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EASA Chapters & Regions

Connect with your local community through EASA's local area networks. EASA supports 10 Regions comprised of 24 Chapters. Some larger Chapters have optionally created smaller units called Districts. Largely volunteer-driven, Chapters regularly organize training and networking events to engage the local member community.

Chapter members elect Regional Directors to represent their interests on EASA's Board of Directors. All EASA Active members must belong to a Chapter.


Upcoming Chapter Events

Southwestern Chapter Spring Meeting

  • April 2024
  • Number of views: 651

Event date: 3/27/2025 - 3/29/2025 Export event

Event Location: 1

Mark your calendar for the Southwestern Chapter spring meeting in Bossier City, LA - March 27-29, 2025 at the Margaritaville Resort Casino located on the historic Red River. 

Margaritaville Resort Casino
777 Margaritaville Way
Bossier City, LA 71111

Rate: $145/night (includes resort fee). Rate good through March 10, 2025.

To book your room, click the button below, or call +1 855 346 2489 and use code S03EA25


Where can I find the schedule of events?
See the downloadable PDF schedule and regsitration form below for complete details.

Attendee — $240 per person if paid before March 5; $260 per person if paid after March 5
Sponsor — $440 if paid before March 5; $460 if paid after March 5
See the downloadable PDF schedule and registration form below for complete details.

How do I register to attend?
The registration form is included in the attached PDF below. Download it, fill out the form and mail it along with a check to:

EASA Southwestern Chapter
c/o Diane Werling, Executive Secretary
43 Turpin St.
Rochester, NY 14621

Payment may also be made using PayPal (add 3.3% service fee) or credit card (add 3.6% service fee). See registration form for more details.

For more information, contact:
Diane Werling
Southwestern Chapter Executive Secretary

Documents to download


EASA Chapter and Regional Boundaries

EASA Chapter and Region Maps

Click any map to enlarge for more detail

EASA Chapters - North America

EASA Region 8

EASA Regions 6, 9 and 10

Region 1
Consists of the geographical territories of the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic Chapters This includes the U.S. states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, New York, Delaware, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland, as well as portions of Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia. (Note: The Northeastern Chapter was formed from the merger of the Connecticut, New England, New York Metropolitan, Niagara, Quaker City, and Tri-State Chapters which will become Districts of the new chapter.)
Region 2
Consists of the geographical territory of the Southeastern Chapter and includes the U.S. states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida and the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.
Region 3
Consists of the geographical territories of the Central District, Great Lakes, Greater Cleveland, IndianaOhio/West Virginia, and Western Michigan Chapters. This chapter includes portions of the U.S. states of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and West Virginia. 
Region 4
Consists of the geographical territory of the South Central Chapter. This chapter includes the U.S. states of Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky along with portions of Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, and Louisiana. (Note: The South Central Chapter was formed from the merger of the Heart of America, Louisville, Mid-South and King Coal Chapters.)
Region 5
Consists of the geographical territories of the Midwestern, North Central, and Rocky Mountain Chapters and includes the U.S. states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa; Michigan's upper peninsula as well as a portion of Nebraska.
Region 6
Consists of the geographical territory of the Southwestern Chapter and includes the U.S. states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona and portions of Louisiana and New Mexico. It also includes Mexico (excluding the Baja Pennisula), Central and South America.
Region 7
Consists of the geographical territories of the Mountain Empire, Northern California, Pacific Northwest, and Southern California Chapters. This includes the U.S. states of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, California, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii as well as portions of Nebraska, Kansas and New Mexico, in addition to the Baja Penninsula.
Region 8
Consists of the geographical territories of the Ontario, Quebec & Maritimes, and Western Canada Chapters; and includes all of the provinces of Canada.
Region 9
Consists of the geographical territory of the Europe Asia Africa Chapter. This chapter include all of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, Russia, Japan, Korea and the northern portion of China.
Region 10
Consists of the geographical territories of the Australasian and New Zealand Chapters. These chapters include Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Philippines, Taiwan and other countries from 90° east longitude in an easterly direction to the International Date Line.