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Articles in Industry Publications

Using EASA’s Motor Rewind Data – Version 4

  • June 2024
  • Number of views: 3189
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

Learn how to effectively use EASA's live, ever-expanding online database of more than 250,000 windings.

Inverter Duty Three-Phase Motor Windings

  • June 2024
  • Number of views: 2955

With the advent of solid-state electronic variable frequency drives (VFDs) in the late 1980s, it was found that the windings of motors used on VFDs failed more frequently than when powered by a utility (sine wave) supply. By the turn of the century, motor manufacturers had gained a better understanding of how VFDs affected motor windings. This article describes the materials and methods associated with inverter duty windings.

Devanados para motores trifásicos Inverter Duty

  • June 2024
  • Number of views: 3331

Con la llegada de los variadores de frecuencia electrónicos (VFD) de estado sólido a fines de la década de 1980, se descubrió que los bobinados de los motores que funcionaban con VFDs fallaban con más frecuencia que al estar alimentados con la energía convencional (onda sinusoidal). A principios de siglo, los fabricantes de motores habían comprendido mejor cómo los VFD afectaban los devanados del motor, y al igual que los proveedores de materiales electro, aislantes habían desarrollado materiales y métodos para mejorar la confiabilidad de los devanados de los motores alimentados con VFDs. En este artículo, describiremos los materiales y métodos asociados con los devanados inverter duty.

Crooked Teeth? We’ve Got Braces!

How Using Clamps When Pulling Magnet Wire Helps Prevent Splayed Teeth

  • January 2024
  • Number of views: 1986

Unless great care is taken, pulling magnet wire from a motor stator often bends or splays the lamination’s end teeth. Bent teeth, or teeth that have been splayed outward at the ends of the core stack, will likely compromise the quality of the repair job. Therefore, we have designed and implemented the use of disc clamps to hold the stator tooth tips in place while pulling magnet wire from the slots. The clamping fixtures described in the photos have helped ensure that we avoid damaging the stator teeth during the stripping process.

¿Dientes Torcidos? ¡Tenemos Ortodoncia!

Cómo el usar discos de retención al tirar del alambre magneto previene doblar los dientes de las laminaciones

  • January 2024
  • Number of views: 1476

A no ser que se tenga mucho cuidado, tirar del alambre magneto al desmantelar el estator de un motor a menudo deforma o dobla los dientes de las laminaciones. Estos dientes deformados comprometerán la calidad de la reparación y hay estudios que demuestran que este problema puede reducir la eficiencia del motor. Sin embargo, aunque esta reducción puede ser pequeña, genera altos costos y desperdicio de energía.

Concentric to Lap Conversions

  • October 2023
  • Number of views: 8220

This article looks at some of the import details for a proper concentric to lap winding conversion. It also shows how using the EASA Technical Manual, EASA's AC Motor Verification & Redesign Software, as well as the EASA AC Redesign manual, can help.

Conversiones de un Bobinado Concéntrico a Imbricado

  • October 2023
  • Number of views: 2442
Este artículo analiza algunos de los detalles de importación para una conversión adecuada de devanado concéntrico a devanado por vuelta. También muestra cómo puede ayudar el uso del Manual técnico de EASA, el software de rediseño y verificación de motores de CA de EASA, así como el manual de Rediseño de motores AC de EASA.

How to Measure Magnet Wire

  • March 2023
  • Number of views: 3779

This video shows one step in collecting motor winding data: how to measure magnet wire.

Best AC Rewind Practices

  • February 2021
  • Number of views: 16731
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording

This webinar recording shares some of the “best practice” rewind methods used by (and learned from) EASA service centers around the world: connection recognition, best insulating materials, wire choices and tips to save time and effort.

Working with AC Windings

  • April 2020
  • Number of views: 13191
Webinar recording bundle

A special discounted collection of 12 webinar recordings focusing on AC motor windings.

Just $60 for EASA members!


Considerations for random to form winding conversions

  • December 2019
  • Number of views: 12207

With a steady increase in random wound AC motor sizes and the obvious superiority of the form coil winding, one area where we can help improve customers' motor reliability is by redesigning those large random wound motors to accept form coils. Most repairers would agree that machines rated larger than 600 hp (450 kW) should be designed as form coil machines. Likewise, those rated over 2 kV will be much more reliable as form coil machines.

No one wants to rewind a motor using 60 #14 AWG (62- 1.6 mm) wires in hand. With an abundance of niche suppliers of stator laminations, the cost and practicality of converting a random wound motor to form coil are available to nearly all service centers. Replacement laminations can be punched, laser-cut or water-cut, and supplied with very reasonable delivery times.

Consideraciones para convertir bobinados de alambre redondo a pletina (solera)

  • December 2019
  • Number of views: 10303

Con el aumento continuo de los tamaños de los motores CA y la obvia superioridad de los devanados con bobinas preformadas (pletina o solera), un área en la que podemos ayudar a mejorar la confiabilidad de los motores de nuestros clientes es rediseñando estos motores grandes de alambre redondo para que acepten bobinas preformadas. La mayoría de los reparadores estarían de acuerdo en que las máquinas de alambre redondo por arriba de 600 hp (450 kW) deberían rediseñarse con bobinas preformadas. Así mismo, aquellas con tensiones nominales superiores a 2 kV serían más confiables con bobinas de pletina.

Nadie quiere rebobinar un motor con 60 #14 AWG (62- 1.6 mm). Con la abundancia de proveedores especializados en laminaciones de estatores, el costo y la practicidad para convertir motores de alambre redondo a pletina está al alcance de casi todos los centros de servicio. Las laminaciones para reemplazar el núcleo pueden ser troqueladas o cortadas con láser o agua y entregadas en tiempos muy razonables.

Magnetic Wedges

  • February 2019
  • Number of views: 15984
Webinar recording

An increasing number of manufacturers are using magnetic wedges in their form-wound machines. When a winder fails to replace magnetic wedges in kind, the winding temperature rise can increase by 20°C, and the magnetizing current can increase by 20% or more.


Working with odd-turn (unequal-turn) windings

  • July 2018
  • Number of views: 9898

Manufacturers almost always utilize machine-inserted concentric windings for random-wound, three-phase stators when their processes can facilitate it due to lower manufacturing costs. Many service centers can produce concentric windings too, but the most common practice is to utilize the two-layer lap winding. For form-wound stators, the two-layer lap winding is almost always used by manufacturers and service centers alike. The purpose of this article is to provide some tips for working with odd-turn (unequal-turn) windings, or two-layer windings where the total number of turns per slot is an odd number (e.g., 3,5,7,9…n). In such cases, the top and bottom coil sides must have a different number of turns.

Trabajando con bobinados con espiras diferentes (impares)

  • July 2018
  • Number of views: 5148

Cuando sus procesos pueden facilitarlo y para rebajar costos de fabricación, los fabricantes casi siempre emplean en los estatores trifásicos de alambre redondo, bobinados concéntricos insertados con máquinas. Muchos centros de servicio también pueden rebobinar bobinados concéntricos, pero la práctica más común es la de utilizar bobinados excéntricos de doble capa. Para los estatores con bobinas pre-formadas, los fabricantes y los centros de servicio utilizan la mayoría de las veces, bobinados excéntricos de doble capa.

La finalidad de este artículo es proporcionar algunos consejos para trabajar con bobinados con espiras diferentes (impares) o con bobinados excéntricos de doble capa donde el número de espiras por ranura es un número impar (Ej. 3,5,7,9…n). En estos casos, los lados superior e inferior de la bobina deben tener un número de espiras diferente.

How To Wind Three-Phase Stators (Version 2)

Self-paced, interactive training for stators 600 volts or less

  • February 2017
  • Number of views: 16614

This EASA software is a valuable interactive training tool ideal for training your novice(s) ... and even experienced winders will learn from it. The CD teaches how to wind in a richly detailed, step-by-step approach which includes narrative, animations and video clips, with tests to assess student comprehension. 


Common recommendations for stored motors

  • September 2013
  • Number of views: 11343

When an electric motor is expected to be stored for an appreciable time before it is placed into service, certain steps should be taken to ensure that it will be suitable for operation when it is needed. The practical limitation we need to recognize is that much of what we do when putting a motor into long-term storage has to be undone when the same motor is moved into operation. This article addresses common recommendations for stored motors.

Rewind Tips for 2300-volt, Random-Wound Motors

  • October 2001
  • Number of views: 8086

When rewinding a motor, the service center is restricted by the original design. Sometimes, we encounter a motor design we wish had never been developed. The random-wound, 2300-volt motor design falls into that category. The great challenge to the service center is in successfully rewinding this design while maintaining profit.

Training Film 3: Machine Winding Three-Phase Random-Wound Coils

  • June 1984
  • Number of views: 4068

Teaches procedures for winding diamond and round-nosed coils. Includes determining coil dimensions from a bare core and winding multiple groups at one time.