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Horizontal and vertical motors have uniquely different requirements for endplay, while sleeve bearing machines bring their own challenges. This presentation examines those differences.
FREE for Members of EASA
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This presentation explores the distinction between a controlled environment and a cleanroom, the requirements for both, and provides details to help you determine if you want to add a controlled environment or a cleanroom to your facility.
FREE for Members of EASA
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Todos los miembros de EASA tienen acceso al libro: Diagramas de Conexión Interna de Motores Eléctricos Trifásicos que se puede descargar gratuitamente en easa.com.
Este libro contiene cientos de conexiones y plantillas de los devanados trifásicos más comunes de hasta 30 polos. Durante este seminario web proporcionamos ejemplos de diferentes tipos de conexiones.
FREE for Members of EASA
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This presentation reviews procedures that explain how to identify unmarked leads of three-phase motors with one or two windings.
FREE for Members of EASA
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When a core loss test reveals localized hot spots, or visual inspection identifies physical damage, the ability to repair the damage in a cost-effective manner means the difference between repair or replacement.
Webinar recording
This presentation provides a high-level overview of the program and is intended for anyone wanting to learn more about the ERT program.
FREE for Members of EASA
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Este webinario incluye procedimientos de prueba, resultados esperados y el uso de cámaras termográficas para determinar posibles problemas en las conexiones o en las soldaduras.
FREE for Members of EASA
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Learn how to effectively use EASA's live, ever-expanding online database of more than 250,000 windings.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
Are you encountering high no-load current or high current with load? This presentation will look into the causes and cures.
FREE for Members of EASA
Webinar recording
When preparing to rewind random or form-wound status, sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough room in the stator slot for the desired conductor area and insulation quantities. This presentation looks at balancing stator copper losses against insulation reliability.