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Management Pulse survey results: Employees, company image, project management and templates

  • March 2015
  • Number of views: 3342
  • Article rating: No rating

Lenwood Ireland
Ireland Electric Co.
It seems that in the management of people, there is often the need for a new form or an additional process to protect our most important asset: people. The first three questions of February’s “Management Pulse” survey dealt with this topic.

Of the 133 respondents, 60% utilize an employee’s job description with the job’s physical requirements as a reference for a doctor’s physical examination when determining when an employee could return to work.

Onboarding new employees is a challenge for medium and small organizations. Typically the position has been vacant for some time while the hiring search is taking place. Once the new hire is found, management is anxious to put the employee to work in order to evaluate his or her skills and increase productivity. Firms often take a huge risk by not investing in training materials and time to familiarize the new hire on how the company operates, employee expectations and safety fundamentals. Slightly over half of the survey respondents have a written onboarding process.

Letterheads, logos and other written representations of a business name can easily spiral out of control when every workstation is a print shop in waiting. More than 70% answered that they hold the line on their written/printed image and 70% allowed their staff freedom to sign email communications in a style of their choosing.   

As you were about to complete your last visit at a grocery store, did you ask yourself “now what else was I supposed to get?” We keep lists of things we are supposed to do and future events in our head, on paper and on all types of devices in order to keep our personal and professional lives moving. Project management tools can be very beneficial in planning, executing and controlling a project’s process. Some 43% of those surveyed use them and three quarters of the respondents developed their own.       

A short list of various business documents/forms and their usage by respondents can be viewed in the chart below. Of notice is the 84% of the respondents who indicated a need for general business forms/templates that they could utilize in their operations.


This survey covered various topics that hopefully interested you in thinking about and working on your business. The EASA Management Services Committee puts forth considerable effort in creating the Management Pulse survey and reporting the results. It is very pleasing to us that 90% of the participants find the surveys to be of value to them and their organizations. EASA’s Management Services Committee appreciates those members who took the time to participate in our Management Pulse survey. 

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