In addition to seal oil, some submersibles have an oil filled stator cavity. The oil in the stator cavity very efficiently transfers heat from the stator winding and core, and especially from the rotor, to the pump casing where convection carries it to the pumpage in which the pump is submerged. While the specifications for seal oil are fairly flexible, stator cavity oil has more constraints.
The Power of Data: Using Step Counters to Optimize Layout
Have you ever thought about using a step counter on your employees in a test setting? This idea can provide valuable data to help you understand how much movement your workers must perform daily due to the current workshop layout. By analyzing this data, you can identify inefficiencies in the layout that may not be immediately obvious.
Además del aceite de sellado, algunas bombas sumergibles tienen una cavidad del estator llena de aceite. Este aceite transfiere de manera muy eficiente el calor desde el devanado y el núcleo del estator, y especialmente desde el rotor, hasta la carcasa de la bomba, donde la convección lo lleva al líquido de bombeo en el que está sumergida. Si bien las especificaciones para el aceite de sellado son bastante flexibles, el aceite de la cavidad del estator tiene más restricciones.
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This presentation reviews procedures that explain how to identify unmarked leads of three-phase motors with one or two windings.
This article looks at the installation and removal of quick detachable (QD) and taper lock pulleys.
Pumps, compressors, fans and other types of mechanical movement are crucial to our industrial activities. Consequently, the health of these motors directly influences the operational reliability and longevity of the broader industrial ecosystem. Acknowledging this underscores the necessity for performing online health assessments of electric motors.
En este artículo discutiremos dos tipos de poleas: poleas de desmontaje rápido (QD) y poleas con bloqueo cónico y se proporcionarán instrucciones para instalar y desmontar ambos tipos.
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This presentation focusses on critical close fit tolerances and certain surface finish specifications.
Hay una industria que ha estado reciclando silenciosamente desde antes del comienzo del siglo pasado. Así es: Más de 100 años de reciclaje. ¿De qué industria se trata? Es nuestra industria: La reparación de máquinas eléctricas.
There is one industry that has been quietly recycling since before the start of the previous century. That’s right – over 100 years of recycling. What industry is that? It’s our industry – electrical equipment repair.