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Increased traffic to easa.com helps promote awareness

  • March 2010
  • Number of views: 2007
  • Article rating: No rating

Kevin Krupp 
York Repair, Inc. 

As most of you know, EASA recently completely redesigned its Web site at easa.com. This was done to add many new features, including a whole new“look,”improvedmem­ber search capabilities, an online discussion forum, easy-to-use calen­dar, expanded member and chapter listings, archives, and the ability for authorized company representatives to view contact information. 

I am a member of the Marketing and industry awareness committee for EASA. This committee actively looks for new ways to promote industry awareness for the Electrical Apparatus Service Association. The “new and improved” Web site pro­vides us with a great opportunity to promote our organization through the Internet. We should strive to have our organization listed promi­nently within the top search engines such as Google® and Yahoo®. This will drive traffic to the EASA web site and help to promote industry awareness as the world becomes increasingly digital.

One method of keeping our name prominently listed on the search en­gines is through Search Engine Op­timization (SEO). SEO is a relatively new term that is defined by Wikipedia as “the process of improving the vol­ume or quality of traffic to website.” The higher a site appears in the search engine results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. 

While it’s not known exactly how search engines determine how high up on a list to place a Web site, many experts say that improving a Web site’s ranking are based on Global Link popularity and Link Diversity. Global Link popularity refers to the number and quality of links from prominentWebsitestoyoursite.Link Diversityisalsobasedonthenumber of sites linking to a site. When EASA members link their home pages as well as other pages of their Web site to EASA’s Web site, this should help us move up and stay up on the major search engine results pages. 

So I am challenging all members to have an active link to www.easa.com that is prominent on all pages of their Web sites. This will also help to raise your company’s individual ranking. It is also a source of pride to show that you are an active member of a great trade organization.I recommend plac­ing the link on the EASA logo. The logo and logo use policy are available in “Members Only” at easa.com.

Categories: Technical topics
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