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How to avoid circulating currents in multi-speed, two-winding machines

  • June 2000
  • Number of views: 4472
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Cyndi Nyberg 
Former EASA Technical Support Specialist 

“I have rewound a two-speed, two-winding motor. The high speed runs fine — the no-load current seems right. But when I test the low speed, the amps are far too high at rated voltage. It draws significantly above the rated current, at no-load! I know that the winding data is correct. What could be wrong?” 

This is one of the most common problems we encounter at the EASA office.  The solution is almost always the same. There are three questions we ask in return.

  1. What are the two speeds?
  2. What are the number of circuits in each winding?
  3. What jumpers are used to connect each winding? 


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