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Management Pulse survey results: Return to Work programs and procedures

  • June 2014
  • Number of views: 2304
  • Article rating: No rating

Back in the “good ol’ days,” running a motor service center involved simply repairing and rewinding motors and pumps, and doing so in such a manner as to minimize the likelihood of an employee getting injured while doing so.  Even 10 years ago when we heard of things like DART, TRI, or LWD rates, we would just kind of stare at those people and wonder what kind of foreign language they were speaking. Never in our wildest dreams would we ever anticipate that an employee getting a couple of stitches, or just a prescription for eye drops, could potentially prevent us from obtaining work from our customers in the future. It is unfortunate that this is the world we work in today.  Having lost work time injuries, or just recordable injuries, can potentially exclude you from future work with many of your current customers.

The second “Management Pulse” survey provides insights that can help members identify how other EASA service centers are utilizing “Return to Work” programs and managing injuries at their facilities to help keep these rates as low as possible. The information provided below is based on data provided directly from EASA members.

Of the 150 EASA members who responded to the Return to Work Survey:

  • 52% reported that they had job descriptions developed for each position.
  • 83% said they provided light duty work for employees who are injured at work and cleared for light duty work by the physician.
  • 23% of the respondents currently have a written return to work procedure.
  • 31% have actually communicated the return to work program to their Workers’ Compensation medical provider.
  • 55% of the respondents currently accompany an injured employee to the medical provider.

The benefits of providing light duty work to employees who are injured at work have been well documented. Having an employee return to work at the earliest possible time is not only good for the company, but it has been proven to be the best course of action for the injured employee. Having a documented program, communicating the availability of light duty work to your medical provider, and accompanying injured employees are all methods to help you in managing the injuries and the associated injury rates at your facility.

For further information about Return to Work Programs and proper management of your injured employees, consult with your Workers’ Compensation program providers.  Networking with fellow EASA members often also provides valuable information.

Categories: Technical topics
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