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Webinar Recordings

Seating Carbon Brushes on a DC Machine

  • January 2025
  • Number of views: 1134

This video shows the proper procedure for seating carbon brushes in a DC machine.

Brush Stagger to Optimize Brush Life Through Current Density

  • January 2025
  • Number of views: 1460

When working with DC machines, it’s not uncommon to find a customer who runs different products requiring a range of armature current. Unlike other conductors, where lower current is a good thing, carbon brushes are designed for a narrow range of current density. A unique aspect of carbon brush life is that brushes operating at a much lower current density than they are designed for do not last nearly as long as expected.

Desalineamiento de escobillas para optimizar su Vida útil através de la Densidad de Corriente

  • January 2025
  • Number of views: 970

Al trabajar con máquinas de CC, no es raro encontrar un cliente que fabrica diferentes productos que requieren un rango de corriente de armadura. A diferencia de otros conductores, donde una corriente más baja es algo bueno, las escobillas de carbón están diseñadas con poco margen de densidad de corriente.

How to Set Brush Neutral on a DC Machine

  • March 2023
  • Number of views: 6264

This video shows how to adjust the brush neutral position of a DC machine to prevent sparking at the brushes at full load.

Improve Customer Satisfaction: Follow Electric Motor Storage Procedures

  • January 2023
  • Number of views: 3149

One of the more mundane things we as repairers must be concerned with is motor storage. For many of us, storing large motors for major customers is its own profit center. For all of us, being aware of how our customers store the motors we repair and send to them is critical to customer satisfaction. A poorly stored motor is likely to suffer winding or bearing failure, and we don’t want unrealistic warranty claims over something outside our control.

Using Carbon Brush Face as an Effective Diagnostic Tool

  • October 2022
  • Number of views: 3655

The worn carbon brush face indicates the operating conditions. Therefore, it can be utilized by brush experts as a highly effective diagnostic tool for troubleshooting and determination of root causes. If these warning signs shown at the brush face can be identified and proactively addressed in a timely manner, then major unexpected expensive catastrophic failures like flashover or repair of the contact surface can be avoided.

Usando las Caras de las Escobillas como Herramienta de Diagnóstico Efectiva

  • October 2022
  • Number of views: 2891

DC Motor Electrical Procedures

  • April 2020
  • Number of views: 12018
Webinar recording bundle

A special discounted collection of 6 webinar recordings focusing on DC motor electrical procedures.

Just $30 for EASA members!

Carbon Brushes, Current Density and Performance

  • June 2019
  • Number of views: 12669
Webinar recording

The lowly brush is underrated and misunderstood. The brush grade, brush pressure and spring tension, as well as the effect of load and humidity are each important to brush performance in DC machines, wound rotor motors, and synchronous machines.

DC Brush Neutral: What It Means and Interpreting Results

  • April 2018
  • Number of views: 10315
Webinar recording

This webinar covers:

  • How much voltage output is too much?
  • What can cause higher than desired output voltage?
  • Brush spacing, brush seating, field or interpole spacing & polarity
  • Interpole circuits