry Peerbolte, J. Peerbolte & Associates
Presented at the 2018 EASA Convention — Milwaukee, WI

Over the past 15 years, EASA has conducted periodic research that has focused on many of the stakeholders and participants in the electromechanical repair, service and sales industry.

In early 2017, Indian River Consulting Group once again conducted research surveys of EASA repair firms. The results of those surveys show you the perspectives of fellow EASA members on a range of important subjects as well as the latest trends as well as perspectives from other industrial and distribution sectors. This research can help you to benchmark your company's results and strategies.

The findings revealed from EASA's latest industry research were among the highlights of the 2017 convention. Change continues for EASA members and Michael Marks, of Indian River Consulting Group, and Jerry Peerbolte, of J. Peerbolte & Associates,  return to dive deeper into what the data has told us. See what else has been learned about EASA businesses, markets and customers. Reviewing the foundational research after another year of change leads to some interesting questions. Gain insights from the data and strategies to leverage it.

  • What makes profitable service centers different?
  • How does adding to your service portfolio impact your business?
  • What is the optimal mix of product sales vs. service?
  • How are findings different for large vs. small shops?
  • Do recruiting practices make a difference?
  • What is the value of alliances with other businesses?
  • How are those who take the digitization of the market most seriously different?
  • Is getting closer to your best customers worth it?
  • So educated customers translate to a better bottom line?



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