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Articles in Industry Publications


Interpole strength: Determining correct number of circuits

  • February 2007
  • Number of views: 6936
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Chuck Yung 
EASA Technical Support Specialist 

We have a DC motor that arcs when loaded. We checked all the usual suspects: brush neutral, interpole polarity relative to the armature, brush spacing around the commutator, etc. How can we determine the correct interpole circuits? 

I’m excited to be able to share a brand new DC repair tip. A conversa­tion with two EASA members led to a method for determining whether the interpoles are connected with the correct number of circuits. 

Not only is this new method easy, it’s a refinement of the interpole polarity test we routinely perform on every repaired DC machine. To explain why this method works, let’s review some design basics and then use that information to determine the correct interpole circuits.


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Categories: DC motors, Interpoles

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