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Articles in Industry Publications

What’s in a nameplate?

Information helps the selection of the right motor regardless of application

  • November 2018
  • Number of views: 12955
Trade press article — Plant Engineering

Whether you're selecting a motor for a new application or a replacement for one that has failed, you need a reliable way to match the capabilities and performance characteristics of various motors with the requirements of the application.

What's causing your high motor current?

Understand the source of the problem to tackle it effectively and efficiently

  • February 2018
  • Number of views: 11683
Trade press article — Plant Services

The most frequent concern about high current with a three-phase motor is high no-load current. But the broad issue of high no-load current isn’t the only three-phase motor issue to which plants should pay heed.

Heed design letters when replacing motors

  • November 2016
  • Number of views: 8203
Trade press article — Maintenance Technology

Too often, replacement specifications for three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors cover only basic nameplate data such as power, speed, voltage, and frame size, while overlooking other important performance characteristics such as the design letter. This can lead to misapplication of a motor, causing poor performance, inoperability, or failures that result in unnecessary downtime.

My motor failed. Now what?

  • June 2016
  • Number of views: 8941
Trade press article — Maintenance Technology

Process downtime is expensive—even more so when it’s unexpected. So, when an electric motor fails, we tend to pull, repair, or replace it, and move on as quickly as possible. In doing so, however, we may miss an opportunity to capture basic information that could help improve the reliability of the application. With a little planning, these data can be gathered with no delay in startup.

Avoid costly motor connection mistakes

  • May 2016
  • Number of views: 9529
Trade press article — Maintenance Technology

Manufacturers deploy various external connection schemes to produce three-phase induction motors for multiple voltages and/or starting methods. Be sure to follow the relevant connection diagram, which is usually affixed to the motor or contained in its manual. If the diagram is lost, damaged, or ignored, you could find yourself dealing with a costly rewind.