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How to schedule

To schedule private education for your group, contact:

Dale Shuter, CMP
Meetings & Expositions Manager

+1 314 993 2220, ext. 3335

1 hour of training

$300 for EASA Chapters/Regions
$400 for member companies
$800 for non-members

How a webinar works

All EASA private webinars are live events in which the audio and video are streamed to your computer over the Internet. Prior to the program, you will receive a web link to join the meeting. 

The presentation portion of the webinar will last about 45 minutes, followed by about 15 minutes of questions and answers.


  • Internet connection
  • Computer with audio input (microphone) and audio output (speakers) appropriate for your size group
  • TV or projector/screen

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The Zoom webinar service EASA uses will ask to install a small plugin. Your computer must be configured to allow this in order to have full functionality. Please check with your IT department or company's security policy prior to scheduling a private webinar.

Private Webinars

EASA's private webinars are an inexpensive way to bring an EASA engineer into your service center, place of business or group meeting without incurring travel expenses or lost production time.

¿Cuántos vatios, cuántas libras? Trabajando con los resultados de la prueba de núcleo del estator

¿Cuántos vatios, cuántas libras? Trabajando con los resultados de la prueba de núcleo del estator

Mike Howell
Especialista de Soporte Técnico de EASA

Las dos razones principales para realizar la prueba de núcleo del estator en el centro de servicios son (1) verificar que el núcleo del estator es apto para uso continuo y en caso de rebobinado y (2) verificar que el proceso de rebobinado no ha alterado de forma adversa la condición del núcleo del estator.

El propósito de este artículo es discutir como determinar, evaluar y comparar los resultados de la prueba de núcleo. Es muy importante comprender que la variación de los procedimientos de prueba puede invalidar la comparación.

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¿Dientes Torcidos? ¡Tenemos Ortodoncia!

¿Dientes Torcidos? ¡Tenemos Ortodoncia!

Cómo el usar discos de retención al tirar del alambre magneto previene doblar los dientes de las laminaciones

David Sattler
L&S Electric, Inc.

A no ser que se tenga mucho cuidado, tirar del alambre magneto al desmantelar el estator de un motor a menudo deforma o dobla los dientes de las laminaciones. Estos dientes deformados comprometerán la calidad de la reparación y hay estudios que demuestran que este problema puede reducir la eficiencia del motor. Sin embargo, aunque esta reducción puede ser pequeña, genera altos costos y desperdicio de energía.

Aunque los clientes rara vez notan la merma del rendimiento, nuestro objetivo durante la reparación de los motores es siempre llevar a cabo rebobinados de la más alta calidad posible. Por lo tanto, hemos diseñado e implementado el uso de discos (platos) retenedores para mantener los dientes del estator en su lugar mientras se saca el alambre magneto de las ranuras. Los discos que se ven en las fotografías nos han ayudado a evitar y garantizar dañar los dientes del estator al sacar el alambre del estator.

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Cómo Probar y Evaluar la Condición del Núcleo de un Estator con la Prueba de Lazo (“Toroide” o Loop Test)

Cómo Probar y Evaluar la Condición del Núcleo de un Estator con la Prueba de Lazo (“Toroide” o Loop Test)

En Español

Carlos Ramirez
EASA Technical Support Specialist

¿El motor consume mucha corriente en vacío, aunque los datos del bobinado son correctos? ¿El motor se calienta con carga de forma inusual? Estas son preguntas comunes que pueden ser resueltas verificando la condición del núcleo del estator. En este webinario discutiremos cómo realizar la prueba de lazo en el núcleo de un estator y cómo analizar los resultados obtenidos, proporcionando información sobre los equipos utilizados, consejos para reparar el núcleo del estator y otras pruebas alternativas.

El seminario incluye:

  • Teoría de la prueba de lazo (“toroide”)
  • Procedimiento de prueba
  • Límites aceptables para las pérdidas y las temperaturas en el núcleo
  • Equipo asociado
  • Consejos para la reparación de núcleos dañados
  • Pruebas alternativas

Este webinario es útil para supervisores, bobinadores y personal encargado de realizar las pruebas.

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Core Repair Tips To Reduce Core Loss

Core Repair Tips To Reduce Core Loss

Jasper Electric Motors, Inc.Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

When a core loss test reveals localized hot spots, or visual inspection identifies physical damage, the ability to repair the damage in a cost-effective manner means the difference between repair or replacement.

Topics covered in this recording include:   

  • What core loss flux level is correct?
  • Clearing small localized hot spots
  • What is the best way to clear surface shorting?
  • Grinding versus spreading the laminations
  • “Watt knocking” or physically manipulating the core
  • Debunking the rusting myth — Coreplate, class F red insulator, waterglass
  • Restack: complete or partial — Does lamination grade really matter? 

This presentation is intended for owner-managers, shop supervisors, machinists, service center technicians, and safety directors.

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Crooked Teeth? We’ve Got Braces!

Crooked Teeth? We’ve Got Braces!

How Using Clamps When Pulling Magnet Wire Helps Prevent Splayed Teeth

David Sattler
L&S Electric, Inc.

Unless great care is taken, pulling magnet wire from a motor stator often bends or splays the lamination’s end teeth. Bent teeth, or teeth that have been splayed outward at the ends of the core stack, will likely compromise the quality of the repair job. Studies1 show that motor efficiency may be reduced by splaying end teeth. Even if that reduction in efficiency is slight, any reduction in efficiency results in higher costs and wasted energy.

Even though these performance reductions are seldom noticed by customers, our goal in motor repair is always to produce the highest quality rewind possible. Therefore, we have designed and implemented the use of disc clamps to hold the stator tooth tips in place while pulling magnet wire from the slots. The clamping fixtures described in the photos have helped ensure that we avoid damaging the stator teeth during the stripping process.

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Electrical steels: Processes, types and properties

Electrical steels: Processes, types and properties

Cyndi Nyberg Esau
Former EASA Technical Support Specialist

Most rotor, stator and armature laminations used in industrial electric motors and generators are made from non-oriented, cold-rolled electrical steels. However, there is a lot of variation in the specific properties in these electrical steels. This article will discuss properties of electrical steels, as well as the methods used to optimize the magnetic characteristics of the laminations, specifically through the annealing process.

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Guidelines for Maintaining Motor Efficiency During Rebuilding

Guidelines for Maintaining Motor Efficiency During Rebuilding

The challenge for every motor repair firm is twofold: to repair the equipment properly; and to demonstrate to their customers by means of adequate testing and documenta­tion that rewound motors retain their operating efficiency. Following the guidelines in the “DOs” and “DON’Ts” below will help you accomplish both.

Numerous studies have been done to determine the effect rewinding has on motor efficiency. These studies identified several variables that can impact the efficiency of a rewound motor, including core burnout temperature, winding design, bearing type, air gap and winding resistance. The following guidelines were developed as a result of those studies, which found that the efficiency of both standard and energy efficient electric motors can be maintained during rebuilding and rewinding. 

To ensure that motors retain their efficiencies when rewound, EASA also strongly recommends that electric motor repair centers comply with ANSI/EASA Standard AR100: Recommended Practice For The Repair Of Rotating Electrical Apparatus and strictly adhere to the “DOs” and “DON’Ts” that follow. These guidelines, which contain safe values (based on available data) and correct procedures, apply to both energy efficient and standard motors. Further study of the matter continues, and these guidelines will be revised if additional information warrants.

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How to Test and Assess Stator Core Condition Using a Loop Test

How to Test and Assess Stator Core Condition Using a Loop Test

Toshiba - webinar sponsor badgePresented by Carlos Ramirez
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Is the motor drawing high no-load amps and winding data are correct? Are you experiencing unusual heating of the stator under load? Those common questions can be answered by checking the stator core condition. This presentation will discuss how to perform a stator core test using a loop test. It also will explain how to analyze the results, providing information about the associated equipment, tips for repairing core damage and explain other alternatives for stator core testing.

The presentation covers:

  • Loop test theory
  • Testing procedure
  • Acceptable limits for losses and core temperatures
  • Associated equipment
  • Tips for repairing core damage
  • Alternative stator core test

This presentation will be useful for supervisors, winders and test technicians.

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How To Wind Three-Phase Stators (Version 2)

How To Wind Three-Phase Stators (Version 2)

Self-paced, interactive training for stators 600 volts or less

This EASA software is a valuable interactive training tool ideal for training your novice(s). Even experienced winders will learn from it. The CD teaches how to wind in a richly detailed, step-by-step approach. It includes narrative, animations and video clips, with tests to assess student comprehension. The training, which is divided into 13 lessons, covers data taking, core testing, coil cutoff, burnout, stripping, core preparation, coil making, stator insulation, coil insertion, internal connections, lacing and bracing, inspection and test of untreated and treated windings, and winding treatment. Features include "Pro Tips" and "Drill Downs" that enhance the learning experience and assure that even the most experienced technician will learn from this product. The course is delivered as an interactive Adobe PDF file containing text, audio, video, supporting documents and quizzes.


Keeping it cool: A look at causes of motor overheating

Keeping it cool: A look at causes of motor overheating

Much has been written in EASA publications and elsewhere about the consequences of excessive temperature on a motor’s performance. We know that excessive temperature and moisture are the largest contributors to bearing and winding failures. Understanding the source of the increased temperature will help us to correct the problem and improve the machine’s life expectancy.

A chart included in this article illustrates the theoretical impact of increased temperature on the life of the motor insulation system. This chart only addresses the impact of thermal aging and not various other conditions that will affectthe motor’s life. In other words, it says that for every 10ºC increase in operating tem-perature, the expected life is reduced by one-half. Conversely, if we can re-duce the temperature of the motor by 10ºC, we can expect the life to double. Note that this is true at any point on the curve. However, there is the rule of diminishing returns: at some point the cost of designing and operating a motor to run cooler out-weighs the benefts of doing so.  Here we will explore some of the factors that con-tribute to increased temperature.

Topics covered include:

  • Overload
  • Ventilation
  • Voltage
  • Electrical steel (core iron)
  • Current density
  • Circulating currents
  • Harmonics

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Motor (stator core) restacking procedures

Motor (stator core) restacking procedures

Chuck Yung
EASA Senior Technical Support Specialist

You've just dismantled a special motor for a customer, and the core test indicates the watts loss/pound is excessive.  The high core losses are caused by shorts between the laminations.  This may be the result of a ground failure.  Or excessive temperatures may have caused the deterioration of inter-laminar insulation (called coreplate.)

Whatever the cause, a replacement is 16 weeks away, and your customer wants his motor repaired.  This motor sounds like a prime candidate for a restack, but you are hesitant.  Your company has a reputation for quality, and the finished product has to meet your usual high standards. 

You want to know the best procedure for repairing this core.  Here are some guidelines to help you do the best possible repair. 

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Stator Core Test Form

Stator Core Test Form

EASA’s Stator Core Test Form provides a step-by-step procedure for calculating the number of turns and cable size required for a loop test. The form also has provision for recording the meter and temperature readings obtained during the test. Core sketches that show the location of measured dimensions and a wiring diagram of instrument connections are also included.

For more details on stator core testing, see Section 7 of the EASA Technical Manual.

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Taking Proper Measurements for Re-stacking Stator Cores Featuring Vents

Taking Proper Measurements for Re-stacking Stator Cores Featuring Vents

Blake Parker
Technical Education Committee Member
High-Speed Industrial Service

When looking at a stator core that requires repair, it can be easy to jump to conclusions. There are many factors to consider when re-stacking a stator. Those include the materials, core compression, length of the core, vents, spacers, vent construction and more. This article focuses on taking proper measurements when re-stacking a stator core and how to go about stacking the stator to ensure those dimensions are met.

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The Basics: AC Motor Design

The Basics: AC Motor Design

This webinar recording covers: 

  • Various types of AC motors and bases for operation
  • Squirrel cage induction motor rotor design / construction
  • Squirrel cage induction motor stator design / construction

The importance of stator core loss testing before and after burn-off process

The importance of stator core loss testing before and after burn-off process

Steve Skenzick
HPS Electrical Apparatus Sales & Service

By this time we should all know that stator core loss testing is a required part of a quality rewind.  A core loss test before and after burn-off is speci­fied in the EASA Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Ap­paratus (ANSI/EASA AR100-2010) and The Effect of Repair/Rewinding on Motor Efficiency; EASA/AEMT Rewind Study and Good Practice Guide to Maintain Mo­tor Efficiency. I would like to share some core loss testing experiences we have had over the years in our service center.

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Tomando las Medidas Adecuadas para Re apilar Núcleos de Estatores con Orificios de Ventilación

Tomando las Medidas Adecuadas para Re apilar Núcleos de Estatores con Orificios de Ventilación

Blake Parker
Miembro del Comité de Educación Técnica
High-Speed Industrial Service

Al revisar el núcleo de un estator que requiere reparación, puede ser fácil sacar conclusiones precipitadas. Hay muchos factores que se deben considerar al re apilar el núcleo del estator. Estos incluyen los materiales, la compresión y largo del núcleo, los orificios de ventilación, los espaciadores, la construcción de los orificios de ventilación y más. Este artículo se centra en tomar las medidas adecuadas para volver a apilar el núcleo de un estator y cómo garantizar que se cumpla con esas dimensiones.

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Trabajando con Estatores con Núcleos Segmentados

Trabajando con Estatores con Núcleos Segmentados

Mike Howell
Especialista de Soporte Técnico de EASA

El núcleo del estator de un motor de inducción se puede fabricar utilizando laminaciones de una sola pieza (vea la Figura 1 a la izquierda) de hasta un diámetro exterior de 48 pulgadas (1200 mm) aproximadamente. Para estatores más grandes, o cuando se minimiza el material de desecho, las láminaciones del estator son segmentadas (vea la Figura 1 a la derecha). El espacio circunferencial típico entre las láminaciones segmentadas es de solo unas 0,012 pulgadas (0,3 mm), por lo que se exagera en las cifras incluidas. El número de segmentos elegidos por un fabricante para un diseño determinado puede depender de varios factores, algunos técnicos y otros económicos. Para la mayoría de las actividades de reparación del centro de servicio, las máquinas con estatores con laminaciones segmentadas se procesan de la misma forma que aquellas con laminaciones de una sola pieza. Sin embargo, hay algunas áreas que vale la pena explorar que podrían ser útiles cuando se trabaja con estatores con laminaciones segmentadas.

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What watts, what pounds? Working with stator core test results

What watts, what pounds? Working with stator core test results

Mike Howell
EASA Technical Support Specialist

The two primary reasons for performing stator core testing in the service center are (1) to verify that the stator core is acceptable for continued use and in the event of a rewind, and (2) to verify that the repair process has not adversely changed the stator core condition.

The purpose of this article is to discuss how we determine, assess and compare stator core test results. It is extremely important to understand that variance in test procedures may invalidate comparison.

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Working with Segmented Stator Cores

Working with Segmented Stator Cores

Mike Howell
EASA Technical Support Specialist

Induction motor stator cores can be manufactured using single-piece laminations (see Figure 1 left) up to an outside diameter of about 48 inches (1200 mm). For larger stators, or when minimizing scrap material, the stator laminations are segmented (see Figure 1 right). The typical circumferential gap between segmented laminations is only around 0.012 inches (0.3 mm), so it is exaggerated in the included figures. The number of segments chosen by a manufacturer for a given design can depend on several factors, some technical and some economic. For most service center repair activities, machines with segmented lamination stators are processed no differently than those with single-piece laminations. However, there are a few areas worth exploring that could be helpful when working with segmented lamination stators.

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