Bill Gray
Control Concepts, Inc.
Houston, Texas
Marketing & Industry Awareness
Committee Board Coordinator
My business in Houston is now 25 years old. At this time I don’t have any family members involved in it. And so this question has been on my mind lately: Should I try to recruit family members?
I started my business in 1984 when my family and I were very young. Thinking back, I have no recollection of my expectations. I guess I thought I could support my young family better if I worked for myself. I’m sure I was also motivated by ego. It sounds cool to be a business owner. It really sounds cool when you are 27 years old.
A lean start
I started the business with two other guys in the back room of a house with a total of $5,000 in capital. Looking back, I’m not sure how we made it. I know I could never do it again. Times have changed and the business niche we chose has evolved to the point that it would not be possible today – especially with such limited resources.
Long ago, I split with my original partners. My wife Liz and I have three daughters and a son, all of whom are grown. I’m not sure if any of them would ever want to work in the business, but I feel it’s important to decide now if I ever want to pose that question to them and/or how I would react if they approach me on the subject first.
Much to think about
Over the years, I’ve seen quite a number of family businesses (after all, about 70% of EASA members describe themselves as family businesses), and all of them are unique and fascinating to me. Many are similar to television “soap operas” such as the current “Brothers and Sisters” series in the U.S. Clearly, if family is in the business, then family dynamics are also in the business.
I’m sure a lot of companies turn into family businesses without a lot of thought or planning; it just happens. Family members start working in the company because they need a job. Or it could be that the company needs a job filled and it is easy to hire a family member. I often wonder if a lot of long-term thinking goes into the decision to turn the firm into a family business.
Another concern is that if our four children get married, then there potentially will be eight new employees. I’m not sure if I would want to offer a job to one if I couldn’t offer one to all of them.
The business just isn’t that big. But then again, I’m not sure if any would be even be interested.
Other considerations
And what about my long-time employees? Is it fair to them if I hire one of my family members? How will they react?
All that said, I really love my family, and it would be nice to be a part of their working lives. I have spent a fortune on college and any one of them would be a great asset to my company. I truly believe that they could move us forward. A shot of young energy and new eyes to question our procedures and culture would be good for me.
Worth the sacrifice
One thing I do know is that having children is well worth the sacrifice. It is impossible to properly describe the return on the investment of being a dad. I would hope that having family employees is very similar. So, what will I do when one of my children comes to me and asks for a job? I will probably do as I always do and keep “Mom” happy!
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