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Management Pulse Survey results: Safety

  • February 2016
  • Number of views: 3743
  • Article rating: 5.0

Jan Schmidlkofer
K&N Electric Motors, Inc.

Thanks to the 158 members who participated in the January Management Pulse survey on Safety. The results revealed a positive commitment to safety by those who participated. Almost 90% of the respondents feel they have a culture of safety and have the time and resources dedicated to ensure employees are working safely! As many of you know, good safety practices nearly always result in high quality output and employee morale.



Nearly 70% of the respondents have designated safety officers and about 60% feel their employees would know how to react to a surprise OSHA visit. More than 70% responded in the affirmative regarding documentation of meetings, safety inspections and disciplinary processes.





Unfortunately, less than 60% were aware of EASA’s 16-part Safety Module Program and its companion webinar series. Only 30% have participated in one of the webinars or plan on purchasing any of the   recordings.

Employee safety is our responsibility. That responsibility includes providing for a safe work environment by completing mandated inspections, holding and documenting regular safety committee meetings, providing ongoing training and keeping current with safety regulations. This responsibility takes time and resources.


Your EASA Management Services Committee recognizes the inherit uniqueness of our membership. Because of that uniqueness, extremely valuable safety training focused towards general motor service center work has been developed. These safety modules and accompanying webinars are completely up to date with current requirements and mandates. And, remember that when you register for a webinar topic, both the management and employee versions are available for 30 days following the date they are presented. This gives your staff flexibility to take advantage of the training when time allows. You may also purchase a download for continuous learning, employee orientations and so on. Again this training is uniquely focused on EASAns!

We have attended all the safety webinars and the feedback from our employees continues to be excellent. It is not infrequent to hear comments such as “I didn’t know I could do that” or “I never thought of that.” The Fall Protection module was great. It taught employees the appropriate use of hoists and ladders.

The Safety Module Program modules and webinars have been helpful to ensure our policies and practices match new or previously unknown requirements. In Module 1 on Personal Protective Equipment, I was surprised to be informed there is actually an ANSI requirement for work boots! Tom Barnes, the webinar presenter, always covers safety issues involving off-site work done on other’s property as well as on-site work done by others on your property. We all have risks. Knowing them up front helps avoid potential harm.

I encourage you to participate in the safety webinars that are still come and purchase recordings of those that have already been held. Take advantage of this great EASA benefit!

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