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Pump Close Tolerance Fits

Event date: 9/18/2024 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Central


   Member: FREE
   Non-member: $99 per site


AKARD COMMUTATOR of TENNESSEE (ACT) sponsor logoPresented by Gene Vogel
EASA Pump & Vibration Specialist

The repair of roto-dynamic pumps (pumps with centrifugal and axial flow impellers) requires that, as much as possible, the mechanical condition of the pump be returned to factory specifications. This presentation focusses on critical close fit tolerances and certain surface finish specifications. The best recommendation is always that factory tolerances be used. However, when those factory tolerances are simply not available and the pump must be repaired, service centers rely on general rules of thumb and experience to complete repairs. 

The following concerns will be reviewed: 

  • Rolling element bearings 
  • Sleeve bearings (horizontal) 
  • VTP bearings 
  • Impeller-casing wear rings 
  • Casing rabbets 
  • VTP motor mounting flange runout and P-flange type motor bases 
  • Throttle (throat) bushings 
  • Impeller-shaft fit 
  • Stage bushings 

This summary of data, collected from various service centers, pump manufacturers, parts manufacturers and engineering resources, assembled in one resource, will be helpful to pump repair technicians, supervisors and engineers. 

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Greater than 3 weeks No charge
1 to 3 weeks 30%
Less than 1 week 50%

As mentioned above, EASA reserves the right to cancel seminars for which enrollment is insufficient. Consequently, EASA advises against making non-cancelable airline reservations unless and until you are notified that the seminar will definitely be held.

If insufficient enrollment makes it necessary to cancel a program, EASA will notify registrants at least 14 days in advance.

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EASA reserves the right to provide a substitute instructor if the scheduled presenter is not available due to unforeseen circumstances. Note: Some instructors are independent contractors and not employees of EASA. The accuracy of the advice and representations rendered by these instructors cannot be confirmed nor necessarily endorsed by EASA.