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Convention presentation

Vibration Instrumentation Overview

  • July 2013
  • Number of views: 5743
  • Article rating: No rating

Gene Vogel
EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist

The ability to measure machinery vibration is essential to machinery repair. But vibration is a complex phenomenon, with multiple parameters; specifically, amplitude, frequency and phase. So unlike temperature, pressure or other single parameter indicators, to use vibration as an effective machine condition indicator, technicians need more than simple meter and 5 minutes of instruction. The most common vibration related task for EASA service centers is acceptance testing for repaired machines. Even this basic task requires:

  • Knowledge of vibration fundamentals
  • Adequate vibration instrumentation
  • Documented acceptance criteria
  • Proper mounting methods
  • An awareness of advance analysis techniques

This paper addresses the concerns related to insuring the service center has adequate vibration instrumentation. While needs vary among service centers, the basic instrument required is a portable vibration analyzer. In order to qualify as a vibration analyzer, the most basic instrument functions are the ability to measure vibration amplitude and frequency, and common tools for analyzing a vibration spectrum. There are a number of instruments that meet these basic requirements, and most offer additional useful capabilities. Choosing an instrument that meets a specific service center’s needs should involve all of the stakeholders, which includes owners, managers, engineers and technicians. For smaller service centers, it may be one person who wears all those hats, and the decision process is simplified. For larger service centers, input from a dozen people may be needed, and there will be trade-offs on costs vs. benefits. In either case, and those in between, it’s important that considerations include:

  • Features and capabilities
  • Cost
  • Convenience
  • Durability
  • Support
  • Training

This paper focuses on features and capabilities. Not to diminish the importance of the other components, but those are best left to discussion between the service center and the various instrument vendors.

This paper covers:

  • Heritage instruments
  • Spectrum analyzers
  • Balancing instruments
  • Online monitors
  • Portable vibration level meters
  • Proximity probes and instruments
  • Accelerometer transducers



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