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Articles in Industry Publications


Encoders, resolvers provide important feedback

  • January 2003
  • Number of views: 3782
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Kevin J. Miller 
Apparatus Repair & Engineering, Inc. 
Hagerstown, Maryland 
Technical Education Committee Member 

Motor sophistication, precise torque and speed control and accuracy are all common­place in the manufacturing environment today. They are not just reserved for the aerospace or machine tool industry. 

With modern processes in manufacturing we need to know and control the speed, position and velocity of electric motors. With this precision comes the need for feedback in these areas. 

Servo, closed loop vector, brushless DC, standard DC mo­tors and standard three-phase AC motors use feedback devices such as encoders and resolvers. Many AC and DC motors have the feedback device mounted on the exterior of the opposite drive endbell, mechanically attached to the rotating shaft. Servo, vector and brushless DC motors usually have an encoder or resolver mounted inside the endbell as an integral part of the equipment. 


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